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Is this place dying?


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I went to the 2007 heel meet and meet loads of people, was a really good day, 2009 was not as good even got a parking ticket, as you do in London. For me I normally keep a pair of ankle boots in the van, as and when I feel pull into a car park put my heels on and have a wander around, any town or village I feel like, you know look in a few shops go to cashpoint machine, go to the chippy, wander back to the van, and at the end of the day (pardon the pun) feel great I have done what I wanted got my fix and away home, must admit I have had a few comments nothing nasty, but to me well worth it. I will be the first to admit it is comments on this site and hh place which have helped me, and given me courage to wear my heels out and about with out thinking about it.

You didn't park in the Multi-Storey car park, right next door to the pub?

I too found the posts on the various sites useful and encouraging. Without them, I doubt I would be as adventurous as I am. I try to encourage others to 'join in', but have had limited success. Whereas I don't usually experience the concept of shyness, others must have a much better understanding of the handicap...... sadly. :cool:

Since I travel around a fair bit, I find myself located somewhere people don't know me fairly frequently. As a general remark, I'm not too bothered these days by being 'made', but people laughing is likely to be a bit hurtful. Fortunately, shock has quite a numbing effect on spectators, so as long as I'm moving there's precious little time for people to comment. :o

So I have to post five messages to have my name on the members list huh? Well personally I don't expect a huge amount of activity but hay who knows.

5 posts in, you must be on the Members List now?

Welcome! :lol:

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Could not park in the car park as the company van is a little high, but sixty quid is worth it, to meet like minded people, I 'am the typical white van man, and you have a reputation to keep up, pull out in front of people, carve a few up, but that's what they expect (so the media says) so I do not let my side down. (not really I am a very thoughtful driver) but I do have my bad moments.

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Could not park in the car park as the company van is a little high, but sixty quid is worth it, to meet like minded people, I 'am the typical white van man,


I see you most days. I had no idea you were wearing heels when you left the van though? :cool:

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If you see me most days Mr Fred, you should let me know of your whereabouts, be good to meet a like minded soul.

I was of course, referring to White Van Man. :o

But I do get into London some Thursday/Friday evenings to enjoy the lack of congestion charge and late night shopping/browsing. I also visit some Sundays, too, for the same reason.

Today would have seen me at Wood Green for Aldo Outlet (for a boot I saw there 6 weeks ago) and Select (for

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I found this forum entirely by accident,I had no idea there was a forum for men who prefered to wear high heels,it's nice to see I'm not the only straight married male who enjoys high heels.

I visited another forum,for crossdressers,I don't consider myself a crossdresser,I never wear makeup,never shave my legs or body,don't wear breast forms or a bra,I just like womens low rise jeans and heels.

I also visited a crossdresser support chatroom,and it's far from a crossdresser support chatroom,it's more of a gay porn pickup chat it has a lot of explicit pics of private parts,and is web cam friendly,unfortunately sometimes when you look at a cam to see who you are chatting with,there is Mr. Winky staring at you,needless to say I did not enjoy what I experienced there,and will never return.

You have a nice forum here,give it time it will grow,as long as it stays sane.

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I think with the admin we have here anything as bad as you experienced previously will be swiftly dealt with. And hopefully we can keep it "sane" by nipping in the bud anything unsavoury, or too far on the CD/TV side. As the site says its for men who want to wear heels as men. That's why I'm here.

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Like everyone else here, I have the desire to wear highheels with my everyday mens clothes out and about as I choose. This is a place that we should be able to discuss this and support eachother in our efforts. I certainly hope that it will continue to grow and be a great resource for us all. We have already added another 20 or so members in the short time that I have been here, so there are definately many more of us out there(they just need to start posting). We all need to give this a chance and just start posting even if we think that we're asking silly questions or that no one will understand. I'm sure most of us are a little nervous and/or self conscious, but I'm sure the whole reason this forum was created was as a way to help us all get throught it.

