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Caught, almost caught ..... wanna tell?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out shopping in >> these << for a while today. ohmy.gif

In summary, I'd say I got 'spotted' in just a couple of hours, by around the same number of people who have 'spotted' me wearing heels, during the whole previous 4 years I've been wearing them out (this time around.) That's 4 years less about 5 weeks . . . . . . wink.gif

Worst situation was being followed by four 18~20 year old youths, not only along the Mall, but into and through a store. Maybe not quite as horrendous as it sounds..... No heckling, no abuse ..... But they all knew, and because I kept looking at them looking at me, they knew that I knew they knew. [blink.gif] Made me feel a tad uncomfortable ...... but I live to tell the story. smile.gif

I've often said I'm not nor would be a martyr to the cause, but it felt otherwise around 6pm today ...... unsure.gif Still, life's too short for a little time feeling uncomfortable, to be a stopper to this activity. tongue.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a surprise visit by some close family members this afternoon. Halfway through their visit, I spotted two pairs of my boots left on the kitchen floor [in plain view] waiting to be polished by Mr Shoe Cleaner [that would be me].

Since neither of the visitors are sight-impaired, the boots MUST have been seen. Mrs Freddy has quite a shoe+heel collection, but these are mostly KG branded. Neither pair on the floor were from KG .... Nor would they look to be inside the typical KG price or style range. [Meaning: the boots are not expensive nor particularly 'girlie'.]

Nothing said during the visit ...... Which might be a good sign ..... wink.gifbiggrin.gif

More to follow? huh.gif

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had to google KG. Is it Kurt Geiger?

Nice shoes on the web site.

Had a surprise visit by some close family members this afternoon. Halfway through their visit, I spotted two pairs of my boots left on the kitchen floor [in plain view] waiting to be polished by Mr Shoe Cleaner [that would be me].

Since neither of the visitors are sight-impaired, the boots MUST have been seen. Mrs Freddy has quite a shoe+heel collection, but these are mostly KG branded. Neither pair on the floor were from KG .... Nor would they look to be inside the typical KG price or style range. [Meaning: the boots are not expensive nor particularly 'girlie'.]

Nothing said during the visit ...... Which might be a good sign ..... wink.gifbiggrin.gif

More to follow? huh.gif

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had to google KG. Is it Kurt Geiger?

Yessir! biggrin.gif

Not quite "Designer" priced [which I would suggest meant £400+ as a starting price ..... ] but still quite expensive as a high street brand, which it very much is these days. Kurt Geiger has a [franchised?] shop in most of the larger towns that I visit, and in most of the Malls I visit. Perhaps best described as being at the luxury end of the high street shoe brands?

It has acquired a number of other brands [Nine West you will know] and several others you might not, and very much has a group face to it. Nine West used to be considered 'affordable' to young buyers. KG is moving the brand upmarket to be amongst the rest of its portfolio, and a plain basic boot has doubled in price in only 3 years. [From £80 to >> £160. <<]



Mrs Freddy gets her shoes at 'Sale' prices, and often at promotional sales [double discount] rather than pay full price. Good with money, that one. cool.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by FastFreddy2
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Too many close calls might be a signs to indeed change venues.

Looks like 'fate' has played its' hand .......

My part time job with 2 hours everyday high heel walking benefit, ends Christmas Eve. sad.gif

Slightly mixed emotions ..... It's a PITA to travel to (now I've moved home), but a great opportunity for wearing heels everyday [including weekends]. cool.gif Money wasn't good, but it paid for a lot of heels! biggrin.gif

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Looks like 'fate' has played its' hand .......

My part time job with 2 hours everyday high heel walking benefit, ends Christmas Eve. sad.gif

Slightly mixed emotions ..... It's a PITA to travel to (now I've moved home), but a great opportunity for wearing heels everyday [including weekends]. cool.gif Money wasn't good, but it paid for a lot of heels! biggrin.gif

Your decision or theirs?

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Your decision or theirs?

Hmmm. Not a simple answer .....

Answer 1:

Primarily, the gaff is closing as the owners have had enough. They've worked there nearly 8 years on the project, and want to get their lives back.....

Answer 2:

I was offered (at no cost) the balance of the tenancy, stock, fittings, and all the guidance I might need to run the place. I already have a license to sell alcohol, but working 7 days every week often for 12 hour shifts, isn't for something I could do with my other commitments.

