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"Last minute" meeting around the UK?

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Why do you say though "if I hold my nerve"?

it would be nerve wracking for me

Forget your second comment is slightly out of context, but why should visiting a new place in high heels be any less of a challenge for me, than for you?

I have 3 pairs of the Menzies [hopefully only 3] and all unworn. They are fairly 'girlie' and have a stiletto heel. If ever I'm going to have people [the general public] staring, it's because of this heel shape..... While standing still I might conceal the heel, while walking the heel will be seen, and my walking style [gait] will also be a bit of giveaway I have heels on. Not because I will walk awkwardly, but because I will not be able to walk in a manly fashion. My steps will be shorter, my hips will have to work harder.....

And as for security, if you go out in public, you'll be seen of course. Why would security be more of a concern than any other one?

Most folk are socially aware. Meaning, that unless they are upset by something, you'll at least give the appearance they've not noticed you've got green skin or two heads. As with heels too. Most men will not stare of make comment. Historical experience suggests women are less interested in being discreet and may stare, even laugh to a friend .....

Security chaps and chapesses are paid to stare, and paid to notice. They are not at all concerned with social niceties, and will let anyone with green skin or two heads, know they have been noticed. At Westfield White City, I once had a member of security practically walk up and down past me while I sat. Later he was joined by a colleague. Every other member of security I saw during that visit kept themselves busy moving from one area to another. Sure it may have been coincidence, but I did see the first fella look at my [cowboy style] boots whenever he passed me..... I've had similar experiences with security staff at Pimarnie [Primark] and Zara. In fact one fella at Primark was so obviously staring at me, I very nearly walked back into the shop to complain about him. [i didn't because it would have done nothing to make me any happier about the situation.]

The worst thing that could happen to me, is children or youths point and laugh. [Or worse, be abusive.] I doubt that would happen. But anyone staring for any length of time would make me feel uncomfortable. Thinking about it, even without heels on, anyone staring would make me feel uncomfortable, wouldn't it most folk?

Stratford is in what would be considered one of the poorer parts of London. There are many folk there, who are first generation immigrants, and possibly still hold the values from their homeland as those values they should hold here. Many times we have had reported here in the UK, African, Muslim, and West Indian cultures believe 'gays' should be killed. In those countries [as here] high heeled men=gay.

In conclusion, I'm looking to visit a place where the locals [shoppers] aren't likely to find a man wearing heels culturally acceptable, and may want to voice their opinion. It's also a place where a fair number of burly men are being paid to spot anything unusual ..... I can't imagine not being nervous? huh.gif

Reason for edit: Grammar.


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Yeah, my comment contradicted itself... Sorry about that.

I was just imagining, maybe hoping, you were more comfortable with being in public... I guess I also got the wrong impression that London was more "tolerant" to out of norm behavior. Here's as well, in Canada, for a guy to wear heels in public is most likely interpreted as gay.

I have no issues trying heels in the middle of the store in an adult store. But in a shoe store, I'm certainly more nervous. :)

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I am comfortable with me wearing heels in public, but not everyone else is. wink.gifbiggrin.gif

I don't mind if anyone looking at me thinks I gay. rolleyes.gif Being 'off the norm' doesn't automatically make you a bad person, or an undesirable. I try to be me, and I try to please people around me. [sometimes, too hard.] It's unfortunate most men, and a fair number of women, prefer their men friends to conform......

When I'm out in heels, I tend to wear longer jeans (or trousers) boots, and move around areas where I have quite a lot of places I can escape to if necessary. That could be various buildings (stores), numerous streets, or bars and restaurants. They would be familiar places, I'm comfortable in regardless to what I'm wearing.

Westfield Stratford has been open 3 days. My only other experience of this sort of mall, is the quite upmarket White City branch. At this venue, there are cameras and staff everywhere. It's a private facility, and you might be asked to leave for any reason, at any time. [Though unlikely.] Security at Stratford will be even worse, as it's literally, right next door to the Olympic facilities. It's quite likely a man in heels, especially a stiletto, will catch the attention of the staff there. Worse, it might even appeal to their sense of humour as an opportunity for some sport. rolleyes.gif

I own a small but attractive group of stiletto style shoes and boots. I can't and won't wear them in the street, because 3 out of 5 previous 'ventures' have concluded with heel damage. This limits their use. sad.gif Shopping malls would seem to be the ideal place to strut my stuff, but I still have to be careful I don't attract unwanted attention. For example ..... Once at Lakeside, in a moderately well known clothing store [Marks and Spencer], one half of a couple got their partner to wait so they could both watch me leave the entrance to the toilet in the store. I was annoyed at their rudeness, and it took me some time to calm down. Fortunately, this sort of thing is very very infrequent. smile.gif

Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll have the 'courage of my convictions' and finally walk around a Westfield mall in thinner heels than I usually go out in. If I can I'll take a camera with me, and try to do a picture of my shoes with the Westfield logo somewhere in the image. This seems like a simple thing to do, and so it should be. BUT, taking photo's in a security sensitive venue, can be difficult if the security staff believe you are recording detail prior to mischief.

