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"Last minute" meeting around the UK?

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Got the paint off my hands, cleaned up and out of the house for 5.15pm.

The exhibition was on until 8pm, so there was time.

Slightly tense drive through London, we arrived in what used to be Docklands around 6.30pm. I'd decided I wouldn't wear my 'everywhere' Harley boots, and really wanted to wear some higher heels. Since we were going to be walking around potentially cobbled streets I thought better of this, and went for another special pair. >> These. << One of my first purchases off the internet auction site, they are still only one of two pairs I can wear on my legs, without them looking like I'm wearing Wellington boots. I have very slim legs.

It was possibly just as well, as we did walk on some fairly uneven road and pathway.

We had parked about 150 yards away from the venue, which is situated on the waterfront. In fact it was at a place Mrs Freddy and I had visited some years ago, I now realise. We walked through the doors around 6.45pm.

We paid £10 each to enter. Walking further into the building, a lift that takes you up to the viewing floors wasn't immediately visible, so we went up the stairway that was visible. :D

The Exhibition was laid out so related styles were kept together. Long boots in one area, sandals in another. There were 6 or 7 of these islands or wall spaces where some background was given to say, every third or every fourth pair. Museum employees were very present, and with only about 10 visitors in the place at any one time, staff were sometimes more visible than visitors. There were 'Do Not Touch' notices everywhere, but it would have been nice to touch some of the exhibits to get a better understanding of what we were looking at. I understand this isn't practical. ;)

There was an area away from the shoe exhibits, that told the story with pictures of how Louboutin got his start in the fashion business, and how he continues to be a presence there. There was also a replica (or sorts) of his design room. There was also a partitioned space some of the 'Fetish' designs he had put forward for an event, maybe to do with David Lynch? [i can't be sure.] These were shoes not meant for walking or even wearing, but an exercise in sensory stimulation.

There is also a short 'holographic' performance by Dita von Teese, maybe every 20 minutes, that lasts for about 5 minutes. Nothing vulgar or rude, but entertaining as long as you don't watch it twice. :D

Lastly, there was a small viewing area showing some short videos of Louboutin and his shoes, in what I would know as 'skits'. As an example, one had him playing the role of Charlie, in a version of what might otherwise be Charlie's Angels. While seeing the man live on film as it were, had some benefit, the video's weren't very entertaining. Given Louboutins past [as reported in the Exhibition], I can understand why he may have wanted to get involved in a song and dance routine.

We didn't rush, and some parts we looked at twice. We read everything on the walls, and most of the information with the shoes. We were ready to leave at 7.45pm. So we had taken a leisurely hour to do the whole thing.

Before leaving we walked up another bunch of stairs, to the other Exhibition of Design Awards. As we were being advised over the tannoy system the place was closing, in minutes, we didn't see much on that floor. The view over the Thames was the most interesting bit if I'm honest. :D

We found the lift (thankfully) and left.

With several staff overseeing us all the time, it would have been a bit provocative to have taken out a camera to photograph the Exhibition, so we didn't try. :(

The evening was quite pleasant, and we decided to have a walk along the river to the other side of Tower Bridge. We tried to take some photo's of the Olympic rings hanging from Tower Bridge, but we found my [fairly unused 4 year old digital camera] had stopped working properly!

The wind picked up, and the air chilled quite quickly, so we had to return to our car for sweaters and jackets. By the time we'd gotten to the car, it was 9.15pm. We decided to go home, as the earliest we would get back would be 10.30pm if we left immediately.

I would say the Exhibition was worth a visit if you were in London already, or had an interest in his styles. It was an excuse to get out, and to wear heels, so it was worth it to me. B)

Mrs Freddy got an evening away from the building site, so she was reasonably happy too. :D


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Did u notice any attention from others of u wearing heels?

None that I'm aware of. ;)

While I haven't shown the front of the boots, they can easily be mistaken for a US cowboy style boot, despite the heel.

