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Membership numbers?

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One of the main reasons I spend my time here rather than at HHP is to get away from the talk of wearing women's clothes with the heels. It seems most of the conversations there end up with some reference to skirts or tights/stockings etc. I have tried some other women's clothing, and it doesn't do anything for me in terms of looks or feeling in the way heels do, i.e. enjoyment of the wearing.

I also have to admit to wearing leggings under my trousers at work for warmth and it's kind of fun to know something those around you don't. I wouldn't wear them on their own though.

Personally for me Heels 4 Men needs to be a place about wearing heels as a male, without going en femme. That said, I don't have a problem with guys mentioning wearing women's jeans, to me they are jeans regardless of which side of the shop they come from (my wife doesn't agree and wouldn't let me wear them if I saw some women's jeans I liked better for some reason).

On the subject of labels, whatever you call it some members of society will manage to use the word in a hurtful way, if it doesn't fit with their view of how the world should be.

Just my personal views.

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shyguy you are right, I myself wear womens shoes because thats what I like, I will wear knee highs as an aid to wearing heels but thats about it.

I think that we should be able to match heels with mens clothing, and I would like that to become a society norm, though its never going to happen.

What we really need is someone like David Beckham to develop a heel fetish and bring heels for men into mainstream fashion.

I must say a few years back on Big Brother when Kamal wore heels as a guy I hoped for an uptake in interest but nothing seemed to happen.

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I also have to admit to wearing leggings under my trousers at work for warmth and it's kind of fun to know something those around you don't. I wouldn't wear them on their own though.

I need to remember to do it ... but I have a tale to tell about this sort of thing. A tale with a sting to it .... :rolleyes::huh:

Personally for me Heels 4 Men needs to be a place about wearing heels as a male, without going en femme. That said, I don't have a problem with guys mentioning wearing women's jeans, to me they are jeans regardless of which side of the shop they come from (my wife doesn't agree and wouldn't let me wear them if I saw some women's jeans I liked better for some reason).

As I've mentioned before, I pretty much HAVE to wear girls jeans, and have done on and off for 30 years. The 'off' years were the uncomfortable ones. They were baggy and unflattering, mostly because they had to be a size too large. That said, I've spent most of today wearing what I think are Primarnie mens jeans .... Bit tight around the crown jewels, but I've spent very little time sitting ....

M+S ladies straight jeans are a much better fit, and come with stretch. All for

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I have two pairs of wonderfully soft Levis jeans, one dark blue and one light blue, which are long enough and flared some to hide heels fairly well. I don't remember where they came from and there are no labels as to which model they are, and I have not been able to find any in the stores that are such a soft material.

Wearing leggings now without other trousers. It has been a warm day for January, and I like the leggings more and more around the house, as they don't get caught between the heel and the shoe with the Nine West 5" spike heel slides I have on, plus they are very comfortable and show off the heels nicely.

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Wearing leggings now without other trousers. It has been a warm day for January, and I like the leggings more and more around the house, as they don't get caught between the heel and the shoe with the Nine West 5" spike heel slides I have on, plus they are very comfortable and show off the heels nicely.

And I like the sound of those shoes! :D

The tale.....

25 years ago I worked at a large manufacturers on the nightshift. I worked in an office, where there was precious little heating. As I spent most of my night sitting, I got cold. I started wearing holdups to help keep me warm. Tights might have been more common [sports fishermen wear them] but I was there for 10 hours at a time so using the toilet was inevitable. Hence the holdups.

One morning I had to leave work and pretty much go to a hospital appointment. I'd got a problem with the skin inside my hairline, and I was going to see a skin specialist. My clothes were tidy and clean, and but for 12 hours use at work, so was my head.

Pitched up at the hospital, and in to see the Doc. He examined my head and was reasonably convinced he knew what the problem was. He wanted to see my legs too, so told me to undress and he's be back in a couple of minutes. :o

There have been few times in my life when I've had to think on my feet, and the decision have some consequences.... That was one of them. As soon as my trousers were off, I'd have the hose on my legs exposed. If he or his help came in with my trousers on the floor and holdups on, what would happen next? :huh:

Well, I've never moved so quickly, but move I did. Fortunately no tell-tale rings on my thighs either. [i'm one for getting into trouble for doing something, rather than getting into trouble for doing nothing.]