We often regret the things we don't do, usually more than the things we do and shouldn't. wink.gif I'm still blessed with a fair amount of stamina, and my preferred work period would have fitted in. ['Night owl' shift. biggrin.gif] But there's no backup if I got ill for anything past a couple of hours, and little time for arranging something. Mrs Freddy has a good/secure full-time job, and understandably would prefer to stay where she is.

2 years ago, before I took on the home that is my personal 'building apprenticeship' project, it might have been a very different story. Maybe.

Walking around today in heels while there, was very pleasant. If I miss anything, or if I ever feel I lost out on something, it'll be that. Unlike walking around home in heels [something I almost never do] a walk is never more than 6 or 7 paces long. An each way walk at my part time job could be 30 paces.

I had said I would be reluctant to stay past Christmas anyhow, as I wanted to leave last May. Travelling had made the job uneconomic, and the only reason I really started the job was a quiet venue for wearing heels. cool.gif I get out in heels quite a bit, so it's not like I still need the practice, though walking inside beats walking outside - in winter. wink.gifbiggrin.gif

So it looks like I kinda got my way, though not the route I expected. mellow.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

The part time job lurches onward. Now looks like early January before they close.

I've been trying to make the most of the heel wearing opportunity, but the place has been that busy [Christmas] getting time without an audience has been difficult. huh.gif

'No peace for the wicked' ..... then? wink.gifbiggrin.gif

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  • 1 year later...

OK, here's a cautionary tale for you guys. Today while the family were out I put on a pair of not very high heeled Mary Jane style shoes. Comfortable enough to wear around the house for a while I had almost forgotten I had them on as I washed up, put away the dishes and wandered around the house. No worries as I had a good few hours with the house to myself. It was after about an hour and a half I suddenly realised the straps across my feet were causing a little discomfort after this length of time.

I took off the shoes and put them away, but on both feet there was a tell tale strap mark across the top of them. It's taken a bath, and another hour and a bit before those marks are disappearing enough to be almost unnoticeable. Luckily the family have all stayed a bit later than they were going to or that would have been difficult to explain.

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I took off the shoes and put them away, but on both feet there was a tell tale strap mark across the top of them.

Just a thought ...... Down here we easily avoid such problems. They've been around a while, but perhaps they haven't reached your neck of the woods yet? :huh:

>> Clicky << B)

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The plan was only a short time wearing the shoes. The best laid plans....

I don't know how you go without.

Actually, I know why you go without, lack of choice. What I should be doing, is asking why I spend so much time going without, when I do have a choice. For me, too much planning, not enough doing.

Mrs Freddy was out last Saturday. I planned a (new) jean and shoe combination try-out session to fill my evening. [Waaay too cold to go out for a play at -2 or -3 C.] The evening flew past so quickly, with me doing none of the try-out session, and I was late to collect her and her friend too. <_<

Yes, I could easily see you planning an hour in shoes, and two hours passing. ;)B)

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  • 5 months later...

Had something of a close shave today .....

We (generally) don't have visitors at the Maison de Freddy, because we don't have spare hard-hats. It really is, a cross between a building site and storage facility here.

So, imagine my surprise when Mrs Freddy enters the house, with one of her oldest girlfriends, and girlfriends grand-daughter. As they haven't seen each other much in the 18 years me and Mrs Freddy have been together (very long story), the visit can only be to show her friend around the building site. The two were reunited some 3 weeks ago, after something like a 16-17 year absence.

So I have two pairs of heeled boots on the main living room floor, with three (okay, two and a half) people walking toward the room. As luck would have it, I'd recently bought 4 metres of bubblewrap, and that was also laying on the floor (where the cat had left it.) Rather like a wave from a leading matador, I picked up the bubblewrap and 'expertly' covered the shoes just as the half person ran into the room looking for the cat. (Which incidentally, then ran away.)

While the half person would know no better, only being just 5 years old, her grandmother would know. Worse, she has some previous knowledge of me (though not in the biblical sense). She knows I have a thing for heels on girls, and for the moment, it's how I'd like to keep it. We are shortly to start having foursomes. These two good friends had become estranged some 16 or so years ago, because communications then, were not what they are now. (Isn't Facebook wonderful?) Turns out, 'lost friend' lives a measured 10 minute walk away. Yep, almost literally neighbours, and have been for nearly 3 years. :rolleyes:

This could be interesting ..... :huh:

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