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Hmm. Look where they took him... Start-rite perhaps, but he couldn't fix himself later.

I was with my wife yesterday and wearing my 4 inch wedge (Ebay) sandals. Guess what - a flat tyre right outside the place she went for treatment. Several people saw my heels - not difficult when you're lying full length trying to persuade the spare wheel to drop from its cradle, or kneel to change the wheel - including the therapist who came out to see if she was OK. No comments, but I'd have been very surprised given my form so far. I wonder if she'll mention it to my wife next time she goes there, or whether my wife will mention it to her.

Yesterday was also a first in that I wore my 4 inch oxfords with both my brothers around. I doubt they noticed but my sister-in-law certainly did, and my niece. I wonder whether my ears should be glowing.

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12 hours ago, Russ in boots said:

Yesterday was also a first in that I wore my 4 inch oxfords with both my brothers around. I doubt they noticed but my sister-in-law certainly did, and my niece. I wonder whether my ears should be glowing.

Probably, incandescent:D

There is no way these events haven't been mentioned, but as is the British way, discreetly and behind closed doors. ;) If you S-i-L noticed, that would have been reported back as soon as you were out of earshot. 

As I mentioned before, genii/pandora has sprung their respective holding places. 

I've mentioned -many times- I get a fair amount of support from Mrs Freddy over my high heel wearing. She would draw the line at me wearing anything other than a manly looking cowboy boot (plausible deniability) in front of her family. I'm interested in how Mrs Russ deals with your heel wearing, and wonder further, if you could share a little? No details (names/places). I'm primarily interested in if you are "allowed" or "encouraged" or "reluctantly tolerated"? Almost every other person I've met/had contact with who isn't single, has to keep their interest largely, a 'guilty' secret from their S.O.  


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I expect her mother knows by now, so it will be widely known. Should I care? My wife says that if I'm to wear heels I shouldn't wear anything I wouldn't want friends and family to see! Is that a challenge? ;-)

My wife "reluctantly tolerates" my heels but accompanies me while I'm wearing them. She prefers me in boots but realises this weather it's too hot for them. She was reasonably OK with my wedge sandals for our flight, and I wore them last evening to get a takeaway and then go for a walk and sit out in the countryside. Tonight we need to take a coach to Scotland, and we'll be with friends up there for the day (funeral). I intend wearing heels, then changing at the friends' house into suit and black tie, with lower heels (2 inch cuban heel shoes) then changing again before we come home overnight again. Probably my black Oxfords will be best for arriving at our friends' place in, but my sandals would be much cooler for travelling. Will I be allowed both????

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2 hours ago, Russ in boots said:

I expect her mother knows by now, so it will be widely known. Should I care? My wife says that if I'm to wear heels I shouldn't wear anything I wouldn't want friends and family to see! Is that a challenge? ;-)

My wife "reluctantly tolerates" my heels but accompanies me while I'm wearing them. She prefers me in boots but realises this weather it's too hot for them. She was reasonably OK with my wedge sandals for our flight, and I wore them last evening to get a takeaway and then go for a walk and sit out in the countryside.

I would see that as her attempting to get you into (keep you in) something along the lines of street wear, as opposed to something fetishy that would be inappropriate anywhere other than a bedroom/nightclub. (Accompanied or otherwise.) At least in public with her good self, which I'd say a reasonable benchmark, one that a lot of men into wearing heels would be very happy with.

Obviously I can't be sure, but it seems like Mrs Russ is more self-assured, than (say) Mrs Freddy, with her challenge in supporting you. B) There is ample evidence she is willing to be seen as your partner in public, and amongst family, when you wear a heel. You are very fortunate with having her support. I'm sure you reciprocate every chance you get. :)



Tonight we need to take a coach to Scotland, and we'll be with friends up there for the day (funeral). I intend wearing heels, then changing at the friends' house into suit and black tie, with lower heels (2 inch cuban heel shoes) then changing again before we come home overnight again. Probably my black Oxfords will be best for arriving at our friends' place in, but my sandals would be much cooler for travelling. Will I be allowed both????

Sorry to hear about your loss. :( Hopefully a long life lived well. If you are travelling as far as Scotland, it suggests someone loved by many and will be missed. 

