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"Last minute" meeting around the UK?

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I've just read the lyrics/pro's that sits in front of that line......

I get the message of the line, but too much of the rest seems to be a "foul-mouthed" protest describing what might be considered regular behavior (for the author perhaps?) A kinda 'gay' protest panto? ;-) :) It's certainly too vulgar to include a link here.

I've always been too un-hip to think swearing in a song was, or is, acceptable. Any of that kind of nastiness effectively stopping it being a work of art (a la style/fashion) or a message I might be interesting in.

I'm a prude. Obviously. :lol:

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I like those boots you linked at Dune, very ice and look masculine even with the heel.

I agree in the main about swearing in songs although sometimes it gets a point across. A lot of music these days seems to contain profanity just to get the kids to listen as their parents won't like it. My daughters used to keep playing certain music for that reason, but by me not complaining they soon got bored with trying to get a reaction from dad.

I must watch the Rocky Horror show again on DVD and remind myself of the songs.

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I've just read the lyrics/pro's that sits in front of that line......

I get the message of the line, but too much of the rest seems to be a "foul-mouthed" protest describing what might be considered regular behavior (for the author perhaps?) A kinda 'gay' protest panto? ;-) :) It's certainly too vulgar to include a link here.

eh? :lol:

there's no swearing in the Rocky Horror lyrics. there's some risque lines in places but nothing that would shock Sid James, Hattie Jacques or Graham Norton.


It's a "gothic-themed, schlock-horror comic-book fantasy romp" basically - the entire thing was written by Richard O'Brien (he of Crystal Maze fame), a man who's as 'camp as christmas' (and quite probably bisexual although he's never admitted it) which accounts for all the pervy stuff in there.


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eh? :oops:

there's no swearing in the Rocky Horror lyrics. there's some risque lines in places but nothing that would shock Sid James, Hattie Jacques or Graham Norton.


Thanks for the link. :lol:

You are absolutely right about the lyrics, in that they are fairly innoxious. The ones I found having done a search using the line above, produced a link that took me to what I can only describe as 'profanity city'. Being (volunteerily) ignorant to any familiarity of the REAL lyrics, I wrongly assumed the ones I found, were correct. :lol:

So..... Vulgar - they are not .... Un-entertaining (to me), they are. ;-)

Edited by FastFreddy2
Corrected obvious spelling mistake.
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Bit more feedback on the last Reading visit ....

Dune boots went back as expected, but they were a 7/41 not 8/41 as claimed by Dune. I've tried their size 8 courts, and they were loose. No-way were these anything like the same size. On returning them, I did ask if they did a 42. "Size 9?" the assistant enquired. Frankly, I couldn't be bothered to argue, suffice to say she couldn't have been speaking from experience........

After the meal out, my friend and I visited some of her friends who live in the area, a gay couple she has a fair amount of contact with. At my insistence, they were told some months ago I wear high heels. Never had any comment, so I thought they hadn't taken the remark seriously.

It took some doing (going around at 9.30pm, a half hour after one of the fellas usually goes to bed) but we went around for coffee.

I got some light banter at the door over my boots, but hey, what was I to expect......

We stayed for an hour, and when leaving I got more banter by the front door. Which if I'm honest, I thought was the end of it ..... Seems not.

Today, my friend got some further comments about the visit. Apparently, because I wear heels, and don't cut my finger nails short, I'm a Tranny. Now I'll be the first to admit I've gone out in the past (25 years ago when I could get away with it) dressed as a girl. BUT, that was around the Boy-George heyday, and for me it was simply an enabler to wearing heels. I don't need to do this any longer, nor have I for more than 20 years either.

My point is, they are thinking; 2+2 must equal 6. Wrong!

Slightly more amusingly, they said my backside wiggled like a girls when I walked off to get the car. My bot couldn't wiggle if my life depended on it, and my heels just weren't that high I had to change how I walk. :oops:

Can't wait to go back 'round there! :lol: :lol:


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Just been over to HHplace.org to get the following address:

Where: Sergio's, at 84A Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 7QY

Nearest tube station: Oxford Circus

Venue for the 2008 WHM initial get together......

