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"Last minute" meeting around the UK?

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On 24/02/2018 at 7:57 PM, FastFreddy2 said:


You do know you live in Britain don't you, where people are much too polite to comment on anything that might cause offence? ;)

This is especially true of people who might meet you again (but isn't exclusive to them.) Wear them in front of children (4-6 years) because they aren't aware of social etiquette and comments just fall from their lips. 

I intend wearing them again to a company training in London on Wednesday. There will be fewer people there, and the light levels in the room will be higher, so there will be nowhere to hide them! Last time I went to one of these I wore my block heel Oxfords (the ones you dislike, Freddy!) and no one commented, so why should boots be any different, even if these are slightly higher?

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1 hour ago, Tacchi Alti said:

I intend wearing them again to a company training in London on Wednesday. There will be fewer people there, and the light levels in the room will be higher, so there will be nowhere to hide them! Last time I went to one of these I wore my block heel Oxfords (the ones you dislike, Freddy!) and no one commented, so why should boots be any different, even if these are slightly higher?

As I said, this is Britain. I've watched an adult male walk around London, seen the same character at a Kylie Minogue gig - both times wearing a red latex catsuit. He also had on red patent high heel boots. No one passed comment to his face that I noticed. Even me and the person I was with (both times) only said; Oh look, it's him again." (I have probably posted a picture of him on this thread somewhere.)

If you are looking for a visible reaction, you'll need a wing-man/woman with better peripheral vision than you are managing, and/or video recorder following you down the road. Non-Brits have more obvious reactions, as do younger people (children). If you are London Wednesday, I'm happy to meet up and provide the very service that will offer evidence your heel wearing isn't as 'invisible' as you hope.

Let me be absolutely clear on this matter to remove the potential for any misunderstanding. I wear a heel out, as often as possible. I'm not trying to put you or anyone off doing this. However, it doesn't matter how well I disguise my heel wearing, I get noticed. So do I wear a heel badly? I have met Euchrid (a number of times) Heels (a number of tomes) hh4evr1 (a number of times ) and Puffer (a number of times). They will be able to answer that better than me. Last time I met Puffer, we walked around together for quite a while. He asked me if I had a heel on... While I sat during the same meeting, and sometimes while walking past people, I got spotted by those better able to see my heels. I can't walk in a 4½ or 5 inch heel in the same way I might walk in a trainer. Nor can anyone I've ever seen. (I doubt it's physically possible.) So there is always a 'tell' if you are switched onto it.  

I'm pleased you are able to wear heels in places most men wouldn't. But as you've already pointed out, if 'the company' doesn't care about your footwear, why would anyone else there, especially if you are helping facilitate their dismissal by disguising them? People will be helping keep your secret because our culture supports this kind of discretion. 




Edited by FastFreddy2
Spelling - as usual. And grammar!
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41 minutes ago, FastFreddy2 said:

As I said, this is Britain. I've watched an adult male walk around London, seen the same character at a Kylie Minogue gig - both times wearing a red latex catsuit. He also had on red patent high heel boots. No one passed comment to his face that I noticed. Even me and the person I was with (both times) only said; Oh look, it's him again." (I have probably posted a picture of him on this thread somewhere.)

If you are looking for a visible reaction, you'll need a wing-man/woman with better peripheral vision than you are managing, and/or video recorder following you down the road. Non-Brits have more obvious reactions, as do younger people (children). If you are London Wednesday, I'm happy to meet up and provide the very service that will offer evidence your heel wearing isn't as 'invisible' as you hope.

Let me be absolutely clear on this matter to remove the potential for any misunderstanding. I wear a heel out, as often as possible. I'm not trying to put you or anyone off doing this. However, it doesn't matter how well I disguise my heel wearing, I get noticed. So do I wear a heel badly? I have met Euchrid (a number of times) Heels (a number of tomes) hh4evr1 (a number of times ) and Puffer (a number of times). They will be able to answer that better than me. Last time I met Puffer, we walked around together for quite a while. He asked me if I had a heel on... While I sat during the same meeting, and sometimes while walking past people, I got spotted by those better able to see my heels. I can't walk in a 4½ or 5 inch heel in the same way I might walk in a trainer. Nor can anyone I've ever seen. (I doubt it's physically possible.) So there is always a 'tell' if you are switched onto it.  

