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What forums would YOU like to have?

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Dear All

As this is a brand new forum, here is your chance to throw down some ideas and decide what forums YOU would like to have instead of having them decided for you.

Just tell the team what forum categories you would like to see and its benefits and it should be created for you to use...

So, lets hear what you guys really want?

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Hmm... I think that we'll have to make the "heels worn by guys as guys", "TS/TG/TV/CD" and "fetish things" subforums. Of course unless we keep the board strictly for male fashion purposes.

Hi Elegant

Why not avoid that whole area completely simply because its already covered on other websites and come up with something different, something new?

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Well, I see you have a point. OK, let's leave it "as is". Since RPMindy has a female HH discussion forum and there's a lot of communities aimed at transgendered people, let's keep the original idea. Oh, and I think that we could create a subforum dedicated to general male fashion freestyling (not specifically heels- skirts etc. ideas too), or Gothic/alternative fashion.

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Excellent, cheers for that nige, and well pointed out too, there are tons of websites that cover all the other "fluff" so does anybody have any ideas on what forums they would like to see? Categories of......?

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not too sure if it deserves a forum, but I would like to see a 'male friendly' shoe shop list, lets advertise where we have be served by helpful staff whilst buying shoes.

I can think of a couple in my neck of the woods that I would add to it.

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Maybe this is a goofy idea but I will put it up here anyway. . .

I am certain we have all been looking around on shoe-shop websites (or maybe in real stores) and have seen something we liked, only to find the available sizes ended some number of sizes smaller than our feet. It happens to me a lot and at USW12 / USM10, my feet are not as big as some guys. Several times I have bought footwear in a smaller size just because I liked it. I had hopes I could stretch it amd make it comfortable -- with mixed results. Now, thank goodness, larger sizes are becoming more plentiful and after experiencing the feel of heels that really fit I am a lot more particular about getting the right size.

So I believe that gut-wrenching "I - would - really - love - a - pair - of - those - but - I - will - never - get - into - them - because - they - don't - make - them - big - enough" scenario is all too familiar to heel-men.

I am wondering if we want a thread dedicated to this issue. Members could post pictures of or links to footwear styles they like but cannot get in their size. The source of the footwear and preferably the manufacturer would be listed, as well as the largest available size and the desired size. We would eventually make this thread available to the manufacturers as a wake-up call -- (Guys, you could sell more shoes if you made 'em bigger and here's some proof).

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

lets keep this for the guys as guys in guys mode.


"United, we stand....?"

Does it really matter so much WHY we want the shoes, or is it more important that we have a common interest in making them easily available?


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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...
"United, we stand....?"

Does it really matter so much WHY we want the shoes, or is it more important that we have a common interest in making them easily available?


John, please forgive me for jumping in like this, but there are sound reasons for what Admin and Nigel said about the slant of this board being a certain way.

Trust me.:)

Count me in for heels4men:wink: !!

A forum on mixing and matching footwear and attire would be good. You see too many pictures of men in ratty tshirts and denim wearing heels. Not in a sort of style way, but in a more "The heels are enough, I don't care what I look like otherwise!" kind of way. Kinda frightened.

Why not a forum on how to adapt your freestyling to(or against would be more like it) current trends? Yes, I like to be "myself" as well, but women notice if you are good at putting outfits together. It is okay to bring them up, isn't it? I'm not talking about those who hate us, but those who actually are able to relate to us. I guess I just tied my two catagories together.:-D

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Hey Dandy

Great idea, but what to call it? We have the Critique section for shoes, maybe something like "Outfit critique - Pull yourself together"?

Sorry for morging your posts, I'm a neat freak...

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Hey Dandy

Great idea, but what to call it? We have the Critique section for shoes, maybe something like "Outfit critique - Pull yourself together"?

Sorry for morging your posts, I'm a neat freak...

Okay, I tied two catagories in the forum post, and you tied two of my posts together. Alright.

Why not call it that? Interestingly enough, I think we have to emulate the women, but in a masculine way. Imitate the women's forums in that way, but keep it strictly to men discussing their MALE styles. Like, how does this pair of spray-ons look with these stiletto ankle boots? That sort of thing. Have a coffee-clatch thing going on.