I would suggest caution with footwear at what will certainly be quite a sombre event for some. You will not want anyone to think you are being disrespectful. I made what was to me on reflection, a fairly innocent mistake about 18 months ago. Had I been aware of my faux pas, I would have without doubt, immediately made a grovelling apology. Something I was unaware of, was then turned into something it wasn't, (everyone says there was an over-reaction) and it's caused a family rift that can't/won't be reversed. I'm sure there could be nothing of this magnitude made of you in a heeled shoe, but the outcome of me eating an ice-lolly should not have had the ending it did have either. Meaning, people can be completely unpredictable/highly sensitive in stressful/unhappy circumstances.

Just a reminder to 'take extra care', in these circumstances. :mellow:

Good luck with your journey.  




Edited by FastFreddy2
Grammar and readability edits.
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10 hours ago, Russ in boots said:

My 4 inch wedges in Asda the other day

Asda 3717 wedges.jpg

I've seen similar pics of men in sandals - but squatting by the roadside in India.   That piece of paper looks a tad small, however.   :(

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9 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

Took me a minute to work out what that meant ..... I was somewhat mis-directed because using paper is surely a Western thing? :huh: 

I believe that a few people north of London have been known to use it too - after perusing page 3 of course.

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2 hours ago, Puffer said:

I believe that a few people north of London have been known to use it too - after perusing page 3 of course.

To the best of my knowledge, Page 3 is no more, and hasn't been for some time. I haven't bought a newspaper for perhaps 30 years, so I don't know for certain, but I am pretty sure I read an online article that said it was stopping?

As to using paper ..... I think the Japanese have the right answer. A warm water "wash" followed by an equally warm blown stream of (drying) air. Last time I looked, something like £3-£5k's worth of toilet furniture. I'll stick to the Andrex at that price. :huh: 


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10 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

To the best of my knowledge, Page 3 is no more, and hasn't been for some time. I haven't bought a newspaper for perhaps 30 years, so I don't know for certain, but I am pretty sure I read an online article that said it was stopping?

As to using paper ..... I think the Japanese have the right answer. A warm water "wash" followed by an equally warm blown stream of (drying) air. Last time I looked, something like £3-£5k's worth of toilet furniture. I'll stick to the Andrex at that price. :huh: 


1.  Last time I looked, there was certainly a page 3 - but I can't recall whether it featured any scantily-clad ladies.

2.  If you do stick to it, then you really will need that Jap gadget!   (Moreover - or under - the premium Floralys from Lidl is better and cheaper than Andrex.) 


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On 06/07/2017 at 0:21 PM, FastFreddy2 said:

I would see that as her attempting to get you into (keep you in) something along the lines of street wear, as opposed to something fetishy that would be inappropriate anywhere other than a bedroom/nightclub. (Accompanied or otherwise.) At least in public with her good self, which I'd say a reasonable benchmark, one that a lot of men into wearing heels would be very happy with.

Obviously I can't be sure, but it seems like Mrs Russ is more self-assured, than (say) Mrs Freddy, with her challenge in supporting you. B) There is ample evidence she is willing to be seen as your partner in public, and amongst family, when you wear a heel. You are very fortunate with having her support. I'm sure you reciprocate every chance you get. :)


Sorry to hear about your loss. :( Hopefully a long life lived well. If you are travelling as far as Scotland, it suggests someone loved by many and will be missed. 

I would suggest caution with footwear at what will certainly be quite a sombre event for some. You will not want anyone to think you are being disrespectful. I made what was to me on reflection, a fairly innocent mistake about 18 months ago. Had I been aware of my faux pas, I would have without doubt, immediately made a grovelling apology. Something I was unaware of, was then turned into something it wasn't, (everyone says there was an over-reaction) and it's caused a family rift that can't/won't be reversed. I'm sure there could be nothing of this magnitude made of you in a heeled shoe, but the outcome of me eating an ice-lolly should not have had the ending it did have either. Meaning, people can be completely unpredictable/highly sensitive in stressful/unhappy circumstances.

Just a reminder to 'take extra care', in these circumstances. :mellow:

Good luck with your journey.  




