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What forums would YOU like to have?

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Huddersfield? :cool:

I think I'll start a specific thread in Chit Chat Cafe, where a last minute meet thread might be more appropriate? I certainly won't expect to be looking for it in the Website Requests Forum. :-D

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  • 1 month later...
. . . And I don't see the "New Thread" icon on the ones that are here.

The button is called "New Topic" here, it appears at the top and bottom of each forum listing. If you are not seeing it, check to make sure you are logged in.

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Yeah, I found it. Don't know why I didn't see it before.

On the subject of forums, the ones here are pretty limited compared to HHPlace. I wanted to post a message on going out to the salon in new heels, with a picture, but couldn't find a good place for it here, so I put it on HHPlace. Should we have one for pictures and/or one for adventures? Those seem to be pretty popular over there, such as Thighbootguy and Happy Feat, though they are getting into female clothing quite a bit. That's not a direction that appeals to me, personally.

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Yeah, I found it. Don't know why I didn't see it before.

On the subject of forums, the ones here are pretty limited compared to HHPlace. I wanted to post a message on going out to the salon in new heels, with a picture, but couldn't find a good place for it here, so I put it on HHPlace. Should we have one for pictures and/or one for adventures? Those seem to be pretty popular over there, such as Thighbootguy and Happy Feat, though they are getting into female clothing quite a bit. That's not a direction that appeals to me, personally.

Like an 'out and about' topic?

we could give it a go I suppose and see who posts, I think we will have to remember to keep it to H4M. No dresses, no showing body parts....... guys in heels as guys.

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Like an 'out and about' topic?

Why not?

Not only our 'advertures', but also shoes seen out in the real world? Locations where heel-candy aplenty might be found.... Anything that makes us less virtual, and more real.

I'm fairly cynical about my own postings for example. If I didn't know me, I might think I was a bit of a B/Ser, because I seem to pretty much 'have it all'.

Oodles of stunning (in my opinion anyway) boots, with a few pairs of wearable attractive shoes too. Someone who'll walk in public with me, and the opportunity to shop in heels. About the only thing I can't/won't do, is socialise with friends or family in them. Not because I wouldn't, but because my wife (understanably) doesn't want that genie out of the bottle. Or Pandora, as she would describe it. :-)

Fortunately, I've met a few of the membership here, and at least 4 Mods off HHplace. So not only do I exist, but I've been seen out in heels, a good number of times. :-(

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everybody!

I don't know if this is the right place to post my request, but I have one question that I wanted to post but don't find a right forum to. In next week I am to fly to California and Nevada (USA) for vacations with my wife, and I am planning to carry only woman shoes... Of course, I don't know if it is really possible. That is the question: Is there anybody that can tell me places where I could go, as well as places were I couldn't go in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco? What about small cities?

Due to this question, my suggestion is to create a forum for "Places to go / Places not to go" or something like that, where we could ask and help all of us telling where people is open minded to accept men with woman shoes, and where people would treat us badly.


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I would like to see a forum on last minute meet ups as that would be very useful and also one for "adventures" in heels, the suggestion for a "OK" to go in heels forum, where we could list openly friendly and accepting places as well as definite No Go places.

Edited by heelman500
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  • 4 months later...

I would like to see a forum on last minute meet ups as that would be very useful and also one for "adventures" in heels, the suggestion for a "OK" to go in heels forum, where we could list openly friendly and accepting places as well as definite No Go places.

" where we could list openly friendly and accepting places as well as definite No Go places." That is a great idea.

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  • 1 year later...

I would like to see a thread or forum where one can post 'comments overheard' or ' comments heard'

At times I have heard comments from within a group of people nearby, or on a one to one basis where someone has commented directly to me. I am sure many others here will have a few one liners or conversations they would like to share.

I was siting on a park bench near a walk way, i was wearing my heeled hiking boots with all the heel fully visable, as it is difficult to cover them when seated, then along came three women passing by, one said to the other, 'here, check this out'. Then as as they passed by, one says. ' hi'. I have many more stories and comments, but if there is somewhere where comments heard both positive and not so positive can be shared may help other newcomers to the site

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I like the idea of "member meet up"...I travel the US alot and am always looking to meet up/hang out with other hiheel boot guys...Guys that are interested could add their name to a database specific to their location...I often feel uncomfortable asking other members if they are interested in meeting up, having a forum like "member meet up" would ensure that I don't bother guys who are uncomfortable or uniterested.....Don

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I often feel uncomfortable asking other members if they are interested in meeting up, having a forum like "member meet up" would ensure that I don't bother guys who are uncomfortable or uniterested.....Don

You would likely get more 'hits' in the US, given the 5 fold increase in population over the UK. But getting men in heels talking to each other seems to be a struggle, much less meeting others face-2-face.

It's a good concept though.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a very good idea, so that you know which guys are up for a meet and those that wish to remain anonymous, it is certainly a big step to either go out heeling or meet a fellow heeler for the first time.

I personally find it much easier to go out heeling when I am meeting up with a fellow heeler, as FastFreddy2 will testify, I find that I am more adventurous when meeting up, that said each of us are different and some people will never overcome their worries about heeling.

It would be nice to have more meet ups....

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