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Is this place dying?


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Well, I'm visiting Heels4Men everyday and I still see no new posts... I'm starting to worry, so starting a discussion may help quite a bit.

As you probably know, I don't have a digital camera, so I can't make any pics. Recently, I bought a nice-looking bag. It's technically a women's purse, but it doesn't look girly at all- it's quite masculine, I wear it with my leathers and it looks good on me. Several month's ago I also bought a fake fur jacket for myself, it has a men's cut (the buttons are on the right side, and the holes are on the left side). Now, that it's cold and snowy outside, I'm gonna wear this fur, bag, a leather suit and knee-high cowboys (sorry, no high heels...). I feel quite high and confident now, and it really helps. I don't really care what others think, and I'm becoming excited by my fashion ideas (I know, it's quite narcissistic, but as long as it doesn't harm anyone, it's OK :P). I like the androgynous looks, merging masculinity and femininity and blurring the gender boundaries as much as I can. I also identify as someone between a man and a woman (despite the fact that I'm a biological male with balls and stuff, and I ain't gonna change that :)). Some people see a woman in me, and most see a man. Heck, they don't know that I identify as both at the same time. I have real fun playing with gender, and when someone thinks I'm a woman, I don't correct him. I deliberately change the way I speak to avoid gender-specific pronouns, verb forms etc. relating to me, so I don't give the other person any strong "male/ female" signal. Androgyny is quite exciting for me (well, it turns me on erotically quite a lot, too), no matter if it's me, or someone else who blurs the barriers. I'm here, I'm queer, and I don't care if someone else calls me effeminate etc. Blah blah.

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Hi Elegant

This forum isnt dying, its just extremely brand new.

Why not drop some ideas into the "What forums would you like to have" thread?

The whole point of having a fresh forum, is that the members get to choose what forums they want to see, rather than being left with whatever a bunch of admins can think of, which allows much more creativity.

I thought I would get the ball rolling with the critique forums as an idea, so how about some more ideas, then once we have all these idea's, we can turn them into forums, and enjoy it more...

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I think it takes a while to get a forum going because content is what draws members to a site and a forum starts out with essentially none. A message board type forum depends on its members to provide the content that attracts new members -- kind of a "catch-22" situation. Add that to the fact that there is so much activity on HHMP, this site gets a little lost in the noise.

I don't think this site is dying. It's being born and it is going to take a while.

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Thanks for that JMC

Thats exactly my own point too, plus, unlike many other forums/websites, this part of the heels4men website is allowing its members to decide what forums they want to see setup, instead of having a bunch of forums put up by an admin, then the members not liking them.

Thats why there is also a lack of actual forums at the moment because very few people know that this website has now re-opened and that it has this new blank canvas waiting for inspiration from members.....

I figured I would start the ball rolling with the critique forum, the rest is up to you guys.. Tell us what you want.

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I must admit I am having difficulty in coming up with ideas. My trouble is, HHMP covers the subject so thoroughly in "for the Guys" as well as elsewhere -- it is difficult to come up with material that does not overlap something that is already there.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Folks,

just found this place myself, so hope it get's a bit hotter soon, I am a member of other groups as I am sure you are, maybe there are some people in those groups that may be interested in joining us and vice versa, take a look at this group for example, they are not direct competitors..


hope it may generate some interest here..


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Hi there Elegant. Well, I am a new member, and, I am not even listed yet under "Members", so I wonder myself... I like your style. You are more flamboyant than me... and you do look very classy in your heels.

I have sent the site some pics of me in high heeled boots, and, wiating for them to be included. Take care, Markos.

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Well, I am a new member, and, I am not even listed yet under "Members", so I wonder myself...

Members with less than 5 posts dont appear on the members list.

This is due to spam members who join up just to post URL's to their own websites selling trainers, porn etc...

This place isnt dying, its just getting started.

The beauty of it here is that you can make it what you want it to be, rather than the "inherited format" of another website.

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  • 2 months later...

lol @ Dandy...

I think the problem here is one that hhplace has long been seen as a guys website, when in fact it really isnt, and caters for any heel wearer, which is why I started this one because loadsa guys are not comfortable being associated with the fetishes, cross dressing and other stuff that might be associated with being a member @ hhplace.

So very few guys actually probably know about this website as a "Guys in heels, as guys" website

Elegant... Dont be a stranger buddy :-D

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I agree with Admin that a board for men's heeling without distracting "other" topics is a good idea.

HHPlace has a different charm. I do miss the free-form postings we used to be able to do with the women before the "stuff" started and the hammer came down.

Elegant...what Admin said...

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In first days of May I'll have a photographic course with some fellow goths, and I think I'll also pose as a model. This means that I'll have the opportunity to experiment with make-up and other things [heels, corset etc.]. Hopefully, I'll post some pics.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Here is my take on the validity of keeping this site going.

When I told my wife I liked to wear heels her first reaction was the "are you gay" one followed by "are you going to have a sex change on me". The 2 common responses from what I've seen from other guys.

I was then posting at HHplace and she walked in and "caught" me there. We browsed through together and because she is looking to back up her own beliefs about men and heels she notices all the posts about wearing skirts and the CD/TV stuff.

Puts my case back a few months as I again have to reassure her not all men who wear heels want to go full TV or CD.

That could be avoided with a site like this one for men in heels to come to. They could then introduce their partners with no fears about showing them men in heels dressed as women.

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Shyguy, that's a good idea -- use this site as a sort of online "support group" for we male heelers. Those of us old enough to remember a time before the Internet (seems like so long ago) will also remember thinking "we must just be weird or something". Now we can band together (at least online), swap stories and experiences and discover that there are far more of us than we ever imagined.

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I was then posting at HHplace and she walked in and "caught" me there. We browsed through together and because she is looking to back up her own beliefs about men and heels she notices all the posts about wearing skirts and the CD/TV stuff.

Puts my case back a few months as I again have to reassure her not all men who wear heels want to go full TV or CD.

Thats exactly the entire point of heels4men

The look, style and content are all mannered to avoid any mis-conceptions peole might have, because there are tons of guys who actually dont want to be associated with any of the CD/TV stuff, they just want to wear whatever shoes they like, without it boiling into something it isnt.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi gang

The best place that i have found so far to buy heels is Payless shoe source , they carry a lot of wide sizes and up to size 13 womans .

Now when i go in i try on the shoes for a good fit and so far no one has said anything about it to me and besides i see a lot of woman trying on mens shoes so whats the big deal my only problem is my wife is totaly against it so i have to hide them but i am running out of places to hide them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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