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Selling Shoes And Boots

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Got another free listing weekend, for Auction style listings at £1 an over.

Had a chat with Mrs Freddie about some of her excess footwear. 20 minutes later, I have another 10 pairs to sell on. Nearly all with 4"+ heels, and mostly worn once. Shame they're a size UK6/EU39. wink.gif

They won't all be there until late Sunday, so anyone interested, look on Monday or later? Saturday and Sunday am doing photo's, Sunday evening doing listings. [London Saturday pm, family dinner, Sunday pm.]


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Going to give the listings a miss this time.

Getting a signature for a receipt has gone up 26% from 75p to 95p.

First Class letters, from 41p to 60p [almost a 50% increase].

Small parcels are more expensive to post now too, and will make inexpensive sales on internet auction sites, much less productive for sellers and buyers. I've no idea how that will directly affect the sort of things I sell, but I know already from experience [mentioned before], carriage costs DIRECTLY affect the attractiveness of a listing.

I need to pack and accurately weigh anything I want to sell, before offering the shoes/boots for sale. I suspect it also means I need to find an alternate carrier too. Sending a pair of long boots, or even boxed ankle boots comes in at weighing over 1kg. That means shipping using RM 1st Class, and I only dispatch goods that are signed for on receipt. [Don't want to have to do refunds on goods that are lost, or worse, delivered that are subsequently claimed 'lost'.] Signature proves delivery, or absence of it.

Waiting a week or two, will give me more time for photo's, and working out carriage accurately.

I will PM the fellas here I think who might be interested, when the listings are done. I know not to expect sales, but it won't hurt to let fellow HH enthusiasts watch some gear get sold on.

I mentioned before, I'd gotten a couple of non-payers? One gentlemen settled today. [so 2 of 3 have paid.] The 3rd fella already has some history of upsetting sellers, so I'm hoping he won't pay. I'll get a credit for non-payment, and he can go on my 'banned from bidding' list of one. biggrin.gif I have the slight worry that if he pays Sunday or Monday, I'll be caught for the carriage costs at the increased prices, which will be less than I'd charged [two weeks ago] for the carriage. My expectation the items -if they sold- would be paid for fairly promptly. Not a week+ later. More as it happens. smile.gif


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Looks like I have a couple of winning bidders, who won't be paying. ohmy.gif

I had contacted 3, and one will be paying in the morning. [Good man.]

The other two fellas, have not responded to 2 attempts at contact. sad.gif Why do people bid if they're not going pay for what they've bought? dry.gif

Got another pair sold, as one of the two late payers, paid up midday Saturday. Only one defaulter now, and he has a history of being a problem, so he's possibly done me a favour by defaulting. I just need to find out how to ban him from further listings. wink.gif

Although I didn't make time to photograph any more of my own shoes that are leaving the collection [nor any of Mrs Freddy's either], I did relist a number of pairs that hadn't sold before. That's about 10 pairs...... They are all new, and would ALL sell if I let them go for silly-low money. The ones I can't wear because they are too small, I might have to let them go for silly money. But the ones I can wear, will not go for silly money as they're probably worth more to me, even if it means I have to wait until I can get around to wearing them, or wait for the season to become more wintry before getting reasonable money. Might need a bit of patience?

Prices range from £4.99, to £49.99, so quite a spread..... Something for every pocket? biggrin.gif


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Had a chat with Mrs Freddie about some of her excess footwear. 20 minutes later, I have another 10 pairs to sell on. Nearly all with 4"+ heels, and mostly worn once. Shame they're a size UK6/EU39. wink.gif

I need to learn how to count.

1 x pair sandals, going/gone to the great cobbler in the sky. [Care of the recycling bin.]

3 x pairs [boots] too heavy/worn to sell on the internet auction site, so straight to the charity shop for local resale.

11 x pairs, sandals/mules/boots. Mostly worn once, some not worn at all. rolleyes.gif

That's a revised total of 15 pairs....... Once again, no apparent change in the space taken by the residual collection.