I'm pleased you are able to wear heels in places most men wouldn't. But as you've already pointed out, if 'the company' doesn't care about your footwear, why would anyone else there, especially if you are helping facilitate their dismissal by disguising them? People will be helping keep your secret because our culture supports this kind of discretion. 




I'll be going by car with a couple of other people so wouldn't be able to meet at all. It's Fulham area I'm going to. I know my fellow passengers quite well. I'll just have to wait and see.

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5 hours ago, Tacchi Alti said:

I'll be going by car with a couple of other people so wouldn't be able to meet at all. It's Fulham area I'm going to. I know my fellow passengers quite well. I'll just have to wait and see.

I'm sure that by now, you are actually expected to wear a heel. ;)

The only way they would be ignorant to your taste in footwear, would be if they owned white sticks and used hearing aids that always had flat batteries. Otherwise they have seen/heard your heels, and just take your wearing them in their stride. And why not? B)

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Yes, I'm sure you're right. I don't know if my peripheral vision is getting better, but I'm now more aware of people stealing a glance. Strange, I thought I'd have noticed everything out of sheer paranoia when I first started wearing them. Perhaps it's just that I don't try to hide them like I used to. I was a a business networking meeting this morning. There were a couple of dozen people there, and I'm sure most of them (the women, anyway!) have seen them. A couple of times ago I wore different trousers (straight, not boot cut) and at least once the hem stayed at the top of the heel when I was walking around!

It's been snowing here, and I took a picture of some interesting footprints! My wedge boots have a cleated sole (just right this weather!) and a fairly narrow wedge heel, so the footprints are scattered everywhere I've been walking. If I upload a picture it will have to be from my phone as for some reason my phone isn't recognised as a drive on my computer!

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1 hour ago, Tacchi Alti said:


I don't know if my peripheral vision is getting better, but I'm now more aware of people stealing a glance. Strange, I thought I'd have noticed everything out of sheer paranoia when I first started wearing them. Perhaps it's just that I don't try to hide them like I used to. I was a a business networking meeting this morning. There were a couple of dozen people there, and I'm sure most of them (the women, anyway!) have seen them. 





The shape of THAT footprint a dead giveaway!! ;) :P :D Though the third leg will have everyone confused. B)


The way I check for people spotting is to wait an extra second before looking back. If I think someone has looked at my feet, I don't turn around immediately I pass them (which might be the obvious - and expected time they might look) I wait another two paces or so, then look back. My thinking is they will avoid a quick backward glance by me, expecting me to check if they think they were spotted looking, so I wait a tad longer, then look. My walking companion will often notice things I can't, meaning sometimes more than one pair of eyes are required. To be honest, I know it happens so I try to ignore it. I don't mind being spotted, but 'who by' is more import. 'Feral yoofs', would be the worst. I've had this twice. The first encounter wasn't so pleasant, the second they just fell silent as I walked past.

Although I did get caught once in Brent X by someone who knew me, I blamed a bad back for not standing to greet them and my footwear looked like cowboy boots. (My extra height would have been a giveaway.) No more was said so I have to assume nothing was suspected. (Nor did they wish to mention it, even if it was.) I also went into a bar I used to work at once in a heel, very late at night. There was no chance my footwear was going to be seen, and I was there for 15 minutes tops. Other than that, I've not worn a heel out in front of people who know me. (I vaguely remember wearing a cowboy boot out with immediate family once, but they were believably men's boots.) Ooh, and I did show my mother a pair once too. Not that she would remember .... :(

I almost don't care, but people I meet/see most days would be affected, and I've no reason to make their lives difficult. I not inclined to be a martyr either, though would people really care once they knew anyway? Until I get properly senile I will never know, and by then I won't care either way. ;) :D 




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22 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

'I almost don't care, but people I meet/see most days would be affected, and I've no reason to make their lives difficult. I not inclined to be a martyr either, though would people really care once they knew anyway? Until I get properly senile I will never know, and by then I won't care either way. ;) :D '

That's my feeling on the matter. I don't want to embarrass people who are close to me, although I know some have seen my heels whom I wouldn't choose to show! One couple in particular are very strait-laced and were visiting my mother when I arrived. I know they saw them, but nothing was said, and I've met them several times since with no problem. If I'd been in stilettos it might have been another story!