I enjoyed the food there, and promised myself another visit, and failed to remember where the place was every time I visited London. [Which is about once every two weeks ~ at least.]

Well, decided to visit tonight! My walking pals birthday today, so I'm going there again. She very kindly came with me in Feb '08 and held my hand at my first public heel wearing in front of people who I would be talking to. [As opposed to those I might simply be walking past.]

Wanna join us? :oops:

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I was hoping to go to Westfield at the end of this month but it depends on who turns up. I ,m not keen on Camden now. Gone off Pleaser shoes and it hard work trying to find apair of heels to fit me in Aldo. I,m a size 9uk and it means I need to try on afew pairs to see if they fit me ok. Not easy in a busy shop.

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I see you and the birthday girl had a great night out. In heels, WOW! It must have been great.

Me I was out too Friday night with one of my girl freinds. I hope she one day will be The Girlfreind, my girlfreind. We was both in heels. Had a great time together. More about it later.

I see you two two wasn

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I am with Xa on this one,

Cameras and 'B-Z' list celebrities, you would not see me there in heels or with any guys wearing heels, the press will have a field day!

go there and watch, it would be a sight for sore eyes.

Any idea what time they do this. Can,t find the time on the web site.
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There's this --- 2000+ women wearing heels and walking a circuit of the centre --- how on earth did you miss it!?! :oops:


But no indication of it on the Westfield web-site where I had searched? :lol:

Looks like a good prospect, but likely to be a bit of a 'free-for-all'? With few details available, it'll be difficult to plan for. Great picture taking opportunity though. :lol: ;-)


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I'm not ready to step up as a poster boy for the men in heels campaign yet lol.

I'm sure they'll be many other fellows wearing much less discreet outfits who will catch the eye of photographers, several days before most of us would. :lol: :oops:

I doubt I'll go, but I'd like to. From where I live, car is the only way to get there, and I guess movement in and out the venue will be horrendous. If I do go, I also doubt I'd be wearing stiletto's, but I know I'll regret it if I don't. In a crowded space with eyes looking for celebs, I doubt many will be looking at my feet. :lol: And if they looked, they'd be able to see nothing, to an inch of heel while I walked.

This is an event we all ought to attend really? It's kinda 'our thing' after all. Sure, I get the need to avoid being the headliner on the 10 o'clock news, but that would need some sort of disaster to get any one of us in that position....


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I'm sure they'll be many other fellows wearing much less discreet outfits who will catch the eye of photographers, several days before most of us would. :lol: :oops:

I doubt I'll go, but I'd like to. From where I live, car is the only way to get there, and I guess movement in and out the venue will be horrendous. If I do go, I also doubt I'd be wearing stiletto's, but I know I'll regret it if I don't. In a crowded space with eyes looking for celebs, I doubt many will be looking at my feet. :lol: And if they looked, they'd be able to see nothing, to an inch of heel while I walked.

This is an event we all ought to attend really? It's kinda 'our thing' after all. Sure, I get the need to avoid being the headliner on the 10 o'clock news, but that would need some sort of disaster to get any one of us in that position....


I do agree with you there. We ought to attend the meeting.

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Plenty of dancing after the fashion show. :cool:

Didn't / don't / wouldn't take my shoes off in a club. I've worked where alcohol is served in glasses, and you can never be sure how much broken glass is on the floor during any evening....

All this reminds me of something I didn't mention about Saturday .... As I said before, plenty of girls around in heels, not least because the weather was reasonably mild. [Despite a heavy shower.]

I'd forgotten about the 4 or 5 girls - usually with a boyfriend - walking along Regents St. with their heels in their hands. So walking barefoot in the street..... :-o Given what's on that pavement in places, I'd sooner take the pain or get in a taxi. It's not like there's somewhere to wash 'soiled' feet if someone was unlucky enough to tread in human fluids. :cry:


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