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Everything posted by hh4evr1

  1. Lots of the reviews I have seen about them said they came up small. I had to kick my self at not getting a pair last year when I originally saw them. Hope you enjoyed Lakeside.
  2. Those boots are good for public wear. People may notice but most don't say anything as they are too busy with what they are doing.
  3. I'm jealous now. I like the Lois Schuh courts. If they don't fit pass them on to me.
  4. Liike both of those new pairs. Do you wear heels in public?
  5. Both pair are nice. Hope you are able to choose which ones to keep, if they both fit.
  6. Welcome. I have also recently joined here. I prefer heels but do have some womens flat shoes/boots.
  7. I would still want to wear heels even if my s/o wore them. Would be especially nice if they were ok with me wearing them too and we could wear them together.
  8. Even going out in heels a little will expose other to the idea of men wearing heels. It is similar to when I was a teenager and men started to wear earings. The more men wear heels in public the more society will get used to it and it may become common.
  9. I think most people join the high heel meeting place as it is more popular so when searching the net it shows up near the top and people see it and join like I did. It wasn't until quite a bit later that I found this site.
  10. I live in England. With regard to the comment from my manager. Maybe it was the first time she had seen a man in heels. I know there wasn't anything in the dress code about wearing stilettos (I checked both male and remale dress codes and it just said business casual Monday to Thursday and Friday was dress down day/casaul). Lots of the women I worked with wore stilettos. Maybe you could do what I did. I first checked the dress code before wearing heels to work. The first pair I wore were western/cowboy boots. I wore them with my formal black trousers or with jeans. Then I wore some ankle boots with block heels and square toes. I then changes the toes shape and heel shape slightly. Some wedge types would be hardly noticed by others. Especially it they didn't make alot of noise. I wish you well in your goal to wear your heels to work.
  11. When I was a teenager my oldest sister caught me wearing her heels and didn't mind. She also didn't tell my parents about it.
  12. I do wear them in front of my family. Just the thicker heels though. If you mums ok with it you should wear them more often. I used to feel ashemed that I wanted to wear heels, but finding there were so many other men who like wearing heels helped me get over the embarresment. Thats when I started wearing heels to work etc.
  13. I used to wear my boots to work. They heels were either block, blade or wedge heels. When I started wearing heels at work my manager (woman) told me not to wear stilettos. Maybe it was not allowed in the company dress code. The shoes are just for indoors at the moment, as I'm not brave enought to wear them in public.
  14. I like both shoes and boots equally, but so far I have only worn my boots in public, as they are less obvious.
  15. When I was younger my oldest sister got some new knee high stiletto boots and left them in the hall. I took them to the bathroom to try them on and someone saw they were gone. I put them back in the hall but I still got in trouble for taking them.
  16. I have about 100 pairs. Most are shoes, as they take up less storage space. 20 pairs of boots and 80 pairs of shoes.
  17. I have told some of my family about me wearing heels. They all know I used to were them when I was younger, so it wasn't much of a shock.
  18. I have lots of different styles. I have posted pictures on the high heel meeting place of new shoes/boots I have brought, but I don't have a gallery, as I can't take full length photos (I don't have a full length mirror).
  19. Hi. Most people may know me from the High heel meeting place. I wear heels only with male clothes. I have worn my heeled boots in public (mainly thicker/block heels, but sometime stilettos).
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