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Caught, almost caught ..... wanna tell?

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Perhaps 15 months ago ....

While queueing at a Post Office, I was practically 'pressured' to move closer to the person in front of me, by the girl behind. Insistant I stand closer the person with a cold/flu in front, I offered her my position ~ which she took. :-D It gained her nothing, as we both got to the counter at the same time .....

About a week later, and while still in 'go out at midnight only' mode with my public heel wearing, I was out in my home town wearing some OTK boots under jeans. The noise from the heel was instantly recognisable, as was the pointed toe.

I had thus far been moderately careful to avoid contact with anyone, and leaving home at midnight must have helped. ;-) The wife thought I was behaving a bit weird, but my desire to wear heels ~ having been ignored for over 20 years ~ was almost irrepressable.

While out at what is a fairly desolate path and cycle crossing over a motorway, I approached the bridge sure I was alone. I hadn't noticed a fairly short girl, returning home from what was possibly a shift at a pub or restaurant somewhere. The concrete sides of the bridge had hidden all but her head, which due to my other preoccupation (walking in heels) I had missed. :cool:

Only 3 or 4 yards from me, I noticed her. Still as many yards from the bridge entrance, I was able to walk onto the grass verge of the path, and wait for her to pass. [The grass covered the noise of my boots.] Standing still to let the girl pass, I turned away from her. Though she hadn't recognised me, I had remembered her as being a local I met in the Post Office a week before, and I didn't want her to remember me at all. ;-)

The corner we passed at was well lit, as was the bridge and the pathway from it. I waited for her to pass, which she did, but she didn't carry on walking......

Now ... Mindful she had already shown a lack of social grace by asking me to move along a corridor at the Post Office, I shouldn't have been surprised she stopped and started to speak to me. My home town isn't an inner city, but we were 200 yards from the next/nearest person (who would have been aleep behind locked/bolted door and windows), and I'd suggest 12:15am in such an isolated spot, probably wasn't the most prudent time/place to start a conversation ~ but she did ......

Firstly, she wanted to know if I was alright, and did I need any help? No, I was fine, I just wanted to be left alone. [boy did I want to be left!] But she was worried about my proximity to the motorway, the time of day, and my wish to be alone. I assured her I was fine, and only wanted to be left in peace. Took almost ten minutes to convince her, but eventually she left.

Usually, I'm keen to promote acts of kindness, but this one embarressed me so much, it took a couple of days for me to 'fess up to my nearest and dearest. ;-)

Fortunately I've not seen her since. We are a University town, with plenty of transient habitants. Hopefully, she is/was, one of them. :oops:

Now, somewhat more experienced with street-walking around the general populace, I would just keep walking across the bridge should it happen again. [Thinking about it, late last year while out with my walking partner, it did. 4 or 5 youths walked across the bridge we were on, from the opposite direction, me with nowhere to go except forward. We passed the group, on the much smaller railway bridge, and I don't remember anyone noticing or passing comment.]

I suspect confidence is the main difference in these two situations. The first incident happened before I'd ever worn heels in daylight, and only worn them publically in Clubs or Balls some 20+ years before. While I'm still a bit self-aware at the start of every trip out in heels, I'm a lot more complacent about the reaction [when there is some], from others. While I'm fairly discreet, I do get 'made' from time to time. So far, without adverse comment. Had a passing smile once or three times, a giggle from one of two off-duty Clarins advisors browsing in the store they worked in (still in uniform), but otherwise ~ no adverse reaction at all.....

So far, so good. :cool:

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great story ff2

takes me back a long way:smile:

to be honest i have found over the years it is a confidence thing.

you just need to walk around as if it is the most normal thing to do.

if you show you are nervous other people will pick up on that

at the end of the day you are doing nothing wrong

good luck :-D

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  • 1 year later...

When I was younger my oldest sister got some new knee high stiletto boots and left them in the hall. I took them to the bathroom to try them on and someone saw they were gone. I put them back in the hall but I still got in trouble for taking them.

