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On 7/31/2017 at 4:36 AM, FastFreddy2 said:

I quite like Celine Dion. Maybe not so much for her singing, though some of it is very good. She remains slim when most people her age (49) are getting tubby. Recently she has been headlining with some fairly way-out outfits. Apparently, she is doing some magazine modelling work in France. (I haven't researched this extensively, just taking the headlines as being correct.)

She is known to like a heel, and is reasonably keen on thigh highs too. Many of the images I have seen recently, have her in high boots, usually with a decent height stiletto heel. But for the fact she's enormously wealthy, and still grieving for the loss of her much loved husband, she would be the perfect woman for me. 

A couple of days ago, I saw some images of her wearing heels, that just about stopped me in my tracks. I didn't like the embellishments on her skirt, and I thought the buckle on her belt a tad too large, but her shoes were (almost) heart stopping. Have a look for yourself.



I absolutely love them!!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


From >> here <<


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I'm not a fan of TV "reality show" participants (Abi Clarke shown here) who keep themselves in the public eye by revealing how much plastic surgery they've had .... But I liked these shoes. A proper high heel, and as I've been saying for years, I like the effect of clear uppers. (As close as we'll ever come to the 'glass slippers' Cinderella may have been associated with.)




Pretty sure she's not demonstrating the heels, but it'll do for me.

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On 1/6/2019 at 1:59 PM, FastFreddy2 said:

I'm not a fan of TV "reality show" participants (Abi Clarke shown here) who keep themselves in the public eye by revealing how much plastic surgery they've had .... But I liked these shoes. A proper high heel, and as I've been saying for years, I like the effect of clear uppers. (As close as we'll ever come to the 'glass slippers' Cinderella may have been associated with.)


Pretty sure she's not demonstrating the heels, but it'll do for me.

Indeed proper heels!

5 inch, I'd say!?

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1 hour ago, Puffer said:

Hideous boots and skirt on Victoria.

I don't know if you know, but knee boots are coming back in a big way. That skirt probably hangs better when the wearer is stood still. I have a 'pet hate' (dislike) of baggy/loose tops tucked in waistbands though.  That sweater should have been left over the skirt, or a more fitted top worn. 



And as for Celine's outfit and 'overall' (sic) appearance ...

She is a grafter who has never carried any weight. She is appearing at Paris Haute Couture week, so many of her outfits are tilted toward that event.

I would be very happy to have a 50 year old that shape on my arm. B)



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12 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:


Celine again ....



Celine is looking alarmingly gaunt, these days. She never was a heavy woman, but she's not looking very healthy lately. I understand she is still grieving, but it almost looks like there may be a health issue as well.....

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11 hours ago, pointyboot said:

Celine is looking alarmingly gaunt, these days. She never was a heavy woman, but she's not looking very healthy lately. I understand she is still grieving, but it almost looks like there may be a health issue as well.....

Working like a Trojan, she hasn't got an ounce of fat on her. As we get older, our muscle mass reduces significantly.

She's probably not using Botox to pad out ageing/sagging skin either. Unlike Madonna, who looks increasingly like a cat every time I see a new picture of her.

I think your comment is fair, but I sincerely hope you are wrong - for all the right reasons. As your rightly say, her grief might well be affecting her health but I hope it isn't. She's reportedly worth circa $400M and it would be a cruel twist of fate if she didn't have a long life ahead, so she could enjoy her earnings.    

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23 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

I don't know if you know, but knee boots are coming back in a big way. That skirt probably hangs better when the wearer is stood still. I have a 'pet hate' (dislike) of baggy/loose tops tucked in waistbands though.  That sweater should have been left over the skirt, or a more fitted top worn. 

I don't doubt that knee boots are fashionable - have they ever been otherwise?   But (long) boots with open toes look stupid.

23 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

She is a grafter who has never carried any weight. She is appearing at Paris Haute Couture week, so many of her outfits are tilted toward that event.

I would be very happy to have a 50 year old that shape on my arm. B)

I don't dislike Celine and she often wears stylish outfits and sexy shoes.   But I wouldn't want her on my arm looking as gaunt as she now does, and certainly not in such an eccentric outfit.

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12 hours ago, Puffer said:

I don't doubt that knee boots are fashionable - have they ever been otherwise?   But (long) boots with open toes look stupid.

For the past 3 -5 or so years, I would say yes. It's been ankle boots or something over the knee. But knee boots are coming back .... 


I'm with you on the open toes, but we don't run the fashion industry. Open toe otk/thigh boots are everywhere. Still.

You might like this though >> Victoria Beckham criticised for wearing open toe boots <<






 But I wouldn't want her on my arm looking as gaunt as she now does, and certainly not in such an eccentric outfit.

I don't think that's a problem you'll have to address any time soon.

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8 hours ago, FastFreddy2 said:

For the past 3 -5 or so years, I would say yes. It's been ankle boots or something over the knee. But knee boots are coming back .... 

I'm with you on the open toes, but we don't run the fashion industry. Open toe otk/thigh boots are everywhere. Still.

You might like this though >> Victoria Beckham criticised for wearing open toe boots <<


 I agree that the boot emphasis may have been on shorter or taller boots of late, but knee-highs have never disappeared and are probably the most popular style where durability and warmth is required.   Hence the folly of any boots with 'openings'.   And I had read the Mail article too.   I'm still not sure why you posted the picture - what was attractive about any aspect of Victoria or her outfit?   And the same goes for Celine in that particular pic.   Miss Mirren, however, shows what can be done ...

