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I keep checking, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day?

I've lots and lots of pictures to put up, and some stories, but trying to get "stuff" done in the home (aka building site).

Not helped by us recently taking in a slightly 'fitter' cat than promised, when we offered a foster home to the RSPCA. He was supposed to be a kitten in poor condition, needing some TLC. Turns out he was 3 or 4 months old, with enough energy to wear me out by 3pm most days.

As he'd spent most of his time in a cattery, he was not trained well regarding furniture. We now have claw scratches/digs/punctures in our otherwise spotless leather couches, and the final straw came when he used our curtains for a parachute when he fell off the back of a couch. Excellent toilet habits, but terrible attitude to furnishings. Of course most kittens are taught both these before they are large enough to do any real damage, and before their claws are long/strong enough to puncture/damage leather.

We expected an infirm and sickly young cat, as "advised". We got one that was happy to run around the whole house all day, and expected 'the help' to play with him. [i have around 20 puncture marks on one leg, where I tried the professional advice given, of "ignore him" usually resulting in him then playing with my legs. Possibly his way to get attention?]

The upshot to this is, he had to go back. :(

This was quite a sad situation, because we miss having a cat around, and Mrs Freddy was quite looking forward to nursing a kitten. But the cat was 3/4 grown, and had claws and energy to match. Lovely, well meaning animal, but not what we were expecting.

On a positive note, the RSPCA don't need their expected 6 month 'assessment period' to find out if he's fit enough to permanently re-home. Not since we showed them he could run up and down two flights of stairs faster than a 9 year old anyway. :D And a younger cat will be easier to re-home, than a fully grown cat too.

Bit sad with him leaving though. :huh:

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just got nothing to report.

I don't know if I've mentioned Facebook before, with regard to "nothing to report", but seems to me Facebook is full of people with pretty much 'nothing to report'? It doesn't stop the place being busy, nor stop folk updating this-or-that fairly frequently.....

If we consider this place [ie H4M] to be a pub or bar, how boring we would be if we walked through the door, sat with people we knew, and said nothing? I might be out of line with this remark, but I find it incredibly difficult to believe members here don't have anything in their lives they could share? For example, we Brits love to talk about the weather. Can offend no-one, it changes 4 times a day here [bright and sunny yesterday morning, snowing at 4pm] so plenty to talk about if you choose to.

Possibly (and by that I mean probably), members believe either: (i) if an incident is not shoe or heel related, it's of no interest, or (ii) they believe their lives to be so mundane no-one would be interested to read about it?

Plainly, I'm different. As reported above, looking after a cat for 8 days turned our world upside down. That coming from a place that looks like a building site/storage facility! How difficult could it be? Well, a cat can't go outside until it knows where "home" is (eg feeding station). So, empting the poop tray couple of times a day. Feeding a young cat means frequent feeding. Being followed everywhere meant no painting and nothing sharp or moving near to the cat. I got even less done than usual. He pooped everytime we ate..... (Was he trying to teach us a lesson? :D )

The assumption is my posts get read, so I keep adding things that go on here, that are not shoe related. Wearing heels isn't perceived as normal behaviour for a man, so I can't claim to be a normal person, but the stuff about the young cat is part of my everyday life - hence the mention. I'm sure every member here has similar (non-cat) events that add colour to their presence here.

So I'm convinced that unless members here are actually locked up in a cell 24/7, there's very little chance they won't have events -shoe and none shoe related- that might make interesting reading.

For example:

Seen some interesting music video's on You Tube? I'm not a fan but >>

<< was good.

As was she >>


Shoe related, that might be >> a repeat <<?

Perhaps we should all set ourselves a target (or project), that might make this place busier, and maybe even our own lives, just that little bit more interesting?

For example:

EACH OF US, set ourselves a minimum goal of 2 posts per week. (5 would be better. ;) )

1 post -shoe related obviously- about something you've worn, or would like to buy, or have bought. With pictures (links) or screen grabs? Boots to drool over?