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I went on a little shopping trip to Matalan yesterdsy, for a pair of skinny jeans to show off heels (At home). Anyway I found a nice pair and tried them on, yep spot on, these will do very nicely so I went to pay.

No problem at the till, except one of the floor staff walked past a couple of times because she had "forgotten" something.

As I was leaving she was stood by the door, she looked at my feet, looked at me with a massive grin, winked and Iwas on my way. Should have said somrthing I Know

I think I should have stopped and chatted, but there were loads of people about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Walking the dog in my new boots on Saturday morning, I noticed they make a bit of noise. Most of the time I don't see many people around, and this time was no different until I was almost home. I saw a neighbour walk out of the alleyway I was going into, and walked past and nodded a good morning. As I turned into the alley I noticed he'd turned back and was just a few steps behind and followed back through the alley.

I tried to act natural (maybe that doesn't work?) and just walked on home, nothing was said and he went off to the right as I went left. Was I spotted? Who knows, I think my jeans covered any heel over.

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Walking the dog in my new boots on Saturday morning, I noticed they make a bit of noise. Most of the time I don't see many people around, and this time was no different until I was almost home. I saw a neighbour walk out of the alleyway I was going into, and walked past and nodded a good morning. As I turned into the alley I noticed he'd turned back and was just a few steps behind and followed back through the alley.

I tried to act natural (maybe that doesn't work?) and just walked on home, nothing was said and he went off to the right as I went left. Was I spotted? Who knows, I think my jeans covered any heel over.

I dont think that the noise always stands out as wearing something different, I got a new pair of trainers for Christmas and they have got a rock hard sole, the noise when I walk about in them is exactly the same as if I were wearing a pair of heels, and there are quite a few mens shoes with hard soles that do make a noise as you are walking.

Its because we know what we are wearing that makes it seem so obvious, I bet your neighbour didn't even bat an eyelid.

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I too think he may not have 'twigged'. I own mens shoes that make more noise than some of my heels.

The odd thing is, that he appears to have retraced his steps almost as soon as he'd made them? Maybe he forgot something he'd left behind and went back for it?

To be honest, most folk even if they realise what's going on, don't care. That said, I did write up somewhere, that a young couple actually waited for me to come out of the loos at [if I remember] Marks and Sparks, Lakeside. That that was pretty unusual behaviour, and rude off of any scale I'm aware of. B)

If he wolf-whistles next time, you know the game is up. ;-) :-(

[Honestly, if he had noticed, I'm SURE he would have given you some indication.]


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Totally caught at ASDA tonight..... I went shopping after I came home from work and decided to wear my boots to ASDA, no problem, it was not too busy and no one noticed. I nearly put on a pair of pumps but its a good job i didn't!

I was just using the self service (Fast - I don't think so) lane, and I noticed that one of my work colleagues was stood there waiting for me to finish. So we started to chat and he walked out with me and then I realised that his car was parked right next to mine B) . So he says "What the H*&L are you wearing, so I showed him, luckily he is the guy that always comes along dressed up whenever we have an event, so it did not worry him at all, plus I know he will not say anything! I still have a video of him trying on heels at Brantanos for our last charity walk!!;-)

I asked him if he wanted a pair, but as I know he has real problems getting womens shoes to fit him I knew he would say no. If he could readily get heels to fit he would not hesitate in wearing them in public, not because he likes heels but because he is a total exhibitionist!

She who must be obeyed rolled her eyes when I picked her up from the in-laws and said I bet you were wearing those boots!

I really do think she is mellowing to the idea :-(

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So we started to chat and he walked out with me and then I realised that his car was parked right next to mine ;-) . So he says "What the H*&L are you wearing, so I showed him,

That right there, would have me leaving the country. :-(

She who must be obeyed rolled her eyes when I picked her up from the in-laws and said I bet you were wearing those boots!

