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I'm not intending to comment further regarding Trump or the situation in the US.   I really have little interest in US politics aside from my recognition, as an overseas lay observer, that there is, regrettably, a lot wrong with (or in) the US and that Trump is so obviously deranged.   The saddest thing is that he has (or has had) so much support from people whose mentality and values are questionable.

Worldwide energy now needs to be focussed on tackling Covid-19.

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8 hours ago, Puffer said:

as an overseas lay observer, that there is, regrettably, a lot wrong with (or in) the US and that Trump is so obviously deranged.   The saddest thing is that he has (or has had) so much support from people whose mentality and values are questionable.

I think in a nutshell, you have identified the current status. 

This was a chance for a non-politician to 'clean-sweep' the usual resistant mire of politics that tends to bog everything down. A chance for someone who many believed had his wits about him, and could make change. 4 years on we can see this administration wasn't about making America great again, but feeding the biggest ego seen in politics for a very long time. 

If Weinstein thought he was being persecuted/chased, what lies ahead for Trump with the American judiciary will surely be in another league. Not only will Trump be sought through the courts, so will what's left of the Trump business. No-one expects his current wife to hang around either. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/8/2021 at 6:15 PM, FastFreddy2 said:

No-one expects his current wife to hang around either. 

And an indicator of that ......

Full article >> here << Like there's anyone on the planet that's interested, that hasn't seen this already ... 


Notice the Louboutins have gone,  replaced by casual flat shoes that go along with potato sack dress she is wearing. Designer it might be, unflattering it certainly is.

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As an American, all I can say is, the damage done by the Trump administration may NEVER be repaired. His almost cult-ish followers are a frightening bunch. And he STILL has many supporters in Congress. Hopefully the Biden administration will actually be able to get things done in the next 4 years.

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5 hours ago, pointyboot said:

As an American, all I can say is, the damage done by the Trump administration may NEVER be repaired. His almost cult-ish followers are a frightening bunch. And he STILL has many supporters in Congress. Hopefully the Biden administration will actually be able to get things done in the next 4 years.

Cult-ish?   I detect a spelling error - and no need for 'almost' either!

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10 hours ago, pointyboot said:

As an American, all I can say is, the damage done by the Trump administration may NEVER be repaired. His almost cult-ish followers are a frightening bunch. And he STILL has many supporters in Congress. Hopefully the Biden administration will actually be able to get things done in the next 4 years.

As a foreigner, we are repeatedly told America is the home of capitalism and to us foreigners, it does appear to be the case. That isn't necessarily good for anyone in the US unless they own a business with a good income from it. For employees, things don't seem to be so great. Lose your job, probably lose your healthcare. Some places we understand, workers don't get a wage, their income comes from tips. Consequently, in some places, tipping is mandatory. American business models brought 'zero hour contracts' to the UK.    

When so many people work for businesses with the word Trump in the title, it's likely the owner will to some have a seemingly god-like status. I would suggest it's a false impression provided by someone of little substance. I have read a couple of times recently "history" will not be kind to Trump. From the little I know of his actual achievements and behaviour patterns, I would say he earned that unkindness.  

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  • 7 months later...

Things don't seem to be improving anywhere at all, but should this surprise us?

I've an increasing wealth of experience with "grumpy old men" (not me) who maybe has spent too much time away from the real world. Trump and Biden both too old to realise the world isn't black and white. Looking ahead to the 2024 administration Biden will be 80 years old at the start and Trump will have his 80th birthday a couple of years into it. Around 360 million people in the US, and the best they have to offer is two 'well funded' geriatrics? 80 year olds, should not be running a country and economy the size of the US.

At home, "borders", the thing 17.4 million people voted for during the Brexit Referendum, seem to be as leaky as ever. Some days we have 1000 illegal immigrants landing on our shores, many helped by the UK volunteer rescue service the RNLI or 'professional' (funded) charities going out to ensure these invaders are landed here, not returned to France. For those who don't know, a person seeking political asylum anywhere, stops being one (can no longer claim to be one) if they leave their first port or land, of safety. After that, they become economic migrants. It's impossible for anyone leaving Africa or the Middle East to get to the UK, without first travelling through at least 2 countries where 'safe harbour' will have been achieved first. Why is the UK so popular? We have free healthcare (at the point of use) for everyone. We have social housing, given by legislation, as priority to political asylum seekers. We give an income, and a food/subsistence allowance. When these laws were created, the UK expected to see between 0 and perhaps 10 asylum seekers a year. Now we have 1000 a day.

Our National Insurance contributions (that funds the welfare state) are about to rise, as is the "Council Tax" (aka community tax that funds things like refuse collection and the police). Those of us old enough to have some history of both these services, will remember weekly refuse collections (now 2 or 3 weekly) and a police visit if you had anything stolen from you or had an altercation with someone. These days, "theft" is considered a civil crime, to be dealt with by your household or vehicle insurer. Gas prices are promised to increase, probably because Russia has an oligarch who needs a new 250 million pound yacht and increasing prices for the raw material for a couple of months will pay for it. Of course the gas companies were privatised to give us a better service and more choice. What it's done is give us the same (effectively) single source of supply, and now we have to pay shareholders dividends too.

At least covid may finally be taking a back seat to our lives. It hasn't gone, but the UK vaccination programme has made us all less vulnerable, and life as we knew it, is verrrrrry slowly returning. We will never really get it back fully of course, but hopefully we will be able to stop treating everyone we meet as our prospective executioner.







Edited by FastFreddy2
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