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I see that one of the more prolific of our group has been given his (her) marching orders? Little bit unfortunate, though like the Admin here, I was not so interested in what skirt/nylons he (she) was wearing on a day-to-day basis. But I will miss some of the posts. :(

It did seem to me that some of the content of the posts, were .... how should I express this sensitively? A little unlikey?

Because of our electronic medium and the geography of the membership, we seldon get to meet each other (subtle dig), so it's hard to know what is real and what is fantasy? I'm sure, and I am sure, some of what I write must be seen as fantasy. Walking around shopping Malls, around high streets, even going to the cinema (once) in heels, truth or fantasy?

Some of what allows us to give credence to what might seem like 'amazing' stories, is the confidence we get from knowing the person we're listening to, or the reputation carried by the person we're listening to.

[That, while I think about it, is the one thing I miss about HHplace.org. The postings (and virtual blog) of ThighBootGuy(2 ?) Although I've never met the fella, he's more integrity and more talent in his little finger, than I've got in my whole body....]

Anyway, I suppose I'm admitting to having doubts about some of 'guyinheels' postings. We Brits are known to be a bit eccentric, but I've never seen a 19 year old boy wearing girls clothes, as a boy/man. I would think it unusual, and I also think it wouldn't be acceptable in the workplace. Maybe a possibility with a pre-op T/S, but otherwise, unlikely.

Maybe different in Sweden, but I thought them very conservative?

Regardless, I'm gonna miss him/her here. Fantastic life, or fantasy life apart. ;-) :lol:


Edited by FastFreddy2
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Some of the tales do seem unlikely, but who knows what's true or fantasy?

As you say Freddy without knowing someone how do you tell if they are real or just someone living out a fantasy on a virtual medium. At the end of the day though the posts which have been removed are mainly those delving too far into CD/TV areas which this site is not intended for.

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Whatever he did or didn't do in heels or whatever he wore, H4M was not the right forum to discuss it, he was politely requested on several occasions to stay on topic.

Even though he posted a lot, I only read the posts to make sure he didn't keep on going on and on about his clothing. I was not really interested in what he was up to.

We need to keep this forum on topic.


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I don't think anyone has any doubt why he was ejected. What was real or otherwise was never believed to be a matter under consideration.

My personal appraisal is that he was given guidance about what was, and what wasn't appropriate for this forum by the Admin staff. He was then given ample opportunity to mend his ways, and sadly failed to take up that opportunity. ;-)

Onward and upward eh? :lol:


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I enjoyed his postings but wish we could see some pictures to verify the words. I was a little surprised he didn't go to HHPlace, though.

The thing that I have seen on HHPlace is a tendency for more public heel wearing guys like Thighbootguy, HappyFeat, JeffB, and now tallguyinheels to start wearing skirts. I have no desire to go in that direction, and it would seem that would keep them off of Heels4Men?

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I enjoyed his postings but wish we could see some pictures to verify the words. I was a little surprised he didn't go to HHPlace, though.

The thing that I have seen on HHPlace is a tendency for more public heel wearing guys like Thighbootguy, HappyFeat, JeffB, and now tallguyinheels to start wearing skirts. I have no desire to go in that direction, and it would seem that would keep them off of Heels4Men?

lol, he did go to HHPlace but was banned for constantly raising topics of cross-dressing and ignoring our requests not-to.

Personally, I wish all those guys would keep the skirt wearing to themselves, all it does is paint a stereotypical picture that says "All guys wearing heels will progress into more later" and detracts from the very fact that its all about footwear fashion..

I'm not saying dont wear a skirt, by all means, wear what the heck you like, but dont make your entire day focus around "WOW, I wore a skirt", like your entire life revolves around the fact that you went out dress like a girl from the waist down....

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I only read a couple of H4M GIH postings and it was very clear that he did not realy fit in this group. He may find other groups that he may fit in better. This is a very hard group to belong to. There are loads of other groups he could belong to and be able to meet up other men with the same intrests. Now on the other hand I only found this site and HHplace that I feel is suitable for me. I did join another group online (cd and tv) but left not long after. There a same type of group very close to me that meet up each month that I thought might be suitable for me but when I sent them a Email got such a rude Email back that I didn,t bother joining. Had the same problem when I went to the fetish club after the heel meet last year.

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lol, he did go to HHPlace but was banned for constantly raising topics of cross-dressing and ignoring our requests not-to...

LOL x 2 :lol:

some people just never learn do they!

Being a natural cynic, I smelt a rat with a lot of his "true stories".

I'm not on here to read fiction - it's only the true life stuff that interests me - so good ridance to him as far as i'm concerned.

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