Yes, it's gangs of teenagers I most fear, although I've not had any reaction so far. I do your trick - waiting a bit before glancing back. I do that myself, of course, when I check out a nice pair of heels that's just gone past me!

I was due to go on a training in London today but cancelled because of the weather. The two others who would have come with me had already cancelled. It's really windy here! It might not have been snowing anywhere on the route but I don't trust the roads or other drivers. I wouldn't have gone by train - silly price and also likely to suffer disruption from the wrong sort of driver.




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We had a little flurry of snow here around 6am this morning, that stopped a half hour later. Sunshine for a several hours, and since 11am it's been properly snowing. :(

Usually I wouldn't be concerned, but I have a fairly important meeting 15 miles away at 1.30pm. :huh: And I don't own snow shoes.... :D 

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Deep snow built up here yesterday - about 5" originally but a bit more on top overnight.   (Ideal weather for thigh boots with 5"+ heels!)   Bright sun this morning and not quite such a low temperature, so a partial thaw seems to be under way - but with high risk of re-freezing and more snow later.   I doubt if I will venture out by car before Friday; local shopping etc quite easy on foot.   Fingers crossed for milder weather from the weekend.

In fact, an hour after writing the above, the thaw had progressed sufficiently for me to make a necessary car journey within the town - a little slippery in my own road but fine on the main roads.   But I'm expecting more snow etc overnight.

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At 4.45pm on the way to the shops, while leaving the quiet road I live in, a corner with compacted snow nearly had me gaining some new wood furniture care of some trees close to the un-kerbed roadway. In fact on my (much more careful) return journey, I could see where another vehicle had a much closer call than me, with doubtless new scratches on their paintwork care of the same trees....

At 5.30pm I topped up the wig-wag juice, and checked the outside temperature..... -5' C.

Hardly any snow here at the moment care of a sunny afternoon, but it feels 'bitter' outside.  Even the great ball of fluff that is our cat, doesn't want to be outside at the moment. It's March tomorrow which is the start of Spring. Hard to believe while I sit here thawing out my very cold fingers.


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6 hours ago, Tacchi Alti said:

That's my feeling on the matter. I don't want to embarrass people who are close to me, although I know some have seen my heels whom I wouldn't choose to show! One couple in particular are very strait-laced and were visiting my mother when I arrived. I know they saw them, but nothing was said, and I've met them several times since with no problem. If I'd been in stilettos it might have been another story!

Yes, it's gangs of teenagers I most fear, although I've not had any reaction so far. I do your trick - waiting a bit before glancing back. I do that myself, of course, when I check out a nice pair of heels that's just gone past me!

I was due to go on a training in London today but cancelled because of the weather. The two others who would have come with me had already cancelled. It's really windy here! It might not have been snowing anywhere on the route but I don't trust the roads or other drivers. I wouldn't have gone by train - silly price and also likely to suffer disruption from the wrong sort of driver.


The great British 'reserve'. Stoicism is in our DNA. Unless backed into a corner where comment is forced, we tend to take adversity and eccentricity in our stride. 


Wise move avoiding travelling any distance while we have the weather we do. Like you I'm less bothered about my driving, and more bothered about the disregard for basic safety shown by others. Early this morning (6.30am) while driving along a motorway in a snow storm, I witnessed 'van man' (and others) perform their usual "I'm in a hurry" tail-gating driving technique while I'm tootling along at 50 mph with 60 yards of clearway in front of me. (As per Reaper thread) I've left the motorway on a four-wheeled sled at much slower speeds, so why people think it's safe to drive 20ft away from the car in front at 60-70 mph I've no idea. Even train journeys are risky in this weather, with cancellations reported in many newspapers. Getting stuck in a city where a bed for the night (if found) would likely be £180+ it would certainly put a crimp on anyone's day. Best avoided.

