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"Last minute" meeting around the UK?

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Mrs Freddy is looking to buy some patent [flat] knee boots by Carvela. Debenhams have a 25% sale on, which could save her £45. We may pop down to Oxford Street on Thursday evening, so she can try a pair on. Stock in her size is thin on the round, so I've proposed a visit to have a search around the stores there. I've confessed my interest is an evening out in heels. :D

We are both interested in her owning some Kurt Geiger OTK boots, but they are currently £270. They have no heel to speak of, but a lot of leather covering legs. If I can get a picture, I'll surely post it here. ;)

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Will be travelling 140 miles to Meadow Hall, Sheffield today. Was there some 15 years ago, on a works visit. Not been back since, and certainly not been there as a heel wearer.

If all goes well on the journey [2½ hours each way] it could be an interesting day. ;) I'll have my new camera, so getting pictures of the day out should be possible. B)

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Best laid plans etc.

Set off late, so only got as far as Milton Keynes. Spent from 2.30pm to 7.15pm walking around in heels.

Don't know why, but I spotted more people [girls. men, school children] looking at my shoes today, than any other 3 days out combined. :huh: And that was with me wearing my 'regular' shoes, not the thinner/higher ones I'd taken to change into if things were going well.

I wasn't phased, but still find myself a little incensed at the rudeness of other folk. :rolleyes: They've either had a very sheltered upbringing, or have dull lives, if me walking around can attract their attention long enough for them to be caught staring .... And I always stare back. :P:D

Got some interesting pictures with the new camera. Will post them here in a couple of days.... :)

Meadow Hall tomorrow, but an earlier start planned. B)

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No takers? ;):P:D

Well, it's still on. Early afternoon around Trafalgar Square, then late lunch at either Covent Garden or possibly just off Oxford Street. Window shopping and walking off lunch, before returning home for mid evening.

As I'll be driving, I'll have at least 3 pairs of ankle boots in the car, with a pair of the boots shown in my avatar. Taking these for a man-in-heels mate to try on, if there's an opportunity. Assuming he shows of course. ;):P:D

Weather not looking too clever, but it's Autumn after all. "Windy, with some showers, heavy at times." I don't have to watch the weather report; for the next month or so, that phrase will echo out most days.

Right up until it snows! :D

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My wife and me where planing for a London trip before X-mas...but since she is an Asian, there are so much struggle for her to be able to have a visa, so we gave it up.

I am VERY surprised at that. Very very very surprised. :o

If you would like some help from inside the UK, use the message system on here, and I'm try to smooth things to an easier entry. We have people walking into the UK all the time who shouldn't be here. If caught, they are told to show up for a meeting to discuss their entitlement to residency, which of course few are daft enough to attend. Our border/immigration controls are considered a joke.

I'm kinda aware of your situation. I recognise the potential of a problem, but also understand the submission of the correct paperwork should allow you to obtain a visa. It's not like our economy is doing so well we want to refuse visitors anyway. We are actually ramping up efforts to attract wealthy Chinese away from France ..... You are just the sort of people we want visiting!

I'd be happy to help. :)

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The struggle is that we have to go to Oslo for her to take a biometric test = fingerprints and face picture... to the amount of 180 pound.

But since we are 500 km away from Oslo, it`s a long drive inclusive an overnight stay and ofcourse this has to be done during weekdays...so I need at least 2 days off work.

She dont really need a visum, she just need some papers stating that she is married to a norwegian...and that include the biometric test.

So until she is a norwegian citizen, we stay away from UK.... :(

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So until she is a norwegian citizen, we stay away from UK.... :(

Doesn't sound like a UK specific thing? Though I have a friend who experienced a similar problem here.

He married a girl from Cuba. Them going back to Cuba for holidays, was an expensive and time consuming operation. Fortunately the people they needed to provide assistance were only 30 miles away in London. Usually meant spending at least one day sitting around in solicitors/Embassy waiting rooms though ....

We'll still be here when the citizenship hurdle is removed. B) Hopefully sooner rather than later. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Should have gone to meet a couple tonight (in heels) with Mrs Freddy shoe shopping, then meal out at Westfield.

Mrs Freddy had an accident with a plate around 2½ weeks ago, producing a large gash needing 6 'proper' stitches. Almost 3 weeks later, the wound is still not close to being healed. She is not able to hold a fork (to eat), and is wearing a white cotton glove in bed to keep the cut clean and leaks off the bedding. Consequently the date as been postponed a while.

It's meant I've been doing more washing up, and food prep/cooking than usual, and kept me from writing up the two previous days out. I need some time to edit and upload pictures too.