When I've finished taking photo's, I'll do a composite image of all 15 as a single image. Already done the first four pairs, as they got repatriated today. wink.gif Might have done more photo's, but it was so overcast all day, there just wasn't enough light. sad.gif

Also ....

Freddy Shoe Sales Co Ltd, seems to be experiencing the recession biting in. Fewer 'watchers' than usual, though I have had a bid on one item. [Thankfully.]

What I've just realised is, the current group have been up for sale at least once, and one pair at least 4 times. That particular pair are heavy, so expensive to ship, and an unknown brand in the UK too. I suppose I'm pretty much left with the unsaleable styles, though some of them are actually quite attractive. I suspect it's carriage costs are the problem. Almost anything is going to cost £4 to get to a new owner, and some buyers think carriage is free whatever they buy. rolleyes.gifbiggrin.gif

The other consideration, is that it shouldn't be 'boot' buying weather right now, and the current season could be affecting interest. That said, we've just had the wettest April for 100 years, despite being in a drought?

It's supposed to be late Spring here at the moment, but local gardens to me are fully saturated, with puddles still laying on grass trying to find heat so they can evaporate......


Spring Water more like. biggrin.gif


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When I've finished taking photo's,

Who am I kidding?

The (bed) room I use for taking photo's is South facing. It's got two large half height windows, and for the most part, the interior walls are white. The light has been so bad this week, I've struggled to find an angle that produces enough light on a subject to get a photo out of a digital camera. I have studio lights, but no flash sync on my budget Fuji camera. [Plus the lights, brollies, and most of the reflectors are packed away.]

It's been so overcast this week, you really would think we are in the middle of winter.

One of my auction site buyers is a Fellow of the Meteorological Society. I asked him why our weather was so bad. He said it wasn't that bad, as it was inside expected limits. [so maybe not typical, but certainly not unusual either.] He did go on to say that information like that was precious little comfort to anyone under 2 feet of water at the moment..... Nor for my part, anyone trying to use natural light indoors to take photographs of shoes. wink.gifbiggrin.gif


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Freddy Shoe Sales Co Ltd, seems to be experiencing the recession biting in. Fewer 'watchers' than usual, though I have had a bid on one item. [Thankfully.]

Another pair were sold tonight, so some good news. But it looks like there's a few pairs [maybe 4] that will have to be reduced in price so they are practically given away. Unless I hold onto them until Autumn when folk start buying boots again. sad.gif

Still, some progress made! smile.gif Taken 2 weeks, but another 2 pairs sold.. wink.gifcool.gif

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Got another free 'auction style listing' weekend. cool.gif

Will be putting up perhaps 10 pairs of my own, including previously unsold styles at lower prices, plus some not seen before. Plus I hope to get a rake of Mrs Freddies used/new styles up for sale. [EU39/UK6 so no use to anyone here.]

No photo's done of the smaller size shoes, so I'll be busy taking 'snaps' over the next couple of days between building duties. biggrin.gif

Not quite gotten to the 'giveaway' stage with my own shoes yet, though some will be starting at 99p.


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More added, including some of Mrs Freddy's shoes. Many of hers listed, have been worn once. huh.gif Sad.

Today I've mostly added only one picture, in the hope I'll add more tomorrow when I have time. Currently over 20 pairs listed (I think), with another 5 or 6 pairs to go on at 99p, which are free to list anyway.

I reminded herself I've sold 30 pairs, and disposed of several other pairs. The ones on sale now will take the final number from us both to well past 50 pairs. With almost no difference to the amount of space available in what is effectively, the shoe room.

If I can and will [will = expect = hope] to wear them, they stay. Anything else, goes. I may soon have few enough to risk counting them.


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Which auction site would that be. My size is usually a 7 but I do have some size 6 and size 8.

I will check my message Outbox, but I'm reasonably sure I included you with a link.

I don't want to publish my account here, so I'm trying to be discreet. No site reference. No user name. No item specific information.

If I missed you, I'll send a message in the next couple of minutes. wink.gifcool.gif

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Which auction site would that be. My size is usually a 7 but I do have some size 6 and size 8.