I really do think she is mellowing to the idea :D

:D Ya think? B)B)


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Totally caught at ASDA tonight..... I went shopping after I came home from work and decided to wear my boots to ASDA, no problem, it was not too busy and no one noticed. I nearly put on a pair of pumps but its a good job i didn't!

I was just using the self service (Fast - I don't think so) lane, and I noticed that one of my work colleagues was stood there waiting for me to finish. So we started to chat and he walked out with me and then I realised that his car was parked right next to mine B) . So he says "What the H*&L are you wearing, so I showed him, luckily he is the guy that always comes along dressed up whenever we have an event, so it did not worry him at all, plus I know he will not say anything! I still have a video of him trying on heels at Brantanos for our last charity walk!!;-)

I asked him if he wanted a pair, but as I know he has real problems getting womens shoes to fit him I knew he would say no. If he could readily get heels to fit he would not hesitate in wearing them in public, not because he likes heels but because he is a total exhibitionist!

She who must be obeyed rolled her eyes when I picked her up from the in-laws and said I bet you were wearing those boots!

I really do think she is mellowing to the idea :-(

Great tale, and I'm in awe of how you handled being spotted by your colleague, it would have made me look for a hole to fall into.

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Great tale, and I'm in awe of how you handled being spotted by your colleague, it would have made me look for a hole to fall into.

This particular colleague is no problems,he is a good friend as well and his exhibitionist tendancies mean that to him, it was no big deal. (He turned up to a company night out in a luminous green tutu and nipple tassels! - and thats all). if it had been someone else, 1. I don't think that they would have noticed my boots and 2. I would not have stayed in conversation with them long enough for them to find out, probably because they would have moved on after a quick chat as most people would do.

To be honest if I had noticed him first I would have probably avoided him if I could.

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Having told a work colleague [last week] that I wore heels, I wondered around the work place today where I have a [very] small part time job that pays for the fuel I put in my car. I'm usually alone, but started late. No bother, if I got 'disturbed' the only person I'm going to see is the lady I told last week. :)

Well, I did get 'disturbed'. Though my work colleague arrived when she was expected.

I had been walking around for about 10 minutes with both of us in various rooms, me still wearing some block heeled boots. [These with rubber sole and heel covering.] They aren't particularly 'femme' either, so I perhaps shouldn't have been so surprised they remained unnoticed by her..... But a full half hour before he was due, one of the owners arrived. :(

This fella is a bit shorter than me, and my additional 4" increase in height would not have escaped his attention if I stood upright. Fortunately, I was leaning over over a desk [that was between us,] scribbling down a telephone number when he arrived. As soon as his back was turned, I quietly spirited myself and my bagged regular shoes, onto a different floor where I changed into them. :rolleyes:

This fella has now 3 times, nearly caught me there walking around in heels. The job doesn't really pay enough to stay, but it provides and hour or so of walking in heels most days I want to venture in.

I do need to get there early though, if my decreasingly secret secret, it to remain a secret. :o


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Last week had plucked up courage to go out in leggings and boots without the usual jeans to conceal boots. I had taken a little explore down an apparently abandoned garden path off a quiet country road and had just got back into my car when another car came along. A minute earlier they would have seen me in my patent thighs and jeggings, phew! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPuxje4_bJ8 A little clip of the explore.

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Excellent first post, and entertaining video. :(

Have you tried putting a camcorder on a roundabout in a play area, rotating the ride while walking alongside the camera? Or putting the recorder on the floor and walking past? :rolleyes:

You've some good looking boots there too! :o

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Out for a walk on my 6" heels yesterday I got caught by 3 men on their bikes. The little path I walked is usually abandoned when having bad weather - but not yesterday... As I walked in Jeans and greatcoat the first of them passed by without me hearing him before. A few minutes later the others passed by recognized by me meters before reaching me. All of them had a time to watch me walking in heels as the way continued straight ahead. No one stopped talking to me nor I recognized some unusual behavior like shaking their heads or something like that.

Encouraged by this I'll give the way a second try in the next days...