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If there's a problem here at all, it's that (as mentioned before) it sits in the shadow of HHplace.

You are right about posting. In the short time I've been active here (4-6 weeks perhaps) membership has almost doubled. Posts haven't kept up. In fact many posters here are regulars at HHp too, and I'm glad to hear from them.

With over 50 new -recent- members, it would be pleasant to see perhaps half of that member starting to contribute?

The "Welcome" area is a great starting place. For my part I never stop being curious to how people get interested in wearing heels, nor hearing about their experiences, no matter how limited that might be.

The type of footwear people are interested in, is also worth hearing about.

For me heels have quite a visual appeal, so seeing pictures of shoes or boots worn by members would be great contribution too.

So there's 3 or 4 things anyone and everyone could contribute with? If you are a 'newbie' and haven't posted yet, perhaps you might like to tell the rest of us about some of these things. Possibly you feel your story might be a bit dull? I've yet to see one myself. First hand accounts are always of interest, as are any 'nearly caught' stories.

Some people who have become members might also be a little unsure as to why they are interested in heels, and maybe are a little embarressed about their interest? Why not enjoy the anoniminity of the Forum, and discuss your doubts and fears with like-minded people?

I heard a great story last year at one of the HHp meets. A chap who had been a secret wearer of heels had become miserable with it over the years, thinking his was a completely unnatural desire. Apparently he wept with relief, when he found (thanks to the Internet) that his desire was far from unnatural, and in fact was shared by many other men. :D

I have to admit that until 15 months ago, I too thought the only other men interested in wearing heels were transvestites, and drag queens. Thankfully, I now know better. :cool:

So new members, please feel free to contribute. We ALL really do want to hear from you. :cool:


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Excellent post Freddy, says just about all that needs saying. We are all interested in heels, and talking about them, and hearing others stories and seeing their personal favourite shoes. So if you're lurking, stop it and join in, we'd love to hear from you.

This place ain't dead, just starting out on its journey and you can help it get going.

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Well, I'm visiting Heels4Men everyday and I still see no new posts... I'm starting to worry, so starting a discussion may help quite a bit.

As you probably know, I don't have a digital camera, so I can't make any pics. Recently, I bought a nice-looking bag. It's technically a women's purse, but it doesn't look girly at all- it's quite masculine, I wear it with my leathers and it looks good on me. Several month's ago I also bought a fake fur jacket for myself, it has a men's cut (the buttons are on the right side, and the holes are on the left side). Now, that it's cold and snowy outside, I'm gonna wear this fur, bag, a leather suit and knee-high cowboys (sorry, no high heels...). I feel quite high and confident now, and it really helps. I don't really care what others think, and I'm becoming excited by my fashion ideas (I know, it's quite narcissistic, but as long as it doesn't harm anyone, it's OK :cool:). I like the androgynous looks, merging masculinity and femininity and blurring the gender boundaries as much as I can. I also identify as someone between a man and a woman (despite the fact that I'm a biological male with balls and stuff, and I ain't gonna change that :D). Some people see a woman in me, and most see a man. Heck, they don't know that I identify as both at the same time. I have real fun playing with gender, and when someone thinks I'm a woman, I don't correct him. I deliberately change the way I speak to avoid gender-specific pronouns, verb forms etc. relating to me, so I don't give the other person any strong "male/ female" signal. Androgyny is quite exciting for me (well, it turns me on erotically quite a lot, too), no matter if it's me, or someone else who blurs the barriers. I'm here, I'm queer, and I don't care if someone else calls me effeminate etc. Blah blah.

Hello Elegant,

I hope not but I see more action in HHP???

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I think this place is a good alternative to HHPlace. While I love HHPlace, it really isn't a mainstream site. It has cross dressers and transgender members and the like (I cross sometimes too).

This site is really for regular guys (straight or gay) that think heels should be a MALE fashion choice. Acceptance will come from sites like this before a site like HHPlace.

