Would you believe it that it's been over seven years that my GF and I have been together? When we meet she had no idea that I wore heels. Until she was at my house just a week after we meet. We needed to look something up on the net so I open Internet Explorer on my computer and oooops my favorite's on the tool bar had hh sights links right in front of her! I tried to delete them real fast but there was so many of them the list, it just kepted scrolling on and on. She is a smart one and picked it up instantly and asked me that do I wear high high heels. Uhm........yeah I do. Turned out she was cool with it and turns out that she have a bit of a shoe fetish her self, I even got her back to wearing heels but not like when she was a banker but hay give and take. Oh yeah her tastes in shoes are not cheap either. :cool: