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Quiet in here isn't it!?


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Due to a mishap with my desktop.ini file, I have lost my instant access to the site, so daily (or more frequent) visits have not happened for some weeks. Also, I started a job that is keeping much busier than expected. I am getting home mid-evening, eating my main meal of the day, and just about passing out. (Falling asleep straight after din-dins.) I am not built for hard work, and I'm not doing a desk job.

It's nice to have more regular money and so much of it, but it really is: 'all work and no play'. :rolleyes:  I'm sure many others will understand that position, but I've managed to avoid it for some 15 or so years. My luck was bound to run out sooner or later. :D

The only real downside, is that the slow work on Fortress Freddy, has almost ground to a halt. Mrs Freddy says it's good to seen me with a 'proper' job (meaning one that might appear to have regular hours), and with the money I'm getting 'shouldn't we pay trades to finish off work?' Well, when I find some that do quality work, then yes. Until then, I'll have to find a balance of work/work and home/work. :huh:

Another solution would be 30 hours in every day. That would sort it. :D


Was over Milton Keynes recently. (Delivered something I sold on Evilbay.) Popped into the shopping area for a short visit, and saw a fairly glamorous girl wearing some black high heeled ankle boots from Office I had nearly succumbed to several times.  (Picture to follow.)



The fella in that video, looks like he could barely walk, much less in heels. I'm guessing too much 'Dutch courage'? :huh:


Edited by FastFreddy2
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  • 5 months later...
  On 11/26/2018 at 3:07 AM, WalkTall said:

It is quiet. I don't think even the old regulars have visited much recently.
Lets hope we new members can breathe some life back in.


I for one visit regularly - but unless I have something worthwhile to say, I don't post!   I agree about encouraging new members' contributions - and you are doing your bit already, but not alone I hope.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/26/2018 at 3:07 AM, WalkTall said:

It is quiet. I don't think even the old regulars have visited much recently.
Lets hope we new members can breathe some life back in.


Indeed, the natural lifecycle of many communities is that the "olde boys club" do fade away as they realise the new era of members and ways of doing things are more popular..

So yeah, post away, we all look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions...

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  On 12/18/2018 at 3:13 PM, Tech said:

Indeed, the natural lifecycle of many communities is that the "olde boys club" do fade away as they realise the new era of members and ways of doing things are more popular..

So yeah, post away, we all look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions...


It is a little disappointing that, following a minor flurry of newcomers' contributions recently, the board has gone quiet again, particularly as some responses to those contributions really merited further comment, or perhaps just acknowledgement.

A Merry Christmas to all my readers - both of them!  :) 

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  On 12/18/2018 at 3:13 PM, Tech said:

Indeed, the natural lifecycle of many communities is that the "olde boys club" do fade away as they realise the new era of members and ways of doing things are more popular..

So yeah, post away, we all look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions...


I think it more to do with boredom.

I was a very active member of another board for several years. Every month, a new member would ask the same questions "is this better or the other one better"? "Should I do this, or do that?" These basic questions literally got asked so frequently, a FAQ section was created that fully explored the 'rights and wrongs' of any point possible in a debate prior to a purchase.

Did the FAQ section stop the question being asked? Nope. Did pointing people at the FAQ section stop the same questions being asked, the same points on either side of any given debate being put forward? Nope. Responding, became an act of futility.

This site needs at least 3 (to 5) regular respondents. I've been unusually busy these past months and haven't had the time I used to have for contributions. I expect to have more time in the new year, if my work position goes the way I expect it to. I'm happy to make contributions as I know Puffer is, but there needs to be others able and willing to contribute. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/5/2019 at 1:35 PM, marcelheels said:

hello again....after 2,5 years :-)4No idea why I wasn't here.. maybe my devorce?


Anyway... is anyone propmoting the site anywhere?

Through Instagram, twitter??


Promoting the site? Zut alors! We're British, we don't do things like announce ourselves to the world! :D

Actually, I doubt either of those two are used directly, given how little new traffic arrives here. :huh: 

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  On 1/6/2019 at 5:59 AM, FastFreddy2 said:

Promoting the site? Zut alors! We're British, we don't do things like announce ourselves to the world! :D

Actually, I doubt either of those two are used directly, given how little new traffic arrives here. :huh: 


Hmm....me too!


well.... time to take some action than, @FastFreddy2

You and me, maybe?
But the owners here should agree, or decide, right?

Although 2 out of 3 haven't been here for years.

Who's paying for this? 

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  On 1/6/2019 at 8:09 AM, marcelheels said:

Hmm....me too!


well.... time to take some action than, @FastFreddy2

You and me, maybe?
But the owners here should agree, or decide, right?

Although 2 out of 3 haven't been here for years.

Who's paying for this? 


Most of the time, it does seem that we only have about 3 members, 2 of whom are active!   

As for payment, the board is directly funded by the EU at enormous expense.   Whether this will continue after Brexit is a main sticking-point in the current negotiations.   Alas, as Mother Theresa has no interest greater than her 2" kitten heels, her support seems unlikely. :unsure:

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  On 1/6/2019 at 9:13 AM, Puffer said:

Most of the time, it does seem that we only have about 3 members, 2 of whom are active!   

As for payment, the board is directly funded by the EU at enormous expense.   Whether this will continue after Brexit is a main sticking-point in the current negotiations.   Alas, as Mother Theresa has no interest greater than her 2" kitten heels, her support seems unlikely. :unsure:


In that case... let's ask our queen Maxioma; she wears 4 inches all the time ;-)

Classic ones!

But serious... it's a pitty that 8/9 years ago this was big, no it's 'dead;, sort of

Putting energy in Instagram and Twitter will definately help a lot!

I'm willing to create 1 of the 2 account and promote this, if someone else is willing to do the other.

There are lot's of guys wearing heels and interested in heels, so this group should be 50 to 100 people at least @Puffer

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Yes, Maxima, along with the Spanish and Danish queens, seems to favour stylish heels.   One day, we might find Queen Kate on the throne here in hers.

I have no involvement at all with any 'social media' (intrusive and time-wasting) and I doubt use of it will help us that much, but try it if you wish.

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  On 1/6/2019 at 9:26 AM, Puffer said:

Yes, Maxima, along with the Spanish and Danish queens, seems to favour stylish heels.   One day, we might find Queen Kate on the throne here in hers.

I have no involvement at all with any 'social media' (intrusive and time-wasting) and I doubt use of it will help us that much, but try it if you wish.


I'm ok with that, but I think the proper way should be asking the moderators first, right?

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  On 1/6/2019 at 8:09 AM, marcelheels said:

Hmm....me too!


well.... time to take some action than, @FastFreddy2

You and me, maybe?



  On 1/6/2019 at 9:26 AM, Puffer said:

Yes, Maxima, along with the Spanish and Danish queens, seems to favour stylish heels.   One day, we might find Queen Kate on the throne here in hers.

I have no involvement at all with any 'social media'



My limited experience with Twitter has been very negative. On joining, (both times) I was bombarded with links to stuff/people I wasn't interested in, my phone being filled up with way too much stuff to even review in an effective way.

Instagram (as I understand it) is telling your life story in pictures, as it happens. Great for celeb's building/keeping a career,  but not something I could get involved with directly because I need to keep my heel wearing discreet. (As much as I see wearing heels every time I leave the house, as something desirable.) 

In terms of the administration, I'd be happy to help but as you and Puffer have already concluded, it should be under the auspices of the site owner. 


Edited by FastFreddy2
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  On 1/6/2019 at 9:44 PM, marcelheels said:

Would be nice if the owners would wake up and join our conversation :-)


If you want to get his attention, PM him him directly. It's not a case of waking him/them up, they are busy elsewhere and as this threat clearly indicates, there's not much going on that draws attention.

I have to say, your input is greatly appreciated, in trying to change that. B)

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  On 1/7/2019 at 4:28 AM, Shyheels said:

It would be nice to do get this forum running in a livelier way. I don't like FB, Twitter etc anyway - have never joined and never will. 


Morning gents :-)

The question in if social media will help, but I do think so, if you use it properly.

At least, by talking about this, there's some movement already :-)

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I am highly sceptical of social media ever accomplishing anything other than disquiet and enforcing a sort of mob rule - tyranny by Twitter. If anything, enforcing a broad and common mediocrity on the world. A livelier forum here, an engaging exchange of ideas, would probably accomplish more.

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  On 1/7/2019 at 6:22 AM, Shyheels said:

I am highly sceptical of social media ever accomplishing anything other than disquiet and enforcing a sort of mob rule - tyranny by Twitter. If anything, enforcing a broad and common mediocrity on the world. A livelier forum here, an engaging exchange of ideas, would probably accomplish more.


I agtee with you, concerning Twitter.

Instagram (your life in pictures) is a bit of a diffetent thing, if you use it properly (in this case promotion of heels)

The group of people that love heels on Instagram is enormous!

I'm willing to give it a try.

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I'll continue to steer clear of social media, but am certainly willing to take a more active part here.

I am a professional photographer and so I know about the promotional potential of Instagram. Some of my colleagues use it a lot, others steer clear. Kind of a tough call.

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