Looks like a lot of others are too busy also? Christmas shopping perhaps? :D

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Hope your wife heals quickly. (I swear I typed heels quickly the first time)

Thanks for your good wishes. B)

It'll be 3 weeks on Sunday. We spent 5½ hours in A+E waiting for the gash to be stitched, and it was so bad the registrar didn't want to do it. She got an experienced nurse to sew up the cut, and I have to say, I'm glad she did. Lovely job done.

Usually they don't let relatives watch, but Mrs Freddy has never experienced stitching, so we insisted I stay. Usually I can tolerate any gore, in any situation. But ...... Watching herself bleeding for 20 minutes while being stitched (there was literally a pool of blood on the bed), had my head swimming once or twice. In my defence, I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for more than 6 hours, it was very hot in the trauma bay, and there were unpleasant smells everywhere. [unclean 'patients' ..... Another story in itself.]

The area around the cut is still sore to the touch, and the dried blood inside the wound remains, as it (still) has to be kept dry. We are using plastic stitches to keep the wound closed, as it began opening again, as soon as the nylon stitches were removed. [Kept in for 12 days too!] Hopefully, we can stop using these on Sunday.

Since it was done while herself was doing the washing up, by way of preventing a similar situation, I've been asked to include a dishwasher in the new kitchen. ;):D

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Hope Mrs Freddy heals soon, for both of you as it's not nice seeing a loved one suffer either.

Thanks for your good wishes. B)

We decided it was time to stop using the Steri-strip over the weekend, and herself washed her own hair for the first time in 3 weeks tonight. The cut is securely joined, though still doesn't look very pretty. :huh:

Next part of recovery, is rehabilitation. In order to keep the stress to the healing cut to a minimum, her thumb hasn't been used at all. Soft tissue damage aside, the muscles and tendons have been resting for 3 weeks. This has made them stiff, and weak. Add the trauma, getting her thumb useful again is going to be as difficult as repairing the gash.....

With use, we are hoping the swelling will begin to subside. The healing wound is still tender, and the swelling can't be helping that.

"Time, the great healer." ;)

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One of my regular heeling venues was attacked and robbed today.


No chance of me being there at 10.15am so I missed the incident. I expect to be there tomorrow night though (Wednesday night). Apparently, quite a lot of jewellery was taken, though one bag of 'swag' was dropped during their exit.....

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  • 2 months later...

So, back to 19th September 2012.

The initial plan was for the Freddies to travel to Sheffields Meadow Hall via Coventry. Two places I haven't been to for some 15 years each, and places I have wanted to revisit for some time. A 300 mile round trip, so not a venture to be made without some planning, and a full tank of fuel. ;)

On the day, we set out too late. The traffic on the main M1 route North was slow, and we quickly realised we might need to implement Plan B. A trip to the closest mall, which was Milton Keynes Central. This is a place that claims to be Europes largest shopping Centre. It may have been at one time, but I doubt this is still the case. The place is huge covering many 10's of thousands of square feet, but while the shop fronts are wide, there's not nearly enough retailers there for the place to be as big as some others I've seen.

If walking from the one end (John Lewis entrance) through to the newer West extension called Midsummer Place, you'd be on a comfortable 15 minute walk. Perhaps 4 or 5 blocks long, and 2 or 3 blocks deep. Not great for shopping in a hurry, but great place for walking in heels, without the danger of uneven pavements to contend with. I'd love to walk around the place in heels when it was empty. Paradise? ;)

We arrived before the later lunch break had ended, so visited TK Maxx at Bletchley first. I've had some luck there with shoes, and Mrs Freddy has had some luck with a good quality suitcase for last years holidays. This time we found nothing of interest, so returned to MK Central.

Parking was still a problem, so we had to scour the car parks for a while. It was a warm and sometimes sunny day, so a short walk wasn't a problem. I was in my HD cowboy boots, and Mrs Freddy was in some heels too, both walking height.

Once inside the shopping mall, I was reminded how large the place is. We'd been out for a while, so pretty much headed directly to a coffee shop. While seated, my heels got noticed by the party on the next table. Not a great start, but MK has produced interest in my heels in the past, so I pretty much ignored the odd sideways glance.

Once 'watered', we started on the long walk to the large stores at the other end of the centre. There is another TK Maxx en route, with a NEXT store to pass too. While walking along the long pathways through the mall, I was spied by a young girl who was mesmerised by me. First seeing my heels, then looking at me like I had two heads. :( I suppose I should have asked her "What the **** was she was looking at?" But I already felt conspicuous enough, without drawing further attention. I got a photo of her later ...... Not sure she's in a position to cast a critical eye?


So we walked further ....