I wore my heels with casual clothes for travelling and at our friends' house but just two inch Cuban heel men's shoes with suit and tie for the funeral itself. I changed back into casual clothes and heels later and went out for a meal with our friends before they took us to the bus station. I know they saw the heels as I'm wearing them with chinos which don't quite cover them, and no doubt others at the restaurant did too as you can't hide the heels while you're sitting down. I wonder what they are saying to each other about it...

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On 7/8/2017 at 0:29 AM, FastFreddy2 said:

Please define "better".

The "cheaper" I can work out without help;)

In my humble experience after brief trials, the Floralys provided the right combination of strength, thickness and comfort - as well as being better value than any 'quality' paper I had previously tried.   However, I believe that the particular grade (red motif) I have been using is not currently available from Lidl (in the UK anyway), for reasons unknown, although the currently-available 'premium' product (orange motif) seems almost as good.   And I hear that Aldi offers a good equivalent too, yet to be tried ...

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1 hour ago, Puffer said:

In my humble experience after brief trials, the Floralys provided the right combination of strength, thickness and comfort - as well as being better value than any 'quality' paper I had previously tried.   However, I believe that the particular grade (red motif) I have been using is not currently available from Lidl (in the UK anyway), for reasons unknown, although the currently-available 'premium' product (orange motif) seems almost as good.   And I hear that Aldi offers a good equivalent too, yet to be tried ...

No Lidl for miles.... but there is an Aldi in more reasonable driving distance. 

"Better" for me would be one that passes either the 'nose blowing' test, or the more dangerous 'finger-puncture' test in it's usual mode of use. (I know, "too much detail".)

The ASDA stuff I bought to try recently, was a complete disaster. I couldn't use it to blow my nose without having to wash my hand afterwards, and I won't go any further with the second test. Suffice to say, it isn't a purchase I will be repeating.  :rolleyes: 

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17 minutes ago, Russ in boots said:

I'm hardly likely to phone them out of the blue

I have no idea what your relationship is. 

If they had rung you (or you rung them) to confirm your safe arrival back home, that wouldn't have been a 'call out of the blue'. I appreciate there was never a need to make a special call, but during most calls I have there is some 'banter', which often involves some ribbing over something or other. While I have a fairly small group of people I contact regularly, I wouldn't have to wait long for 'ribbing' if they thought I was wearing a heel. ;)

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I'm thinking that we're probably in touch by phone every two to three months. We've had more general chat in the past about her not being able to wear heels because of weak ankles, and she wears boots all the year round to support them. Funnily enough her boots weren't dissimilar to my shoes in style - just heels around an inch. She actually made a random comment while they were taking us to the coach station that the person who invented trainers must have become a millionaire, but I didn't know how that might have developed into other shoe-related subjects, and we were about to get out of the car anyway. I'd wait for them to say something to me, not thrust the subject on them, as it might be a bit embarrassing to them.

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11 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

No Lidl for miles.... but there is an Aldi in more reasonable driving distance. 

"Better" for me would be one that passes either the 'nose blowing' test, or the more dangerous 'finger-puncture' test in it's usual mode of use. (I know, "too much detail".)

The ASDA stuff I bought to try recently, was a complete disaster. I couldn't use it to blow my nose without having to wash my hand afterwards, and I won't go any further with the second test. Suffice to say, it isn't a purchase I will be repeating.  :rolleyes: 

By your yardstick - which I entirely identify with - the Floralys is certainly acceptable.   Unlike many competing products, a single thickness will suffice - with others, doubling over is often necessary 'for safety' and that of course correspondingly doubles the effective cost.   And many other products tend to rip anywhere but on the perforation when attempts are made to pull off a sheet (or two) - more waste.

I well recall a little ditty from my schooldays:  'Bronco is so strong and true; it never lets your finger through'.   (But it was (is) rather too rough for delicate souls - with or without a preceding 'R'.)

Be patient, Freddy, you will surely have a handy Lidl ere long, as the master-race grocer conquers further heathen lands north of the Thames.   I have the opposite problem of no Aldi currently nearer than about 18 miles, although the expectation is there. 

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