I'll update the thread tomorrow night, all being well. biggrin.gif


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Well, I went to Westfield Stratford.

Didn't get to wear the Menzies, though I had them with me. Decided against, ONLY because I had neglected to take into account the light undersides of the shoes which I had planned to darken before and if I wore them out during the day. I believe the lighter sole on a dark heeled shoe is there to make the contrasting heel stand out more. Not something I wanted today ....

Wore the ALDO Levere I'd worn for a short while in Cardiff a couple of months ago. Same heel height as the Menzies, same difficulty in disguising my altered walk. They also have a thinner heel than the style I usually wear, but come with the standard darker sole. cool.gif

I drove to the venue, and parked in B Car Park, which is next to Waitrose [one end of the mall] and on the lower ground floor. Getting out of my car I immediately found myself parked next to a bay reserved for a disabled shopper, with a disabled shopper getting into his vehicle. There were few other people around, and almost no background noise at all. I had to wait until the fella was inside his vehicle before I dare clip clop off toward the mall entrance. [Great start.] This distraction meant I left my camera in plain sight on top of the dash, where I'd placed it to allow me to put on my heels..... Photo's another day then? rolleyes.gif

Once at the mall entrance, a young female 'greeter' stood guard. I had to time myself so she got distracted and I could enter without being approached, which I managed. Inside, a moving path angled sharply downward with me on it, making my 4 1/2" heels feel more like 6". I needed the toilet and one was at the disembark point. Obviously the start and stop of a journey attracts the use of toilets so them being positioned there, was no accident. wink.gifcool.gif

Once [ahem] relieved, I made my way into the mall proper. It was busy, and I was happy about this. My first 10 minutes at Westfield had me walking around too few people. [Car park and toilet.] I'm much happier secreting myself inside a larger, noisier group.

It will surprise no-one, I visited every shoe shop there save Barratts. I spent 3 1/2 hours walking around, both inside, and outside. There was only one incident to mention, and one other that was no bother..... The biggy was in New Look. A very large, short, Afro-Caribbean girl, of about 25 years must have spotted my heels. I caught her trying to peek at my shoes while leaving her friend and their children in an adjacent isle. Suspecting this, I moved out of her line of sight. I saw her talk to her friend, and her friend tried a wider route to look at my shoes a little less discreetly. I let her know I was watching her, and they then both stayed away from me. I left soon afterward anyway, and didn't go back. sad.gif I don't think there was any malice in this, just a little shock followed by some curiosity.....

An hour later, a little Chinese girl about 4ft in height and shopping with her girlfriend 'noticed' my walk as we approached each other. She looked back, as did I, and I smiled at her. Something to tell her grandchildren? biggrin.gif

As I suggested yesterday, there were security people everywhere. Most shops had a presence at their doorway too. I didn't notice any of them look at my shoes, and my walking style [hip rolling as girls in heels do], would have been unmistakable. huh.gif Thankfully I presented little interest for them. Even outside the immediate confines of the malls and along the walkways, I attracted no attention I was aware of.

Not all of the shops are open yet, and I would recommend a first visit toward the end of September 2011 if you travel any distance. There are 3 main walkways each shaped in a gentle curve, stacked on top of each other. There is a smaller 4th floor, which is mostly budget restaurants, and a cinema. There are food courts at the ends and middle of the mall. Avoid Marks and Spencer coffee shop. 15 minutes for a coffee? sad.gif

Driving there and parking, then getting home, wasn't difficult or slow in either direction. cool.gif

I had a great visit. I liked the place, but I won't be making a special visit again. It's a typical UK mall with typical UK mall shops. I much prefer Bluewater, and Lakeside is larger when the retail parks there are taken into account. wink.gif

Reason for edit: Typo.


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Shame about the camera being left in the car, but sounds like all in all it wasn't a bad day. I wonder if the "Afro-Caribbean girl" who saw you and tried to get a better look for her and her friend have ever felt uncomfortable for being different if they haven't I'm sure someone in their family could tell them what it was like to be stared at for being different. Still you handled it well and it turned out ok :)

At least your fears about the security in the place weren't realised during your trip too, as we always say most of the fear comes from within our own heads.