If I had been wearing a higher thinner heel, I doubt I would have walked around so much. Although quite late in the day, it was still very bright out. In fact there was still light in the sky when we got home after 10.30pm.

It's a shame about the camera. We did get some images, but the quality isn't good. [Mostly over-exposed.] If I can find one to use, I'll add it here.

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The weather is getting quite depressing. [Not clinically depressing, obviously.]

It's rained quite heavily most of today. Large areas of the UK are experiencing floods. :(

The Olympics will be appearing here fairly soon, I hope the competing teams bring canoe's and plenty of wet weather clothing. I think we are working our way to having a third "wettest xxx month" this year on record. Some towns having had more than a months rain in a day.

This obviously impinges on what is, and what isn't practical by way travelling, and enjoying whatever you travelled for. :(

I've a provisional meeting arranged next Sunday with one of the more active members here. Hopefully we'll see a dry day in London. [Fat chance.]

More rain is forecast. The moving roof on Wimbledon centre court, will earn its keep this year. :D

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U need platform wellingtons.. :)

Like >> this one << ?

A picture also featured in the thread I started last year about UK pop star, Jessie J.

And on that note ......

The Olympic torch passed by us here in Hertfordshire today. In fact less than a mile away .....

As tempting as it was to go watch the UK PR vehicle [showing the world what we have to offer to tourists], it was pouring with rain at the time, and I mean hammering down. Had I access to a pair of boots like Jessie J's (above) I'm sure I could have found the enthusiasm to go..... ;)

The weathermen today are unusually in full agreement across the board, with their predictions for the next three days ....... Rain.

And finally, despite two of the driest winters on record that left UK reservoirs with record low water levels, the last two water companies that had not cancelled their hosepipe bans (we couldn't use hose pipes to water our grass), gave up their ban today. Reservoirs are full, ground water is high with soil everywhere at saturation level. The only thing that surprised anyone about this, is that it took those two companies so long to announce their decision. :rolleyes:

If there's one thing none of us here need to do anyway, it's water the grass.

Had a report on the news that one town [could be Portland something or other] had around 97mm of rain in a 12 hour period. Their usual July rainfall for the month, around 33mm? So 3 months of rain in a day....

Much more of this, and I won't need high heel wellies, I'll need high heel flippers. :D

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The first link is not working...

Southern Norway was hit by rain yesterday and it will rain for at least one week.

Hopefully not as much as England got...

I have seen puctures of high heel flippers (diving flippers), I guess the picture was photoshop`d


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Well done for finding those!

Sherlock Holmes has nothing on you. ;):D

Available in 3 colours – green, black and red for £630.

These were in the LV Autumn/Winter collection 2011/2012 it seems, so not only too expensive unless in a sale, but I'm too late to buy a pair for Mrs Freddy. (Thankfully. :D )

Really good find. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are promised at least 4 days of summer grade weather over the coming week. Seems the jet stream has moved North for a while ....

I'm going into London/Oxford Street Sunday, or at least I plan to.

Mrs Freddy is off work for a couple of weeks too. She is off abroad for the second week with family, but at home with me for the first week. If it stays warm, we might venture out to the coast for a day or two (probably Brighton), which might give me the chance of wearing heels somewhere different. We have been to Brighton with me in heels before, but it was a short visit of afternoon and early-ish evening. I might have some business on the Isle of Wight, a place I haven't been back to for a very long time .... [40 years!]

Anyone? :D


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We are promised at least 4 days of summer grade weather over the coming week. Seems the jet stream has moved North for a while ....

I'm going into London/Oxford Street Sunday, or at least I plan to.

How stupid am I?

I'm trying hard to ignore the incessant barrage of media coverage about the impending London 2012 Olympics. The whole thing has stirred my inner cynic, and I vigorously dislike the sporting event that has been turned into a huge money making exercise for larger businesses, with fines/penalties for ordinary folk who wear the wrong clothes or drive on the wrong bit of road. You can only join in, if you pay to join in. Literally. Inclusive? :rolleyes:

Anyway, with the plan in mind to travel to London on Sunday ....