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All of them had a time to watch me walking in heels as the way continued straight ahead. No one stopped talking to me nor I recognized some unusual behavior like shaking their heads or something like that.

Encouraged by this I'll give the way a second try in the next days...

As a keen cyclist, I'll confirm there's no way your feet were missed. [We're always looking downward for obstacles, and four legged animals running around].

If they go past you again but are moving slower, they'll be having a second [long] look as you'll be expected. :rolleyes:

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  • 4 months later...

.Some updates ....

I had been walking around for about 10 minutes with both of us in various rooms, me still wearing some block heeled boots. [These with rubber sole and heel covering.] They aren't particularly 'femme' either, so I perhaps shouldn't have been so surprised they remained unnoticed by her..... But a full half hour before he was due, one of the owners arrived. :(

About 4 or 5 weeks ago, I inadvertently left my 'work boots' wrapped in a Next carrier bag, on the desk in the owners office where I had changed back into my usual street shoes. Twenty-five minutes after I'd left the building, realising what I'd done I returned to my work place and collected them. They had been moved to another location that I found without the need to ask. The chap who moved them, has seen that bag before. Once, when he would have found my 'usual' work [mens] shoes laying on top, with me somewhere else in the building. [On this occasion, 'hiding' in the toilets with high heels on. rolleyes.gif] It wouldn't have taken the mind of Sherlock Homes to work out the heeled boots in the bag, were my 'alternate' works shoes .... In nearly 2 1/2 years, it's the first time anyone has had a chance to see what I have in the Next bag I'm often seen carrying out of the building. To date, no remark has been made. Also, no more unexpected visits. When he or his wife arrive [at times they are expected], they always shout to me they are in the building before we meet. I'd say they know, and are being considerate. I'm tempted to admit to him what I'm up to, but maybe I don't need to. huh.gif

Having told a work colleague [last week] that I wore heels, I wondered around the work place today where I have a [very] small part time job that pays for the fuel I put in my car. I'm usually alone, but started late. No bother, if I got 'disturbed' the only person I'm going to see is the lady I told last week. :)

Yesterday, while doing something [noisy] at the kitchen sink, I completely missed the colleague mentioned, walking into the building. First I knew she was there, she was practically standing next to me. Under any circumstances I would have been lightly 'shocked' at the sudden appearance when I thought I was alone. Worse still was me wearing high heeled patent boots that only days before I'd installed steel tips. Shiny patent drawing the eye, and steel tips drawing the ear. Fortunately the colleague 'knows', but I'd been keen to keep my heel wearing away from her as far as possible. No chance of that.

We chatted while I finished off what I was doing, and had a coffee and a couple of biscuits when I finished up. As I had to leave, I changed into my shoes as she stood talking in front of me. [The mens shoes that had been laying on top of the usual Next bag, both placed on top of a larder fridge and in plain view.] She suddenly burst into a giggle, being surprised I'd been walking around in 4 1/2" stiletto heels in front of her for a good half hour, and she hadn't noticed! wink.gifbiggrin.gif Bless her. cool.gif


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Another great example of other people being too busy to notice what you're wearing on your feet in this line Freddy.

She suddenly burst into a giggle, being surprised I'd been walking around in 4 1/2" stiletto heels in front of her for a good half hour, and she hadn't noticed!

Possibly she didn't notice because you walk naturally in heels and also from the few times we've met and spoken I'd say you have a lot of confidence which goes a long way to covering up the little things and stops you stumbling when walking or talking.

Maybe your colleagues are more embarrassed to bring up the shoes they found and moved than you would be, I can see how it could be a difficult subject for some people to discuss.

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Possibly she didn't notice because you walk naturally in heels and also from the few times we've met and spoken I'd say you have a lot of confidence which goes a long way to covering up the little things and stops you stumbling when walking or talking.

Thank you for those very complimentary remarks. cool.gif

Maybe your colleagues are more embarrassed to bring up the shoes they found and moved than you would be, I can see how it could be a difficult subject for some people to discuss.