1 post related to your life in general. Could be (but needn't be) a second post on how you managed to wear heels during the past week after all, heels you've seen while out, or heels you've wanted or hoped to wear, and didn't get to. Or the post could be about how the snow is so deep outside, you've not been out? You're on holiday and the sea 'n' surf are great wherever you are? (Pictures of the resort would be good. :P ) Tell us about something you've discovered? A new film perhaps? >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2IVUIZX-Ws << >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yJUDR7LtKU <<

I'm sure all the regulars would enjoy this content, and it might encourage the 'new blood' to contribute too. B)


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I have to admit that you are right Freddy. For me, this forum is indeed heels related so I tend to share only heel related stuff. I've been involved in many different forums over the years being on the net and I have created friendships with a few people.

I'll try to post more, your idea is a good one.

As for the boots to drool over, I have to agree, they are gorgeous. I'd love em. I can send you my address, my birthday is coming in a couple of months. :)

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You're right guys, forum is as quiet as quiet we are... If we want to keep this excellent place interesting for new people to join in, we need keep up posting stuff and keep discussions ongoing. Of course we are still small number of people who contribute to this site, but hopefully we'll get more crowd joining in to discussions.

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As for the boots to drool over, I have to agree, they are gorgeous. I'd love em. I can send you my address, my birthday is coming in a couple of months. :)

I have to say (and rather selfishly I'm afraid), you'd be 2nd in the queue if my funds allowed a purchase, ;)after me. :P:D

However, should I get lucky on the Lottery any time soon, I'll be checking they have your size in stock. ;)B)

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we need keep up posting stuff and keep discussions ongoing. Of course we are still small number of people who contribute to this site, but hopefully we'll get more crowd joining in to discussions.

Small groups become bigger I think, by the amount of traffic it draws? Not just directly, (actively being searched for; "men in heels") but indirectly by search engines picking up high(er) traffic sites through related searches. Searching for High Heels will sometimes produce links to HHplace for example.

It wouldn't take much to keep this place busier. Volume posters like Heelman500 showed lots of promise, as did Love4heels, who also shared some more diverse interests. [i really liked the motorbike touring vid's for example.] Putting on a psychoanalysis hat, it seems that men-in-heels have trained themselves to be so introspective, (guilt ridden) they prefer to listen rather than speak?

The guilty secret about which they never speak? :huh:

Well, I've been wearing heels for a long, long time. I enjoy the feeling of a heel, I like the look of a heel. Too late (too old) to feel any differently now. I have other interests, that the terrible British weather pretty much keeps me away from, so it might seem to some my only interest is heels. It's not the case..... ;)

And I'm sure it's not the case with many others here. :P:D

I'm looking forward to seeing more posts from the regulars. B):)

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My latest exploit:

I attended a showing of the Rocky Horror Show (live musical) last night.

I was wearing black jeans, black leather jacket, red shirt & 4" stiletto knee boots.

I had the jeans down over the boots so they weren't on full show, but obviously, if you looked properly, you'd see the heels.

Bizarrely, none of the 8 women who accompanied me to the show actually noticed the heels even though I was (definitely) standing 4" higher than usual, (probably) walking differently and (often) giving off that distinct "click-click" sound when walking on the hard surfaces inside the venue.

It was a great night, made even better with the chance for street heeling.

Loads of people at the show and at the pub before & after, none of who seemed to be the slightest bit interested in my choice of footware.

As i've said on here & on HHP a number of times, the Rocky Horror Show provides the perfect opportunity for heel wearing.

Edited by euchrid
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I was wearing black jeans, black leather jacket, red shirt & 4" stiletto knee boots.

I had the jeans down over the boots so they weren't on full show, but obviously, if you looked properly, you'd see the heels.

Bizarrely, none of the 8 women who accompanied me to the show actually noticed the heels even though I was (definitely) standing 4" higher than usual, (probably) walking differently and (often) giving off that distinct "click-click" sound when walking on the hard surfaces inside the venue.

Hello stranger. ;):D

Heels and a Harem, what more could any man want? :P;):D

Sounds like a perfect night?