Next stop was the toilets. I never enjoy this, as my heels always make the sound a girl might make, and sometimes men will look to make sure someone hasn't walked through the wrong door? It wasn't too bad, though I was out before Mrs Freddy. As expected, a woman walked past with very high heels, and I was left wondering whether to stay and not get a photo, or walk off and get one. I waited, explained, then bolted to the car park where I thought the woman might be.

I got the pictures when she stopped at another building, and at the time, I was fairly confident she knew what was going on. Obviously I can't show her face, but she's smiling and looking in my direction .... :)


post-40-0-17457300-1358299623_thumb.jpgpost-40-0-69939200-1358299636_thumb.jpgpost-40-0-29746000-1358347957_thumb.jpg :wub: Shopping shoes..... ;)

I then walked back to the mall. I was certainly getting all the 'heeling' time I could expect, :D though Mrs Freddy wasn't so happy about my lone venture, :huh: so no more wanderings.....

We visited all the larger stores, and as usual Mrs Freddy spent and I didn't. So far there was little or nothing to be had from the new season styles, and anyway, I generally buy at sale prices assuming there's stock left for me to buy. We had another coffee, before making the return journey back up the mall and to our car.

We'd been there for some considerable time, and we'd both had a good walk around. While there, we decided on an earlier start for a Meadow Hall visit next day, so didn't stay late and didn't eat out either.

The walk back to the car and quick photo of Mrs Freddy (shown above), wasn't without incident, as a male passer-by took the trouble to look at my heels as we did the David Bailey and Jean Shrimpton act. Made me a little nervous about visiting a place tomorrow I hadn't been to for so long, but what is living if it's not taking in new experiences? :o

Was a good day out, even if it wasn't the day I had expected. B)


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  • 1 month later...

So, back to 20th September 2012. [Part 1]

Having failed to get to Meadow Hall yesterday, we were determined to get there today.

Meadow Hall wasn't the only place North of where I live that I hadn't visited for some time, and that I wanted to revisit. A friend had taken me to what he described as a shoe warehouse in Coventry. The store was/is called United Footwear, and when I visited previously, I would have preferred to have tried just about every style I saw. :huh:

Most of them had heels, many of them were thigh high boots. In many respects, the shoe styles were those favoured by Asian girls (who seem to love high heeled 'sparkly'/girlie shoes) or were a style typically thought to be worn by strippers. [PVC thigh length boots with very high heels and thick platforms.] It was a huge place, full of 'goodies'. I expected to return within weeks, but it had taken around 12 years.

The two-stop journey planned, we would first visit U.F. in Coventry, before returning to the M1 and our journey further North.

We set off hours earlier than we had the previous day (though still not as early as some might have. :rolleyes: ) Ho-hum.....

A little more than an hours drive later we arrived, to find the place was as large as I remembered it. Close to the size of a football pitch? :D I parked, and we hurried inside.

What a disappointment! Although only a tad over 5 months ago, I can't remember much about what was inside, but I can remember what wasn't ...... Any footwear of note! While there, I got a phone call from a friend, and while it wasn't a short call, we'd left before the call was over. :(

I had seen products this company was advertising on an auction site, and had expected to see much of what they advertised 'in-store'. Nope! I was wearing my H.D. (wear everywhere) boots, and they were possibly the most stylish shoes in the gaff (while I was there). The one style I did see that might have tempted me, were of such poor quality I wouldn't have paid money to own them.

post-40-0-71346900-1362368322_thumb.jpg Circa £15..... All plastic and smelt nasty.

We left disappointingly quickly. I was obviously 12 years too late. :(

Leaving Coventry, we travelled Northward, going across country to pick up the M1. Lunchtime was approaching so we stopped at a service station. Thank goodness we did! Got the best images of the whole day (it turned out).

Still image: post-40-0-06888900-1362368375_thumb.jpg

Very short

Very short

Very short

I would have stayed longer, but after using the toilets and grabbing a coffee, we had to get back to our main journey to Sheffield. ;):)


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So, back to 20th September 2012. [Part 2]

The final leg of the journey North seemed to take longer than expected. We arrived around 3.30pm but we were expecting a long day from the outset.


I had arrived in Sheffield, still wearing my HD boots, but wanted this 'special' visit to have me in some special heels to mark the occasion. I'd taken a couple of pairs with me, but I no idea which of the two pairs to wear. While deciding, we spotted a shopper in heels leaving:

post-40-0-31115200-1362390027_thumb.jpg (Not a great image, as the light wasn't very good in the covered car park.)

The shopper looked well-to-do so we decided the customer base might be upmarket. I relaxed slightly about wearing a heeled boot, and changed my usual footwear for some 'vintage' Faith block heels, I'm pretty sure I'd only worn out once before. [saving them for just such an occasion.] B) Once I changed, we walked some distance to the Mall in very bright daylight past a good number of people of a mixed age range. By the time we got inside, it was obvious schools were out, as were many other shoppers.