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1 hour ago, Puffer said:

 I'm still not sure why you posted the picture - what was attractive about any aspect of Victoria or her outfit?   And the same goes for Celine in that particular pic.   Miss Mirren, however, shows what can be done ...

I follow fashion, and some celebrities who are involved in or around it; those affected. The ones I include here, are those that wear higher heels, or higher than you'd expect to see in everyday life (given age or status).  What I don't do, is offer up images for critiquing, be that people or their clothing. There is a completely different section for that.




As to the knee boots remark, you are wrong. They've just not been mainstream fashion for years. Yes they have been around for years, but then so have wellingtons, which also haven't been part of mainstream fashion for some time either.

If you want to start a fashion debate, please start one by all means, but this thread isn't about debating anything, nor critiquing any look of person or their attire. It's about images of heels seen in the press, or social media. If you don't like what I post, I invite you to put me on your 'ignore' list. Of course if you do, over half of what's here to be read, will vanish.  I put more effort into keeping this place ticking over, than the next 7 contributors combined. (4389 vs 3344) Have a think about that as you complain about the content I include. 

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Oh dear, Freddy!   And me thinking that a topic entitled 'Something Special' would be showing just that and inviting response.   (Perhaps the topic should be called 'Seen in Public' or some-such.)  You are perfectly entitled to post whatever eccentricities you like (and I don't intend to ignore them) but I see nothing in the rules to preclude criticism, however the topic is labelled.   My complaint was about what you (in good faith) shared with us on this occasion, with some sort of implied endorsement, not that you posted it.   Your valued support of this board (which I do my best to emulate) does not exempt you from comment on your posts, whether or not this conflicts with your own views.   I'm sorry if you think otherwise or that your efforts go unappreciated.

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I am pleased, as will be others of course, at your contributions and effort you put into this Forum too. However, there is a well known saying that runs something like: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything." (I might be paraphrasing, but the gist of it is there.)

This isn't a thread for critique, that function is found on another section in the Forum - as shown. My hope is/WAS, others would contribute to the Something Special thread with links of images of media they too thought might be considered special. It was never meant to be an opportunity for people to tell me I was mistaken in my view of what I consider special, no more than I would be inclined to disagree with anyone else's viewpoint on what they thought was special. 

In fact my attitude toward 'negative posting' extends to ignoring several posts in another section of the Forum where critiquing is expected. I really don't like some of the shoes/boots shown, but rather than post something negative about styles others feel attractive, I've written nothing. I know through experience and training, negative posting - especially on matters of taste, leads to members keeping their thoughts to themselves. 

If you must write that you don't like an image and are compelled to say so, then you must. But please resist the temptation to challenge me on why I thought it 'Special'. 

12 hours ago, Puffer said:

I'm still not sure why you posted the picture - what was attractive about any aspect of Victoria or her outfit?   And the same goes for Celine in that particular pic.


These women have tens of millions of followers on social media. Anything they do, and likely everything they do is seen daily by those millions, because their followers are interested in the lives of these women, and the fashion statements they make from time to time. If there's a question to be answered, it's "what are you failing to see, the rest of us can see?"  

As to continuing with this thread, I think I'm pretty much done with it. If the content is so unpleasant, what's the point? :rolleyes: I'm not looking for an answer by the way, as there isn't nor could there be any point. 



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I will leave it to other members of this board to determine whether:

1.   there is a place on what is intended as a 'Heels for men' forum for a topic featuring general female fashion, in all its extremes, selected by the poster on the grounds of being 'special' in some way;

2.   if such material is posted, it should be open to comment and criticism on aesthetic or other grounds.   

In considering the above, it should be remembered that (a) anything posted on H4M is open to comment by others - that is why H4M exists as a forum; (b) public figures in particular invite public comment when they wear or do something; (c) few if any of us here are within the allegedly large bunch of sycophantic followers who hang on to so-called celebrities' every word and deed; (d) there is a difference between fair comment (however critical) and that which is malicious or destructive.

I fail to see why these recent exchanges have ruffled feathers in the way they apparently have.   Freddy chose some pics of 'fashion' which he considered 'special'; I thought the outfits worn by VB and CD were risible.   We are both entitled to our opposing views.   And, when I challenged VB's outfit, Freddy agreed that he disliked the boot style and the way her skirt and sweater were being worn, so how was it 'special' apart from being worn by Her Holiness?   Moreover, although Freddy says he posts pics of women who 'wear higher heels, or higher than you'd expect to see in everyday life (given age or status)', CD's bootees were very tame in comparison with others has worn so, given the rest of her strange outfit, I could not understand its appeal or relevance to us.   I make no claims of expertise in the theory of fashion (as distinct from being a shrewd observer) so, when I ask what is so 'special' about something, it is because I am trying to understand (and perhaps appreciate) some subtlety that I may have missed.

So, go on posting what appeals to you by all means, but don't expect it to pass without comment, favourable or not.   (And, for the record, I did like the pics of both Kate B and Helen M, both of whom 'filled Freddy's bill' in terms of heels and overall elegance.) :wub:

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