I've had in mind to go see Wicked in similar circumstances, accompanied with me in stiletto courts. Ticket prices look cripplingly expensive though .... :huh: That said, if I had the presence of mind to put £5 away each month I'd been planning to go, I'd have saved enough to have bought two tickets by now. :rolleyes:


And on the subject of Wicked ...... >>

Lovely, lovely song. Edited by FastFreddy2
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I have wanted to see Wicked for a while but tickets can be expensive. I was hoping the social club where I used to work would go and I could get discounted price tickets and ccoach

Unfortunately Idina Menzel is no longer in it. She played Elphaba (wicked witch) and has a great voice.

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I am hoping to go to the Rocky Horror show when it comes to Milton Keynes this year, Mrs Shyguy has agreed in principle to us both going for a night out. I'm pretty sure heels will be discussed beforehand, and probably prohibited or at least restricted to low and un-noticeable levels.

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Heels and a Harem, what more could any man want? :P;):D

Sounds like a perfect night?

It was almost perfect. My Harem was mostly made up of 40/50-something women though who were dressed fairly modestly.

Had they been 20-somethings in corsets & stockings, the (ahem) overall aesthetic would have been much improved.

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Maybe a group of us should do it as a Heel-meet & leave the wives/partners at home.

That's not a completely unworkable idea. ;)

Had they been 20-somethings in corsets & stockings, the (ahem) overall aesthetic would have been much improved.

For me, a much shorter outing ..... I'm happier with the older ladies. Helps keep me on the straight an narrow. :huh:;)

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I keep checking, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day?

I've lots and lots of pictures to put up, and some stories, but trying to get "stuff" done in the home (aka building site).

Not helped by us recently taking in a slightly 'fitter' cat than promised, when we offered a foster home to the RSPCA. He was supposed to be a kitten in poor condition, needing some TLC. Turns out he was 3 or 4 months old, with enough energy to wear me out by 3pm most days.

As he'd spent most of his time in a cattery, he was not trained well regarding furniture. We now have claw scratches/digs/punctures in our otherwise spotless leather couches, and the final straw came when he used our curtains for a parachute when he fell off the back of a couch. Excellent toilet habits, but terrible attitude to furnishings. Of course most kittens are taught both these before they are large enough to do any real damage, and before their claws are long/strong enough to puncture/damage leather.

We expected an infirm and sickly young cat, as "advised". We got one that was happy to run around the whole house all day, and expected 'the help' to play with him. [i have around 20 puncture marks on one leg, where I tried the professional advice given, of "ignore him" usually resulting in him then playing with my legs. Possibly his way to get attention?]

The upshot to this is, he had to go back. :(

This was quite a sad situation, because we miss having a cat around, and Mrs Freddy was quite looking forward to nursing a kitten. But the cat was 3/4 grown, and had claws and energy to match. Lovely, well meaning animal, but not what we were expecting.

On a positive note, the RSPCA don't need their expected 6 month 'assessment period' to find out if he's fit enough to permanently re-home. Not since we showed them he could run up and down two flights of stairs faster than a 9 year old anyway. :D And a younger cat will be easier to re-home, than a fully grown cat too.

Bit sad with him leaving though. :huh:

My wife and I always had cats, but we traveled quite a bit, and the cats tended to get diseased from being outside a lot. When we lost the last one, we decided not to replace it and were just as happy without the aggravation. I am alone now, but I don't miss having a pet. I like cats but am happy to enjoy someone else's.

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Another 'wanderer' returns. ;) Welcome back sir! B)

(I recently checked for your last visit. I was concerned with your absence. :huh: )

When we lost the last one, we decided not to replace it and were just as happy without the aggravation.

I like cats but am happy to enjoy someone else's.

That was our sentiment too.

When I joined my (now) wife, she had two cats inherited from other family members. I wasn't so bothered about the first that passed, but the second was a good companion. I put a lot of effort into making his last months as good as I could, and would have done more if it was possible. I cared for him so much, I had the vet visit, so he could have his last moments somewhere he knew and held by his friend who comforted him during is last minutes in this life.

That cat could eat a hotter chilli than I could tolerate. He liked chocolate as much as I did (and climbed my leg once to get at some I had in my hand). He would go out last thing at night (for a pee) on my voice command, and was seldom more than 5 feet away from me wherever I was in the house. When he became very ill, he might sleep on my keyboard that I would be using - I guess for comfort. I still miss his company. A lot.

My step daughter changed her job last year, and now works in a vets. She's since hand reared a number of sick kittens at home, and as we all know, kittens are just the cutest things!

Mrs F wanted to help, by doing some of the same. We'd been offered a "kitten" that wasn't doing well at the cattery, and the RSPCA wanted it fostering for 6 months to decide if it was a 'prospect' for re-homing, or not. It has 2 congenital diseases, one it will always have, and the second making it hard to insure against vet bills later in its life. [Hence the assessment]. I had said we could not have a cat here for 6 months and then let it go, as it would by then be 'part of the family'. I suggested 2 months would be more appropriate, and it was agreed.

For the first day, the cat was quiet, and liked being petted. It was MUCH larger than expected, perhaps 3/4 grown. By day 2 we had taught each other to play 'fetch'. I would throw a paper ball, the cat would bring it back for me to throw again! And it would do this for some considerable time. My almost instant conclusion; the cat didn't need assessing. It was ready to be re-homed and preferably in a home with a couple of energetic 13 year olds!!

We bought it some toys for distractions, but it still (by some considerable margin) preferred the 'fetch' game. On day 3 and day 4 I managed to get it up and down our 4 flights of stairs. In the bedroom, he would go completely nuts. I don't know what it was about our quilt, but his ears went back, and meant he would run from one bedroom to another until he got so tired he was left panting on the floor. And away from our bedroom.

By day 6 he's started using one of the leather couches as a scratching pad. Not wilful, he's a cat. Day 7 we bought a scratching pad which he ignored. Wouldn't play with it nor me and it either. Day 8, he fell off the back of the couch, grabbing the old curtains on the way groundward. Being old, they tore. Again, not wilful, he's a young cat, with seemingly no idea how to stay stable while asleep on a slippery surface. :rolleyes::D

At that point, I decided I'd had enough. To be honest, I halfway believed we'd been loaned a "sick" cat that was two or three times fitter than me. :huh: He was going home. The following day, he went back to the cattery.

Before he went I showed the daughter how fit he was by throwing the paper ball. I had him chase me up and down two flights of stairs. She could not believe how lively he was. Nor could the people at the cattery when she took him back. Nor could the RSPCA agent when they were informed the cat had gone back to the cattery. I was very relieved when he left, but glad I wasn't there to see him go.

He's been gone a week, and feedback from the cattery is he's just sitting in his cage, sleeping and ignoring the world. He is not showing any signs of his previous energy, nor enthusiasm for doing much at all. Consequently I feel guilty as heck, and have (unrealistically) mentioned giving him another go. :rolleyes:

It's ridiculous, but I think my melancholy is really me missing my wife's cat that had adopted me, now gone perhaps as long as 5 years. :(

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We had a cat when I was young. We had been shopping and on the way home saw a young cat. Being young we stopped and stroked it. The cat followed us home. Our parents told us it would go home on its own. It decided to stay, so after afew days we gave it scraps of food as it was abit thin. We put an old blanket in the old coal bunker.

Afew weeks later we let it in the house. After afew more weeks she had three kitttens. We suspect she was abandoned because she was pregnant. She died aged 20.

I had anoother cat years later but it got knocked over while being chased be a dog at 6 months old.

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I used to have cats as well. Earlier, like 15 years ago I had 2 Maine Coons for couple of years, perfect cats in my eyes. I had to give them away for various reasons but they really got good place to stay. Later on I had 2 another cats, they were just home cats, not any special breed. Those I had for many years, 8 maybe... then I had give these away as well, life changed in a way that cats couldn't stay. Boy I miss those cats still, after 4 years I had to part with them.

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Maine Coons, big 'softie' cats. >>


My personal fav: Bengals.


<< Playing 'fetch' just like our recent ('poorly') visitor..... [Noisy clip!!]

>> clicky 3 << Going crazy on the quilt, just like our recent ('poorly') visitor..... This video reminded me that around day 6 or day 7, the cat missed the quilt during one of his bedroom rampages, and stuck a claw in my cheek (close to my ear) while I was laying in bed. :rolleyes: It went so deep I had to unhook him. Fortunately, the mark didn't resemble a duelling scar, and has completely disappeared. As have all but one or two of the holes in my lower legs. ;) They are nearly fit enough to model some of my recent shoe and sandal purchases. (Yes, you read right SANDAL purchases. :D )


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That's not a completely unworkable idea. ;)

Setting aside all the Felis Catus discussion for a moment, cute & fluffy though they are:

Rocky Horror Show comes to Milton Keynes theatre Mon 15th - Sat 20th July.

Would any members on the site (male and female) have a genuine interest in attending a Rocky Horror heelmeet?

Partners welcome although they would need to be open & accepting of the male heel wearing that will be going on (both on stage and off !!!).

I'm not free for all the dates myself - I think only the Monday & Thursday are do-able.

Anyway - let me know if you like the sound of it & maybe we can plan this in more detail.

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I'm not free for all the dates myself - I think only the Monday & Thursday are do-able.

As I've mentioned before, I'm not keen on the content, but I'm happy to 'take one for the team' if it helps produce a situation that means there is a meet. I might even be able to bring a +1. ;):P:D

On the downside, I've checked ticket availability for the Monday and Thursday tonight. Unbelievably the bulk of tickets (seem to) have been sold for the stalls already? Only 'back of theatre' or top price (£35 + booking) tickets appear to be available? Ticket prices don't seem to vary much so a top price of £36/£37 isn't that scary. [And certainly wouldn't be if I actually wanted to go.]

The gig date should be on one of the warmest days of the year, (3rd week in July) and some consideration ought to be given to how this will affect possible 'dress' codes?

Sorry for the luke warm response. :huh: I do appreciate this is one of the longest running, best supported UK theatre productions, ever. The visual content was (and still is) of great interest to me. As I write these words, I'm listening to "Uplifting Trance" on You Tube. It's hard to imagine finding a way to get excited about Mr O'Brien's almost Vaudeville score with something like 120bpm thumping away in my head?

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As I've mentioned before, I'm not keen on the content, but I'm happy to 'take one for the team' if it helps produce a situation that means there is a meet. I might even be able to bring a +1. ;):P:D

On the downside, I've checked ticket availability for the Monday and Thursday tonight. Unbelievably the bulk of tickets (seem to) have been sold for the stalls already? Only 'back of theatre' or top price (£35 + booking) tickets appear to be available? Ticket prices don't seem to vary much so a top price of £36/£37 isn't that scary. [And certainly wouldn't be if I actually wanted to go.]

The gig date should be on one of the warmest days of the year, (3rd week in July) and some consideration ought to be given to how this will affect possible 'dress' codes?

Sorry for the luke warm response. :huh: I do appreciate this is one of the longest running, best supported UK theatre productions, ever. The visual content was (and still is) of great interest to me. As I write these words, I'm listening to "Uplifting Trance" on You Tube. It's hard to imagine finding a way to get excited about Mr O'Brien's almost Vaudeville score with something like 120bpm thumping away in my head?

Yep, the tickets are selling fast for all shows despite there being 8 performances at MK alone.

I personally feel that £35 is too expensive & I would be loathe to pay that much generally but since a great show is virtually guaranteed and there's the added attractions of-

a) wearing absolutely anything you like without fear of censure, ridicule, etc

B) enjoying the visual delights of your fellow theatre goers, many of whom will be scantily clad, stiletto wearing ladies!

- it's a price worth paying

The guaranteed(?) good weather won't make the slightest difference to what people wear.

Most will go straight from car park to theatre anyway although a few will probably be glimpsed in bars & eateries in the vicinity prior to the show as hopefully we would be also!

As things stand, my 'Harem' (ahem) is thinking about going again but the chance of them agreeing to doing so on the monday or thursday are slim.

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