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Favourite tipple?


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4 hours ago, Shyheels said:

Ah yes, pics. As a photographer I am far more at home behind the camera than in front of it...


I used to be that way, but I'm now more indifferent.

As a small child, (five or six) one of my adult neighbours told me I was ugly. (I was at home off school and unwell.) It stuck with me, until about 10 years ago, when I looked at a old photo I have of me that was taken with two friends - and I'm not pulling faces or avoiding the camera. I wasn't ugly at all, in fact I seem to have had quite a pleasant face. Not Brad Pitt grade of course, more a Billy Crystal really... ;) But ugly? No. I hope that woman is burning in hell somewhere ... Not that I hold a grudge .... B)

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My favourite  tipple at the moment Strongbrew Dark Fruit.  I try not to drink at home but if it;s hot I might have a few cans of Dark Fruit on a Saturday or Friday night if I don't go out. I like live music and spend most weekends in the pubs or at a music festival. I don't drink in the pubs. I don't like my local pubs but will drive 30 miles to other pubs.  Sometimes if I give a lift get paid petrol money. I don't mind not drinking in the pub. Waking up on a Sunday with out a hangover is a bonus and a don't waste a day feeling ill. Music festivals are another matter.

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  • 1 month later...

Over the Christmas period, the last of that bottle of Sloe Gin was consumed. During the three month period the bottle was open, I confess to drinking more spirit than during tat period than the previous 35-40 years combined. I am still unsure whether that is an achievement to be announced or kept secret, or what type of achievement it is? (The abstinence or the consumption.) 

I take it as a long sweet drink with (diet) lemonade, and 3 or 4 chunks of ice. It is very refreshing (for the first couple of sips). It seem to work well as an aperitif, with or without the Dubonnet. The only debilitating effect, seems to be my unwillingness to do much after I've finished my drink. (I never have more than one.) 

We had some red plums over the period, and I usually separate the juice from any fruit I might have as an after dinner sweet. This time it made an excellent mixer the following day, with a shot of the Sloe Gin. B) Yummy. ;) 

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You will now have to be careful not to exceed the new Government drinking guidelines - 14 units per week for all sexes. :o  That's roughly 7 pints of lager or 14 single spirit measures.

To coin a slogan: 'Drinka-pinta-beera-day - max.'

I've been taking medication for a frozen shoulder etc for the last couple of months and am supposed not to drink alcohol. :unsure:  Although only a very modest drinker anyway, I have abstained for at least half the days, and on the 'drinking' days (including Xmas Day etc) had no more than 2 units.   Frankly, I haven't missed alcohol at all; there are plenty of pleasant substitutes.   

Mussht go now ... sheein' double ... hic!

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2 hours ago, Puffer said:

You will now have to be careful not to exceed the new Government drinking guidelines - 14 units per week for all sexes. :o  That's roughly 7 pints of lager or 14 single spirit measures.

To coin a slogan: 'Drinka-pinta-beera-day - max.'

I've been taking medication for a frozen shoulder etc for the last couple of months and am supposed not to drink alcohol. :unsure:  Although only a very modest drinker anyway, I have abstained for at least half the days, and on the 'drinking' days (including Xmas Day etc) had no more than 2 units.   Frankly, I haven't missed alcohol at all; there are plenty of pleasant substitutes.   

Mussht go now ... sheein' double ... hic!


There has never been a time in my life, I could consume these amounts. As Mrs Freddy is developing a taste for a wine spritzer, I am developing a taste for Corona shandy. That's 165ml of Corona (half a bottle) with around 200ml of (diet) lemonade added, and always wrapped around a meal. The beer helps put a taste into the otherwise dull lemonade. ;)

The Sloe Gin/Dubonnet comes out when I do a significant amount of food prep/cooking. I model my style on that of Graham Kerr, who promoted drinking wines (possibly of his sponsors) as he cooked. An honourable mention should also go to Keith Floyd (go to 1:15 in the link) though he eventually got more (and more) interested in the sauces than the food. At least once I saw him presenting while somewhat the worse for his liquid ingredients. While I do have the occasional top up while busy in the kitchen, this is almost always more lemonade and ice. I can't remember the last time I had a drink that didn't come with a meal, but it must be years ago, 4 or 5 at least. Obviously, I'm outing myself as a bit of a 'party animal'. :rolleyes: :D    

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In Germany the beer and lemonade mix is known as a 'radler' or cyclist. It us very popular with cyclie tourists as you can drink them on an outing and not worry about getting drunk of dehydrated. 

The new drinking guidelibes are idiotic anny state nonsense, and gaving the same amount fir men and women, despite the general difference in body mass, is simoly a kowtow to gender politics.

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10 hours ago, Shyheels said:

In Germany the beer and lemonade mix is known as a 'radler' or cyclist. It us very popular with cyclie tourists as you can drink them on an outing and not worry about getting drunk of dehydrated. 

Ah, na sicher. ;)

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  • 2 years later...

Sometime between 2016 and the Autumn 2017, I sank another bottle of Gordon Sloe Gin. I remember the second bottle loitering for some months, and two summers (two small ones) helped me get through a second bottle. I know how to live it up!

Christmas 2017 saw me receive what is supposed to be an upmarket (own brand) version of Sloe Gin, care of Tesco. Marginally higher alcohol content, but not so much I would notice. :rolleyes:. But the taste .... Absolutely awful! I'm guessing this stuff is made with very dry gin, and unless swamped in lemonade and Dubonnet, is almost undrinkable. I am surprised that two seemingly identical (budget) products could be so different? Were it not a present from a close family member, I would be using it for what I expect was it's original purpose: drain cleaner.