For that half of the business partnership, I think you have it 'on the money'. The other half of the partnership, would not be anything like as embarrassed and would not let me hear the last of it. rolleyes.gif I'm a lot more careful now, not that I was particularly careless in the past. The day I left the boots behind I did leave with an armful of gear, just not everything I should have left with. wink.gifbiggrin.gif


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  • 1 month later...
The other half of the partnership, would not be anything like as embarrassed and would not let me hear the last of it. rolleyes.gif I'm a lot more careful now, not that I was particularly careless in the past....

Was at the part time job this morning. [This is where I have a colleague who regularly <now> sees me in heels and is happy to keep the secret.] This is where I get my daily dose of heel wearing, even if I don't wear them anywhere else. cool.gif

I'm there on my own ..... Front door is locked and shuttered - this is so I know if/when someone else enters the building. Security camera/recording system is switched off. I'm safe. [Thinking about it, I'm not sure I turned that back on? ohmy.gif]

Anyway, about 30 minutes into being on-site, a mate who I hadn't talked to for some time rings me. We're on the phone for a good while. I can't move around [the clip-clop sound would be a give-away if I do] so I stand by the rear <glass> door. This is locked but not shuttered, it's away from the street, and there's a counter there anyway. So I'm chatting away on the phone .....

Then, one of the 4 owners suddenly appears at the window! She's parked up around the corner and was dropping off some mail. Seeing the shutter up [down the side of the building] she walked down with the post ..... With me standing there, she motions for me to unlock and open the door, quite understandably. What to do? Caught red-footed!! huh.gif

I couldn't run off, the keys are in front of me on the counter. What could I do? I just walked around and opened the door to take the post. Luckily for me [if anything about this situation could be described as "lucky"], she hasn't time to stop and leaves as quickly as she arrived.

No idea if I've been busted, but if I have, I'm sure to find out soon. sad.gifbiggrin.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

Going in at the weekend, especially on a Sunday is good from the the heeling point of view. People get up later, so fewer people around. I can park closer to the front entrance and in winter the dark mornings allow me to come and go wearing heels.

Was in at my part time job last Sunday.

Beavering away, there was a load banging on the outside window. I looked up to see the main owner looking in, motioning me to open the front door. [Him out walking without his keys.] I let him in for a chat.

As I'm between 'working heels', I had regular mens shoes on. huh.gif Usually a disappointment, but not that day ....... cool.gif

Cat nearly pulled itself out of the bag ....... wink.gifbiggrin.gif


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  • 1 month later...

Not so lucky today ...... huh.gif

Was wearing heels and working behind a locked front door, in the basement. Got a phone call from the same main owner 'Are you at work?'

My response, "Yes I am, just leaving. I'll call you back in 5 minutes." Seconds later my phone starts ringing and doesn't stop until I hear load banging on the front door upstairs. He's here and wanting to get in!

Fortunately for me, he hasn't got his keys with him again, so I get a few moments to change shoes. But he doesn't understand why the locked door, and luckily doesn't have time to spend chatting trying to find out why ..... Not today anyway. sad.gif

Not sure where this is going to go ..... But the work looks like ending soon anyway. Which given how many times I've almost been caught, might be a blessing in disguise?


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Looks like my 'incident' has quickly become history. [Thank goodness. smile.gif]

It's left me a bit reluctant to get back into heels there, but I hope it'll pass. I own too many shoes/boots to cut down on their use, I need to ramp up my heeling after all, not wind it down still further. biggrin.gif

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It's left me a bit reluctant to get back into heels there, but I hope it'll pass.

It did pass, but maybe it shouldn't have ...... huh.gif

Nearly got caught again today, this time by the other [male] owner. Was only my acute hearing [and the ability to almost fly down a stairway] that had me back in flats before I got found.

I think on balance, it's time to have a break. Let some dust settle... sad.gif

Guess I need to find other venues for my heeling?


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