I mentioned before setting off, I had just seen 7 Police mobile video camera vans in convoy travelling South toward London. It was put to me there was an Olympic relay event in London (with all the traffic chaos that brings) and what was I thinking; travelling there by car?

Consequently, we went out for a couple of hours and stayed local. [Local meaning; no heels.]

The summer sales are in full force, with shoppers being teased with reduced price clothing and shoes. I spent a little money, but not much. Was nice to see the Sun and feel warm, but .... Usually it's possible to get used to the increasing temperatures, perhaps acclimatising to the heat? Not so this year. From 12/15 degrees, to 24 in the space of 2 days, with 30 degrees promised after 2 further days. So out in 20+ degree weather, I got hot and tired very quickly, with my feet feeling like they were cooking! With me in flat shoes too. London maybe later in the week then...


Saw these in NEXT, and thought of you. [Note size and price: £12]


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Yep Freddy

Thats the pair I bought and took back......

I would have not been happy at the sale price either!

But I am still on the hunt for a new pair if stilettos, incidentally Debenhams in Preston have that Nine West pair in my size, but I'm still not paying £65

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While summer is only here for 4 or 5 days, the change in temperature over two days is amazing. Was out last night visiting family, and was in a short sleeved T-shirt until past 10 o'clock.

Mrs Freddy is off work now, so later nights out are in order. Cinema tonight (in heels), and looks like we might be chancing our arm going to London on Wednesday evening. Selfridges are open until 10pm to catch the Olympic Games visitors, the bulk of the other shops, open until 9pm. Wrong time of year for me to buy shoes, as I mostly wear boots, but Mrs Freddy can always be tempted by flat sandals if they have enough 'bling' on them. :D

We've some restaurant discount vouchers that need using during the next 7 days, so that will be another night out. We are told rain (or showers at least) will be back on Friday. Those visiting for the Games will be disappointed if the warmer weather doesn't return. :(

For my part, I can tolerate 30 degree days for short periods like 3 or 4 days, but weeks of that sort of heat can be very wearing. I don't have immediate access to a garden swimming pool, nor have air con installed, so there's no respite from the heat. A week of humid/restless nights, and I'm ready for cooler weather.

I intend to make the most of the dry weather though. ;)B)

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Made the mistake of having a (cold) beer with my salmon salad last night, just before going to the cinema. Meant I couldn't drive there, and wear heels. Walking distance is a reasonable 1km or there abouts, but it was broad daylight when we left, with plenty of commuter/summer evening foot traffic about. I went in (gulp) trainers.... :unsure:

We left around 11pm, and went to a supermarket to buy some milk, before walking home. We went the scenic route, arriving home at 12 midnight. We were both in light short-sleeved T-shirts. It was still warm out, and walking past brick and concrete, it was possible to feel the retained warmth coming off them. :huh:

Once home we had a coffee, and watched some TV, before going to bed. I stayed up until 2am. It was closer to 4am before I managed to get to sleep, and stay asleep. [i actually slept downstairs on the couch where it was slightly cooler.]

It's going to be even hotter today. :o

Not sure what to do tonight. It's going to be oppressively warm and humid later. Spending the whole night on a lounger in the garden, seems more attractive than window shopping 30 miles away in what will seem like an oven .....

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Not written up the visits of last week as Mrs Freddy has been keeping me busy with a paintbrush over the weekend.

Herself is off to sunnier climes later today, so I might 'find' some time to do write ups tomorrow. ;)

More moderate weather has returned. this means sun and rain, sun and rain, on and off most days. At least it's not raining 20 out of 24 hours, nor sunny all day leading to soaring temperatures we're not (currently) used to. Worryingly, farmers are cutting crops, which often signals the end of summer? I'd hoped for the warmth to stay until mid to late September.....

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