Why did you miss out Barratts ?

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Why did you miss out Barratts ?

I don't often find styles I like, and many of their shoes seem too expensive given what they are. Their sister group Priceless, are much the same. Styles have almost doubled in price during the past 3 years. Until I got enticed into buying the Schuh courts [at discount prices], I wouldn't have looked at Schuh either. Office seldom has anything suitable, and Nine West seem to be going the same way.

Top Shop and River Island have about one style per season I really like. KG and Carvela produce a couple per season. The store that ALWAYS delivers several styles I'd like to wear, is ALDO. And coincidently, I've decided I like the Levere style so much I've ordered a second pair. More on that another day...... wink.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

We here in the UK are enjoying something of a late mini heat wave. Only last week it was cold enough to need the heating system on, this week we are in 'skimpy' clothing trying to stay cool.

Mrs Freddy is busy sunbathing as I write, I'm [supposed to be] busy rubbing down walls. Still.

I'm out tonight in London without herself, [she's off out tonight with some friends] and we'll both be out tomorrow night enjoying the warm weather by the Thames, somewhere along the South Bank, cool.gif

All are welcome. wink.gifbiggrin.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

Autumn proper has arrived here in the UK.

Although it's still unseasonably warm for the time of year, cold winds from the North are due any day. Time to get out the thermal underwear? biggrin.gif Finally put the central heating on last night, it was that or start chipping ice off the walls. huh.gif

Off to Lakeside tomorrow I think. A small logistical problem to deal with, but looks very likely. Plenty of the cheaper shops to visit there, and mostly, it's all inside. TKMaxx and Matalan are off site in a large retail area, but both only 5 yards from the car parking.

The visit to London a couple of weeks ago went well. Stopped off at Brent Cross en route to the South Bank. Got stared at by two other shoppers passing by. A large short woman and her little daughter, neither one of them having been taught much in the way of 'social etiquette' or discretion.... Other than that, I was seen as part of the wallpaper drawing no attention at all. smile.gif

Then drove down to the South Bank, where I enjoyed a meal watching the world walk past. Some of them in high heels. cool.gif


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Well ..... I went. wink.gifbiggrin.gif

Started off in TKMaxx.

Spied some Guess ....... black suede ankle boots. Although the store was busy, and busiest around the shoe areas, I attempted to try them on. huh.gif Couldn't get them past my skinny ankle! blink.gif

Also found some really really high heeled knee boots. With a surprising price sticker ...... ohmy.gifohmy.gif

I did get one of the boots on [daren't put them both on] but couldn't get it off. unsure.gifbiggrin.gif Took me what seemed like 5 minutes, but may have been a minute, to tug the thing off. Thought I was going to have to buy them because it was locked on. Went on easy enough? wink.gif

Moved on to Matalan, and tried on >> these << Nice fit, but ...... no sale.

Tried House of Fraser ..... then about 10 stores that sold shoes. No inspiration. Got a size 7 on my foot [from the size 8 rack] in Debenhams, and almost immediately ended up on my backside skating on the shiny floor ....

Almost came a cropper in NEXT too. Walking around the shoe area which was covered in very deep pile carpet, a moments distraction [watching someone watching me] had my left ankle on its side. Classic heeling error. Fortunately, the soft carpet also allowed me to straighten my ankle without injury. Other than the blush due to my error. biggrin.gif

Saw >> these << and >> these << but they're not really styles I enjoy wearing. [Platforms. wink.gif]

Think I was there from about 2.30pm until around 9.30pm, wearing my Harley Davidson boots. Had hardly any sitting down time, so on my feet for a good six hours. Oddly it was knees that began complaining .... Getting old maybe? biggrin.gif


Reason for edit: Fixing duff link.

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Well ..... I went.

was waiting for the airplane confirmation...

Started off in TKMaxx.

Spied some Guess ....... black suede ankle boots. Although the store was busy, and busiest around the shoe areas, I attempted to try them on. huh.gif Couldn't get them past my skinny ankle! blink.gif

I like them.

Also found some really really high heeled knee boots. With a surprising price sticker ...... ohmy.gifohmy.gif

Hey that's close to 75% off! You didn't buy them? That's some control. :P

I did get one of the boots on [daren't put them both on] but couldn't get it off. unsure.gifbiggrin.gif Took me what seemed like 5 minutes, but may have been a minute, to tug the thing off. Thought I was going to have to buy them because it was locked on. Went on easy enough? wink.gif

Haha, would've been a better story if you had to ask a nice young sales lady to help you :)

Moved on to Matalan, and tried on >> these << Nice fit, but ...... no sale.

they have slight pirate look to them. I like them as well and the price is pretty good as well.

