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Shyheels last won the day on February 16 2022

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  1. I always got on well with Harley Riders! I think there is a shared appreciation of the freedom of the open road. Alas heeled boots don't look nearly as cool on a bicycle as they do on a Harley! America is a great place for road trips and I can imagine there would be no better way to see the country than the way you're doing it
  2. My favourites are my new custom-made OTK boots - buttery soft black leather with 2" block heels, ankle zip and almond toes.
  3. Great post! I work from home when I'm not travelling on assignment- I am a writer and photographer and until the pandemic spent a lot of time on the road. For most of my assignments heels simply woudn't be appropriate - jungles, deserts etc - although since I like knee boots, I have qute a collection of low-heeled knee boots that are appropriate for these conditions and wear them. At home though, I can - and do - wear heels.
  4. An eight year-old post - I think the moment has passed...
  5. My kids have had no reaction to my Cuban heeled ankle boots. None at all. They notice but have said nothing. My eldest daughter is rather Goth in her style so I guess it doesn't seem a bit stretch to her
  6. AS you say, only shoes but cool shoes! So why not?
  7. Those look nice. My boot buying budget went on a pair of lovely custom made OTK boots with 2" block heels and an almond toe. Really love them. My new favourites.
  8. THat's wonderful. My wife is tolerant - but rather dismissive too.
  9. I like the boots very much - we've similar tastes. I just bought a pair of lovely custom-made OTK boots with block heels and an ankle zup. THe lreather is buttery oft and, being custom-made the fit is perfect - not on;y inthe footbed but along the calves as well. THye're my new favourites.
  10. I'm a cyclist - but I can appreciate a Harley!
  11. The president does not have the authority to fire the Vice President.
  12. Australia most certainly brought in restrictions! Far stricter ones than were ever brought in here. Victoria was living under virtual martial law for six months.
  13. Well, all one has to do is look at the excess deaths figures - deaths, over and above those of a normal year. These are substantial - indeed considerably more than the figures quoted for Covid deaths. There is no question that things are not going well at present. Something is causing all these excess deaths. What do you suppose it might be?
  14. A person dying of cancer can quite readily die of Covid before the cancer claims them. Without knowing specific cases, and seeing a coroners report, and having medial knowledge oneself tio be able to interpret what has been said, it is impossible to speak to spefic cases. True, there may well be people dying with Covid rather than of it who are included in the statistics, but that would be offset by, for example, heart attack victims who are and were utterly Covid free but who died because of overstressed medical facilities. I'm sure there are mkore than a few of those as the excess deaths statistic would imply.
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