Although there was nothing to see, the Doc decided I'd got what he thought I had, and off I went .... Pockets stuffed with holdups! :D

Moral of the tale? Always expect, the unexpected. ;)


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Well, older people tend to have minds that wander.... Have difficulty keeping their mind 'on-track' (on thread) so to speak. :o:D

I suppose ideally one of us should have 'snapped' off a bit of conversation and started a new thread, but the one here wouldn't have ended well, and the new thread might have started abruptly with no reason for why it started. ;)

Plus the next problem might have been, new thread in Chit-chat or Outfit Critique, given we were talking about clothes? :huh:


Edited by FastFreddy2
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  • 1 year later...

The membership is growing, I think. I've noticed a pattern of growth, then reduction. For example; there looked to be 420 members the last time I looked, but today; 375.

I would imagine, a cull of inactive members now would reduce the declared 600+ down to about 10? sad.gif


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Nothing to do with membership numbers, but regarding your post about the doctor visit: Not to worry - they have probably seen it all. I speak from experience, having been caught in an emergency medical condition and taken to the hospital and having to undress. No reaction from them except to say not to be concerned.

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having been caught in an emergency medical condition and taken to the hospital and having to undress. No reaction from them except to say not to be concerned.

One of my more popular venues, is Oxford Street in London's West End. See google link below.


Every ground floor fascia you see, is a retail outlet. Notice how busy the roads are. It's not much quieter/slower at night, until about 1 a.m. and I've usually left by then. There are also Asia style tricycles [man powered 3 wheel rickshaws] now being used to carry 3 to 4 adult passengers around the West End, and these have negligible braking systems. A further danger is they are silent. Mrs Freddy has a slight concern, in that one day a cab/tricycle, or bus is going to catch me crossing the very busy road. There are many crossing places, but not always in a convenient position.

Her thinking is, if I find myself on the ground, my heels are going to be pretty obvious. Are folk going to be more interested in my condition, or my footwear? ohmy.gifwink.gif Hopefully we'll never find out. biggrin.gif


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  • 4 months later...

Just had a mass clear-out of over 500 members, all deleted, who have non-working emails and have never posted.... Just baggage.

That Leaves 122 who have 1 or more posts and no idea if their emails work.

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That Leaves 122 who have 1 or more posts and no idea if their emails work.

Ok, thanks. Not great news, but at least there's some semblance of reality about the figures. I bet if you culled all those that hadn't logged in for a year, that number would likely halve.

I know for fact, some members don't bother to log on, they just 'look in' to see what's going on. Bit naughty really, because if EVERYONE stopped contributing, there'd be nothing to 'pop-in' and read ..... ;)


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  • 3 years later...

Just had a mass clear-out of over 500 members, all deleted, who have non-working emails and have never posted.... Just baggage.

That Leaves 122 who have 1 or more posts and no idea if their emails work.


I know that history suggests new members barely say more than hello, and then often only once ..... I also know that screening new member applications takes time and there's only one person (as far as I'm aware) authorised to do it ..... But, there doesn't seem to have been any new blood allowed on since October 2014. Could some time be scheduled for that to change? I know of one person who claims to want to contribute, and if he does, his input would be welcome.



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If new members are having to wait 8+ months before they can join, they are not going to stay around.. At the moment there can be only around 5 members that are active on this site. Makes  me think other members just come on here to view the photos.

Edited by Heels
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If new members are having to wait 8+ months before they can join, they are not going to stay around..


I've more than once been told by people attempting to join, they thought their membership application had failed, and had stopped even reading posts here. I had/have assured them there is often quite a delay in the application process, and they shouldn't take the delay personally.

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Yes, I found the long wait and inability to do anything about it both annoying and frustrating.   I had begun to assume that there was either a fault or (for undisclosed reasons) I was not welcome in what was presumably a very select club.  That is history but appears to repeat itself for others.

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Sorry about that, this should now be sorted... Membership registrations should now be working.

If something is broken, please drop me an email using the email contact on this website, as I cant check in here very often..

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Sorry about that, this should now be sorted... Membership registrations should now be working.

If something is broken, please drop me an email using the email contact on this website, as I cant check in here very often..


Sorry to have to report it, but it maybe the New Member procedure might have needed a slightly harder kick to get it going again? The fella I know to be waiting has heard nothing more, and no-one else has appeared in the 'Welcome' thread either. 
Just letting you know.
Couldn't find an email address, and you can't be PM'd?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can be PM'd. Just tested it again using your login and it works fine, it lets you send me a PM...

With the upgraded site, the option to PM you has not been switched off. :)

I know you think I'm an idiot, but as you helping yourself to moving around my Personal Messages will have informed you, I know how to use the PM function. If I say it wasn't possible - it wasn't


And new members are still not being allowed in. 

Edited by FastFreddy2
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