Therefore, it has its place separate from other heel sites.

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so looking back at the original post a few months ago!!

it does look like this place is actually starting to grow!!


With membership now showing 144.

Some of that figure will be the original group of around 50-60, if I remember the figure, when I became 'active' on the board a couple of months ago.

Since that time, many more have joined, and there are new posts most days, making it worthwhile visiting. :-D

The site still hasn't developed a personality yet though ... This will need more posts from the membership. The "Hello" section is doing well, with new members giving us all some idea of how they got started with their interest in heels. Contrary to what might be believed, these always make for interesting reading.

Dunno an 'incident' [caught, nearly caught) thread somewhere, might be useful? .... Now there's a thought.

I might write up a sizing thread, comparing different sellers sizing to indicate what is likely going to fit. Almost all stores now do mail order, which is helpful, but the cost of returns is always unwelcome. Certainly with a company like ASOS, the delivery and return charges, can be all but prohibative. :cool: Getting it right first time is always best.


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I think this place is a good alternative to HHPlace. While I love HHPlace, it really isn't a mainstream site. It has cross dressers and transgender members and the like (I cross sometimes too).

Actually, HHP has recently dropped the 'CD/TV/TS' and 'Fetish' forums.

It is now doing what it said it has always been doing (but wasn't!), which is:-

Promoting itself as 'a site for regular guys who like to wear high heels'.

So... it's exactly the same as this place now.

But which is better, HHP or H4M?

There's only one way to find out... FIGHT.....!!!!!!!

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But which is better, HHP or H4M?

There's only one way to find out... FIGHT.....!!!!!!!

"Heels" at dawn? :-D

Does seem strange, to close parts of a Forum that were reasonably active? ..... If members of HHp were unhappy at sharing with men who had a taste for other feminine attire, why didn't those members just migrate here?

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Members List is showing a grand total of only 26 !?!

Why doesn't it actually list all members (supposedly 146 as I type this)?

I think Members List might be those who have posted, as opposed to those who have registered for membership...... ?

It's an indication of how shy some of might be ..... Or how wise some might be? ~ Choosing not to write unless they have something "worth" writing.... :grin:

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Now beyond 160 members, and the site struggles to get one post per day? :grin:

That's not really surprising when those 160 members are not actually visiting. Visit count today was 3 (me, thee & shyguy - a moderator!).

That's a typical daily average by the look of it.

I think this place is dead. We are merely holding an occasional s

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It might not be dead but dying..... looks like mostly heel guys in the UK and very few in the states and it seems like nothing is going on in the US,

If nothing else its a place talk about the taboo of men in heels .... not that it should be a taboo

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I accept the comment about 3 members visiting. But while here yesterday, I noticed there were a larger number of guests viewing the site, and I'm sure they wouldn't have all been Search Engine robots listing content.

It's a Catch 22 situation really. Visitors come to see new posts. If there's nothing new to read, then people don't bother visiting. When I visit, I try to post something, even if it's only where/when I'm wearing heels in public next and can be met by other men in heels.

Successful sites, like Rome, aren't built overnight. There's been a significant increase in the membership recently. [Trebled in size.] With 4 or 5 motivated contributors each making (say) 3 posts a day, there'd be 12 to 15 posts to read most days. I'm sure when the less verbose get used to visiting and reading, they too might start to contribute....

So what makes 'entertaining' posts to high heelers?

Since we live in a visual society, anything with pictures will be welcome.

The history of any two people will not be identical, so these unique sequences will be of interest. If not to everyone one of us, then maybe to spouses trying to understand the 'how and why' of our interest.

Daily/weekly incidents/experiences. A kind of mini-blog perhaps?

Where to buy, what to buy, special deals on offer. Reminders of short term sales from large stores, or the odd pair of interesting shoes/boots/sandals on auction sites. Links would be helpful.

Anyone? :grin:

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