It's currently being used to colour lemonade with my din-dins.

If I remember, the Gordons comes in at circa 26% alc/vol, and this own brand stuff around 29% alc/vol. Browsing at the supermarket, there were higher priced versions of flavoured gin that went up to 44% alc/vol. I can only assume NASA is selling this stuff off as they have some excess.


On a more pleasant note, I was given a half bottle of Cherry Brandy a couple of months ago. I tried that with lemonade expecting to be disappointed, but it's absolutely lovely. That bottle was around too late in the year to sip while dodging mozzies sat in the garden, but I've been gifted a second half bottle that I will save for warmer weather. I am thinking of making cocktails with blended black cherries, cream and the liqueur. Making me hungry just thinking about it. ;)

Quite looking forward to warmer weather. B) 



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12 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

Sometime between 2016 and the Autumn 2017, I sank another bottle of Gordon Sloe Gin. I remember the second bottle loitering for some months, and two summers (two small ones) helped me get through a second bottle. I know how to live it up!

Christmas 2017 saw me receive what is supposed to be an upmarket (own brand) version of Sloe Gin, care of Tesco. Marginally higher alcohol content, but not so much I would notice. :rolleyes:. But the taste .... Absolutely awful! I'm guessing this stuff is made with very dry gin, and unless swamped in lemonade and Dubonnet, is almost undrinkable. I am surprised that two seemingly identical (budget) products could be so different? Were it not a present from a close family member, I would be using it for what I expect was it's original purpose: drain cleaner.


It is called 'sloe' gin because it hangs about for ages, as you have found.

I don't often imbibe spirits, although an occasional white rum and cola is acceptable, and a white vermouth (scarcely strong stuff) is good, especially with a lemonade mixer.   Gin (or rather tonic) is far too bitter for my taste.   Campari is likewise totally unacceptable - but I found that it brings my paintbrushes back to life quite effectively.

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32 minutes ago, Puffer said:

 Gin (or rather tonic) is far too bitter for my taste.   

Like most medicines, it has an unpleasant taste. I don't drink it, and I don't drink soda water either.

It's either lemonade, or my fave, Cream Soda. My sweet tooth rules. ;)

I've spent a couple of hours tonight (while I should have been something else) reading up on gins and genevers.  Got to the stage where I realise being in America has some benefits if you want to sample some cane based gins.... Ho-hum.

Worse, "London" gin or "Dry" gin, pretty much excludes sugar 'sweeteners', and Sloe Gin isn't really a gin because it doesn't have a high enough ABV (alc/vol) content. Suits me. The Cherry Brandy I raved about earlier, is only 24% alc/vol too. I don't even have a palate for alcohol when it comes to spirit based drinks.... :rolleyes:

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I don’t care for gin at all. I did read an interesting book the other day about the history of gin - it was a book of the day deal on Amazon (for Kindle) and at 99p I thought, why not! It was really quite fascinating, starting with the Dutch fondness for it in the 17th century, through Hogarth’s Gin Lane period and Victorian gin palaces and colonial gin pahits. Didn’t make me want to drink any.

I like fine rum - Eldorado, from Guyana, my favourite. Almost buttery and notes of burnt caramelised sugar. 

I like scotch too, the big peaty Islay single malts - Lagavolin especially.

That said, a single bottle would last me a couple of years. 

I have four bottles of rum at present - practically a lifetime supply!

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Given that gin is almost the polar opposite to the drinks I usually enjoy, neither should I. My 'get out', is that the Sloe version of it, can be quite pleasant. "London gin" is after all, juniper flavoured vodka. (Yeuk.)

I suppose I might try some different types of brandy given the chance. The sound of rum is attractive, but like whisk(e)y, I got very ill in my younger years on both, and not been able to tolerate the smell of either since. Not that I'm a drinker either. I was once given 3 or 4 bottles of the stuff as a 'thank you' for computer work I did for a family friend. After about 5 or 6 years, I passed them on to someone else. 

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  • 1 year later...

If you aren't overly keen on dry wines .... this might be worth a try:


Widely available, for £6.50 a bottle, or £5.50 on promotion. (Which it currently is.)



This is quite nice too. Quite sweet, and £8 for a 50cl bottle.



I tend to have 20mm in a highball, topped up with cold lemonade, and ice (if I've made some.) 




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Well I normally drink larger most of the time, never ever touch wine in any form just don't like it, in saying you cannot drink certain things, I cannot drink sherry in any form, in my early days used to go to pub and order a pint of draught sherry 7/6d a pint (old money you know 240 pennies to the pound) after a couple of them and hang overs for about four days at a time, gave it up and cannot even stand the smell of the stuff. Do have a little bit of whiskey now and again, birthday and Christmas. Late sixties best tipple was gees linctus, came from boots the chemist had heroine in it, you could get stoned for days, no longer available I guess why. Going back to late sixties, what about drugs I bet most people tried it I know I did, but to be honest never did a thing for me so tried it a couple of times and gave up on that, tried again in the early 70's but still had no effect. Have not tried anything since. So for me it's larger or a drop of whiskey nothing else passes my lips. Had a couple of months in hospital a little time ago was asked how much water I drink, reply you know when I go on holiday in Spain I have a few ice cubes in my drinks that is it, no I don't drink water. Couple of cups a tea a day that's it but I do have three spoons of sugar in each one.

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