Tried House of Fraser ..... then about 10 stores that sold shoes. No inspiration. Got a size 7 on my foot [from the size 8 rack] in Debenhams, and almost immediately ended up on my backside skating on the shiny floor ....

Almost came a cropper in NEXT too. Walking around the shoe area which was covered in very deep pile carpet, a moments distraction [watching someone watching me] had my left ankle on its side. Classic heeling error. Fortunately, the soft carpet also allowed me to straighten my ankle without injury. Other than the blush due to my error. biggrin.gif

As long as you didn't hurt yourself.

Saw >> these << and >> these << but they're not really styles I enjoy wearing. [Platforms. wink.gif]

The second pair seems super high but I prefer it's style over the first.

Think I was there from about 2.30pm until around 9.30pm, wearing my Harley Davidson boots. Had hardly any sitting down time, so on my feet for a good six hours. Oddly it was knees that began complaining .... Getting old maybe? %7Boption%7Dhttp://www.heels4men.net/public/style_emoticons/]

the whole I read I was saying to myself, "what's he wearing?"

Thanks for sharing.

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the whole I read I was saying to myself, "what's he wearing?"

Slightly loose/baggy bootleg style jeans. They are my best cover for heeled shoes. I seldom wear them as I'm not fond of the baggy look, but Essex isn't my favourite place to wear heels. [Over here Essex locals are considered to have pretty much the same mental aptitude as those living in the 'back woods' States of the US. biggrin.gif]

Footwear >> Harley Davidson << 'after riding' boots. cool.gif Though this pair maybe getting ready to be retired. The sole has a very worn tip on one foot, and I don't see how they can be repaired. [i do intend to ask, but its been my experience that most synthetic soles have a limited life cycle.]

I have a second pair though. wink.gifbiggrin.gif

I'd like to be wearing a slimmer heel, but Mrs Freddy draws the line at me wearing 'girlie' shoes while we're out together, which is understandable. Me getting away with wearing girls shoes out at all, is a benefit I'm not looking to prejudice by being difficult [ie selfish] over styles..... I am working on some alternatives though .... wink.gifbiggrin.gif


Reason for edit: Typo's.

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Another good day out then Freddy. Liked the knee boots but not at that price :blink:

I'm with you on those platforms you didn't like the style of, and in red too :o

Glad you didn't damage your ankle with your slips, I personally injured my leg last week and have been in pain for a week (not heel related but no heeling while it's healing).

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was in a lot of pain and had time off work but back at work and pain is almost gone completely.

Mrs Freddy slipped on wet leafs, while leaving work a year ago. Damaged her foot so badly, I took her to the hospital to have it x-rayed. Nothing broken, but painful to the touch and a year later, she still has problems with it. sad.gif

Rather strangely, wearing heels makes her foot more comfortable? [Works for me. biggrin.gif] I suspect it's because she prefers boots with laces that due to the nature of the design, is going to keep her ankle and foot less mobile?

Glad to hear you're nearly mended. cool.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like I might be giving myself some time off for good behaviour ....... wink.gif

Saturday 12th .....

Brent Cross late afternoon, followed by West End and food out somewhere [inexpensive].

Wednesday 16th ....

Brief visit to Lakeside followed by afternoon and evening at Bluewater.

Other than fuel, and refreshments, I'm not expecting to spend money. Don't favour any footwear designs under £400 at the moment and that's about 8 times my normal maximum budget for any footwear going on my feet. Mrs Freddy has been know to spend £150 on a pair .... but is trying to save money at the moment.

Either trip is time out for me to wear heels, away from anyone I know, and that's about it. wink.gif


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So two superb outings to tell us about?

Not how I'd summarise them sir.

1 x 'event' that shocked ...... [momentarily], with possibly some celeb' gossip as an epilogue.

1 x afternoon that came quite close to being a complete disaster ...... huh.gif

But entertaining ...... yes. biggrin.gif


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The Saturday London visit is written up [1500 words] and will be posted tomorrow - I hope - with pictures and links. I'll make it a separate thread as it deserves it really.

The Wednesday Bluewater gig will be a much shorter post, and will be written up in a day or so.

Getting a taste for being out again in heels, so possibly out later in the week. West End and some Brent Cross shops soon go to 10pm close. Milton Keynes has already started staying open late weekdays until 8pm. cool.gif Either one is a prospect for a visit in heels during the forthcoming week sometime. Anyone about? biggrin.gif It's proper dark by 4.45pm, so easy to hide them heels outside. tongue.gifbiggrin.gif

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