Here's a link to a short video showing the venue and some shopper there. >>

<< Bit shaky and the focussing system hunts a little too. I was trying to be careful not to draw too much attention, and maybe I was overly careful at the cost of the quality.....

Having decided we were in a slightly 'upmarket' venue, we soon realised we might not be. Sure the place was/is clean, tidy and bright, but the shops mainly catered for the average shopper, if such a thing exists. Almost as soon as we walked into the place, I spotted a large Primarnie (a shop Mrs Freddy never wants to visit), and we went in. They had a huge shoe selection, and I took the following photo's while we were inside.


post-40-0-08208000-1362395150_thumb.jpg £10 and in my size ..... "tempted". :D

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So, back to 20th September 2012. [Part 2a]


This looked like a promising start to the day. Wide variety of shoes and boots, including some knee high boots they only had in a UK7 which didn't fit, sadly. And for some inexplicable reason I didn't photograph .... :huh: What was also interesting, was the age range trying on heels. Not just 20 something year olds, but some slightly older women too. B)

We progressed around the Mall, and spent several more hours walking and browsing. I was a little disappointed, there seemed to be very few stores I wouldn't see in Malls 130 miles closer to home. It was far from a bad day though, and if I had a bucket list, this was one line crossed off as "done". And one I had patiently waited a loooooong time to get around to.

There were more shoppers and staff we saw in heels too, though not so many it would warrant another visit.


It is a great venue though, and anyone living with a 50-60 miles radius, visiting would be a simple/easy decision to make. :) And not a bad place to be wearing heels either. I must have been noticed wearing heels, but I can't recall anyone looking.

Having walked the entire Mall, we had expected to eat before we left. Tired and thirsty, we decided not to eat and have me drive for what could be for 3 hours on a sleep inducing belly-full of food. Mrs Freddy was keen to get away (knowing she could nap in the car), so we left just after 8pm.

Fortunately the drive home seemed quicker than expected, as there's significantly less traffic on the M1 during the evening. The snacks we'd taken with us, and drink we'd bought before leaving Meadowhall, got us home without hunger pains.

Looking back, a great adventure. One not to be missed, but not repeated. B)


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I'm getting mixed messages from this report FF, seems like it was OK but not entirely worth the petrol money.

I'm not so keen on the black platforms, even in the right size, but the tan coloured wedges in the pic above are interesting.

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I'm getting mixed messages from this report FF, seems like it was OK but not entirely worth the petrol money.

Your assessment is on the money. B) Especially with fuel the price it is..... It was a 15 year old itch that finally got scratched.

That said, it was a day out and it was - apart from the distance travelled - a good day out. With birthday spending money in my pocket, it would have been even better if I had of been tempted by something I saw.

I'm not so keen on the black platforms, even in the right size, but the tan coloured wedges in the pic above are interesting.

I'm not big on platforms myself. That said, some can have attractive shapes that allow a ridiculously high heel. The black courts from Primarnie, much to my surprise, fall into that group - for me anyway. ;) It still wasn't attractive enough for me to spend £10 on them though .... :D

If you've a taste for wedges, you may need to keep a sharp eye out for the pictures I'd hoped to have taken by now, of some I bought around 6 weeks ago. Got 4 pairs in 2 styles to add to the Shoe Critique forum.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The weather here remains too gloomy for me to take quality photo's of the shoes. As the styles in question are sandals and courts, I'd shaved my legs in anticipation of doing the photo's. [something I haven't done for some considerable time.] That was a couple of weeks ago, and waiting for some brighter weather to enable the use of higher ISO and smaller f-stop, the hair has grown back. :rolleyes:

Just to put our weather into perspective...... It's officially Spring here in the UK. Today and tomorrow, the upper two thirds of the UK will be getting snow, and no small amount of it. The lower third is just getting a lot of rain. There's already been flooding there, and one poor soul lost her life after her home suffered from a landslide.

This time last year, we were talking about the continuing water draught, and were walking around in T-shirts already. Weeks later in April, someone opened the tap and it hasn't stopped being wet since. Sure we had a 3 week dry spell ..... But it didn't stop some areas still recording the wettest months since records began. [About 150 years.]

Don't know about others, but I have little interest in venturing out while it's either pouring down with monsoon grade rain, or snowing. It's really stifling my heel wearing in public? :(

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The weather is putting the dampers on a lot of things here. Wanted to get my motorbike back on the road but it isn't worth it yet. Heeling is also a no go for me at the moment for any number of reasons including slippery outside. We just had a light dusting of snow last night, but the ground is soaked and our garden flooded too.

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