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Everything posted by euchrid

  1. i'd agree with that. Evans footwear is definately aimed at the 'conservative middle-aged women' part of the market. There are sometimes some good exceptions to that though. I got some amazing Evans Essence 4" stiletto knee boots off ebay once. Only problem was they were XXXL calf fitting so I sold them on again.
  2. Sounds like I'll have to check that place out again soon. I like the look of these on their website: http://www.pricelessshoes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product1_11051_-1_65248_11051 and these http://www.pricelessshoes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product1_11051_-1_74801_11051
  3. It does. and the counter starts at 1 when you preview your advert!
  4. That's not really surprising when those 160 members are not actually visiting. Visit count today was 3 (me, thee & shyguy - a moderator!). That's a typical daily average by the look of it. I think this place is dead. We are merely holding an occasional s
  5. Members List is showing a grand total of only 26 !?! Why doesn't it actually list all members (supposedly 146 as I type this)?
  6. Well in my case:- Benefits Perhaps this one - some degree of relief in not having to be secretive about it anymore. i.e. since everyone knows, late-night only surfing of HHP, H4M, ebay shoe searching, etc. wouldn't be needed any more. Also, there would be an (extremely slim) chance that I would be able to openly wear heels at home. erm... uh... well... that's about it for benefits as far as I can see. Drawbacks There's just far too many to list The decision to keep schtum is therefore a very easy one for me.
  7. A couple of times, I have taken a nap in heels. The 'realisation / rememberance' aspect on waking was enjoyable (all 5 seconds of it). Apart from that, I have nothing much to report.
  8. The size is right but I own only boots. Sorry.
  9. Actually, HHP has recently dropped the 'CD/TV/TS' and 'Fetish' forums. It is now doing what it said it has always been doing (but wasn't!), which is:- Promoting itself as 'a site for regular guys who like to wear high heels'. So... it's exactly the same as this place now. But which is better, HHP or H4M? There's only one way to find out... FIGHT.....!!!!!!!
  10. The entire listing is screwy... Item Specifics - Men's Shoes Shoe Type: Sandals Doesn't look lie a sandal to me!
  11. Here's an idea to chew over... Member meet-up / mini HeelMeet opportunities:- From experience, i've found that HeelMeets (get-togethers of likeminded HHP and/or H4M members) are b*****y hard to arrange. Difficulties in agreeing dates is the key problem, along with changes of plans and last-minute hitches that scupper the agreed rendezvous. Why don't we have a forum/or ongoing thread where members can post their short notice whereabout intentions (e.g. for the coming 1-3 days or the coming weekend), this being an open invitation to other members to 'turn up' or to make a get-together out of it. e.g. - I'm going to be in Milton Keynes IKEA on friday evening. Anyone want to meet up for an Expressokaffe and maybe visit the cineplex afterwards? - I'm going to be at Birmingham Bull Ring on Tuesday afternoon/evening for a shoe shopping expedition. Feel free to join me. - I'm attending a goth-metal gig at Camden Underworld next saturday. do come along yourselves if that kind of thing is up your musical alley. [NB. only one of the above is currently true BTW] If a respondent is interested, they can either just turn up at said time/place or can PM the poster to fine-tune the meeting arrangements. For those 'just turning up', it might be useful for the poster to state some sort of identifying mark (i'll be wearing a red carnation, that sort of thing ) I'm certain this kind of meet-up opportunity would be workable (in the UK anyway). Maybe too few members on H4M at present to make it a goer though. What do you think?
  12. (thread title is an 'Allo 'Allo joke, in case you didn't know) Hi, just dropping in to swell the numbers - we're up to 20 now!!!
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