Good board. :-D

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  • 4 months later...


i would like more direct help in lnowing were to buy the heels from mens heels are now becoming more common and less fetish i no longer wear womens heels i wear mens but they are so hard to find and ny fave shop has now collapsed lol

so some help on were to shop would be good


Heels me

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  • 6 months later...
Is the Shoe Critique forum for others to critique what we wear, or does it include a critique or review of shoes we have bought by us?

Hi Bob

Ideally it was intended as a critque of actual guys in their heels, more of a "Honest opinion of how I look" kinda thing, but then I added the "shoe critique" so you can write up reviews if you want to of shoes you have bought and wear, like a shoe-review.

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lets keep this for the guys as guys in guys mode.

nothing else.

everything else can be covered by the hhplace or other sites.


Excellent, cheers for that nige, and well pointed out too, there are tons of websites that cover all the other "fluff" so does anybody have any ideas on what forums they would like to see? Categories of......?

I'm sort of 'playing' Devil's Advocate here, but the suggestion from these two remarks is that only something truly unique would be considered for this site? Is that something that exists?

I can't imagine anything that could be written here, that won't have been covered/mentioned/related at HHplace? Or other unrelated sites? Even the 'critique' Forum suggested by the Admin team is covered at HHplace in many ways.

As a man wearing heels, I have (for the most part) 3 or 4 interests/concerns, and these are unique to my situation (as a man wearing heels).

Availability. [What/where/price.]

Suitability. [Fit/function/wearability.]

Compatability. [How do I blend heels with my other attire.]

Opportunity. [Where to wear them, and how safe is it going to be.]

I doubt these considerations are unique anywhere else? If they are, please someone, provide a link. Sure they may be covered elsewhere in general, but this site is for Men wearing high heels, where other sites are for anyone wearing heels (surely).

If I have this wrong, I've completely misunderstood the purpose of a Heels for Men Forum. [And will need guidance about this.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an idea to chew over...

Member meet-up / mini HeelMeet opportunities:-

From experience, i've found that HeelMeets (get-togethers of likeminded HHP and/or H4M members) are b*****y hard to arrange.

Difficulties in agreeing dates is the key problem, along with changes of plans and last-minute hitches that scupper the agreed rendezvous.

Why don't we have a forum/or ongoing thread where members can post their short notice whereabout intentions (e.g. for the coming 1-3 days or the coming weekend), this being an open invitation to other members to 'turn up' or to make a get-together out of it.


- I'm going to be in Milton Keynes IKEA on friday evening. Anyone want to meet up for an Expressokaffe and maybe visit the cineplex afterwards?

- I'm going to be at Birmingham Bull Ring on Tuesday afternoon/evening for a shoe shopping expedition. Feel free to join me.

- I'm attending a goth-metal gig at Camden Underworld next saturday. do come along yourselves if that kind of thing is up your musical alley.

[NB. only one of the above is currently true BTW]

If a respondent is interested, they can either just turn up at said time/place or can PM the poster to fine-tune the meeting arrangements.

For those 'just turning up', it might be useful for the poster to state some sort of identifying mark (i'll be wearing a red carnation, that sort of thing :o)

I'm certain this kind of meet-up opportunity would be workable (in the UK anyway). Maybe too few members on H4M at present to make it a goer though.

What do you think?

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What do you think?

I think it's a great idea. And for starters ....

Oxford Street frequently on a Thursday evening [3 of last 4]. Sometimes Brent Cross.

Sundays, Camden, or Oxford Street.

There is a Restaurant around the corner from Oxford Circus I've been to a coiple of times now. Very inexpensive, huge portions. Helpful, pretty girls serving. They MUST know I wear heels. Will be there again soon.

Anyone going to Westfield? :lol: I still haven't been..... :o

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  • 1 month later...

Quick meet ups is a good idea, problem is I don't know where I am going until the day before, could be anywhere in the uk, or Northern Ireland, I have a few peoples phone numbers if I am going that way I normally give them a ring, meet up quick lunch and away, works for me about 50% of the time.

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