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I think things are improving .... Only -4.5' C this morning .... :rolleyes:

We have been lucky so far. It snowed for a couple of hours last night, but didn't amount to anything. Motorway this morning was unusually clear of traffic? Some nasty weather moving up from the South, and several here will be seeing some pretty bad weather. Looks like some serious snow followed by frozen rain, making road journeys particularly hazardous. :(

It's been snowing here for the past hour, but it's the powdery stuff that needs days of continuous downfall to produce any depth. It's the same stuff that compacts easily, turning unsalted roads into skating rinks. :huh:

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Apparently storm Emma is coming up from Portugal, and is going to meet the cold wind from Siberia. They are expected to collide along the South West and South coast over the next day or so. :huh: Not that'll it hang around where you are, but it'll be around long enough for you to make a snowman. ;) :D

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8 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:


Apparently storm Emma is coming up from Portugal, and is going to meet the cold wind from Siberia. They are expected to collide along the South West and South coat over the next day or so. :huh: Not that'll it hang around where you are, but it'll be around long enough for you to make a snowman. ;) :D

Frozen fingers on the keyboard, Freddy?   I'm glad that my south coat is securely zipped in this weather.   Perhaps I need a sou'wester too?   That'll do for now ...

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Weatherman says it's snowing across the whole of the South, 1-5cm of snow everywhere, unless frozen rain arrives instead.

Up here (in the noorf) we have a frozen rain/sleet combo. Bit like white hail, with rain. Odd.

Weatherman says we should be back into positive figures by Sunday, around a balmy 7 or 8 degrees C. Yay! B) 

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On the other hand ..... :rolleyes:

And then it started snowing in earnest...... :o

3 hours of continuous snow has around a further inch settled on the ground. A recent absence of gritting (too cold) means few people can travel faster than 30 mph on the motorway, and in town driving, seems to have a top speed of 10 mph - both with good cause. Drive faster, and the vehicles ability to navigate corners seems to diminish, and heavy accelerator use gets the car dancing across the road. It's warmer, and the snow is 'wetter', and I've finally seen the first gritter out since earlier in the week. 

It's times like this, having 'hermit' tendencies becomes an asset. ;) Food stocks are good enough to keep me and Mrs Freddy at home if needs be, until Sunday or Monday. There was some social activity arranged for Saturday or Sunday, but this will be postponed until later in the week. Sounds like I'm a bit reluctant to venture out after a little snow? Yesterday around 3.45pm I pulled over on a motorway slip road because I'd just passed a car on its roof and spotted a driver climbing out of a rear window. As I reversed back up the ramp, the driver ran out and indicated he was okay, so I went on my way. On my return journey, the police were in attendance so someone else had reported what I didn't.

Driving conditions are much worse today .... Makes sense to take extra care. B)


10pm ....

Snow has stopped, and we have our 5cms of fresh snow.

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The folk up in Newcastle have a reputation for being 'hardy' in adverse weather .... Here's proof.


Clubbers in Newcastle walked barefoot through the snow and sludge49C363A500000578-5457455-image-m-87_1520



I vaguely remember being immune to the cold too, but usually after I'd had some alcohol grade "anti-freeze".  ;)  :P  :D



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Today (Sunday) after 6 or 7 hours of rain yesterday evening and a rise in temperature this morning, ALL the snow around here - gone.  B)

Hard to compare today with the scene only two days ago. Why do Brits spend so much time talking about the weather? Because we see so much of it. :huh:


Time to start planning a trip out in heels. ;)

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23 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

The folk up in Newcastle have a reputation for being 'hardy' in adverse weather .... Here's proof.


Clubbers in Newcastle walked barefoot through the snow and sludge49C363A500000578-5457455-image-m-87_1520



I vaguely remember being immune to the cold too, but usually after I'd had some alcohol grade "anti-freeze".  ;)  :P  :D



that's not hardy, that's just brainless

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a couple of very mild days, zero temperatures and falling snow have returned. I was up at 7.15am this morning, and it's been snowing all day. (12 hours so far.) Nothing has come of it, but it's bitterly cold outside with a harsh wind together with the visual effect of watching falling snow, is creating the effect of an Alpine climate.

Twice in past weeks I've had to cancel prospective 'ventures out, and it's becoming more than a bit frustrating. This has been the longest drawn out winter in memory, mine at least. Seems to have been going on for 3 months or more. I begin to understand why people would move abroad.... :rolleyes: 


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