Sent you a message on 30th April, little after 10am. cool.gif

There are currently listings for UK size 6, 7 and 8.


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Been an interesting week here at Freddy shoe sales.

Sold two pairs, both with a story attached. [As always. wink.gif] And sold a pair of Mrs Freddy's tonight too. cool.gif

Hopefully I'll have time to write up the detail soon, while it's all still fresh in my head? biggrin.gif

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The stories then ....

Many years ago, my interest in wearing womens shoes was largely ignored. Until one day, when my then girlfriend brought home from London, a pair of VERY high heeled shoes.

More recently and while married to a woman who wasn't that keen to see me wear them, standing in these had been accepted as my motivation for doing the ironing. wink.gif But not for some time.... Almost a lifetime after first being given them, my heavier body has spread my feet, and these no long fit. Since I am revising my shoe collection, it seemed proper to offer these too. I listed them at £10, not really expecting much interest.

Within hours I had an offer of £50, with immediate payment. As I write, they are close to their new owner at a location, 'somewhere' in Canada. wink.gif

I had a similar pair bought more recently, [WHM2008] but not so comfortable to wear at my current weight. They were offered initially for slightly more money than the previous £10 listing, as they were pretty much unused. Again an almost [but not quite] immediate sale. Again they have been sent overseas. wink.gif

I believe these are likely worn by men, though I could be wrong. [All contact has been with men.]

As I've mentioned, I've also listed some of Mrs Freddy's shoes. Had an interesting enquiry about ..... Some foot furniture. Didn't want the shoes, but wanted something else.

After a days to-ing and fro-ing, the foot furniture was sold. [shoes are still for sale. though.] Again, buyer was another man. cool.gif

This is getting to be quite an experience. wink.gif A bit time consuming, but interesting. smile.gif

Edited by FastFreddy2
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As I've mentioned, I've also listed some of Mrs Freddy's shoes. Had an interesting enquiry about ..... Some foot furniture. Didn't want the shoes, but wanted something else.

Not paid yet, but came back for the shoes. [Obviously, someone with good taste. wink.gifbiggrin.gif ]

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Sold another pair of my shoes over the weekend, and [when they've been paid for] about 4 pairs of Mrs Freddy's shoes. We're still waiting on payment from the toe-ring guy.

Made three mistakes today.


First [obvious] one, was trying to make clean [sold] shoes even cleaner. I rubbed so hard I removed some of the shoe finish, and [effectively] created a scuff where there wasn't one before.


I should have (with hindsight) scrapped the sale, and offered the marked shoe to another bidder, or relisted them. The mark was practically invisible, and Mrs Freddy couldn't believe I mentioned it to the buyer. The remark was "Why? No-one else would?"


I then told the buyer - and foolishly - offered to halve the selling price, effectively giving them the shoe for free. Unsurprisingly, they thanked me for my honestly and gladly took the £10 discount. sad.gif I should have offered £5 off, max. rolleyes.gif It really was, a small mark. [Duh.] An expensive lesson, but one I'll remember.

Got 3 more pairs of mine going to the PO tomorrow, so another 4 pairs removed from the collection this week.

I've still a fair few that didn't sell, maybe 5 pairs, and maybe 3 of those are refusing to budge. It's probably the wrong time of year now, and warm weather finally arrives this week. I still have some other shoes at a 99p starting price to list, so I'm not quite ready to retire from selling just yet. Plus Mrs Freddy has more shoes to sell too. wink.gif


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So far ..... I've sold 36 pairs, either shoes or boots.

I've also left a small number at the charity shop, as well as disposing a couple of pairs with Mr Recycling Bin. I conservatively estimate 40 pairs removed from the 'collection', with another 15 or so to go. Mostly boots, so I may now have to wait until late Summer/early Autumn, before I consider listing some of them. The slightly less 'street' shoes, maybe won't have to wait.

Mrs Freddy has sold 5 [1 pair needing payment still] with 4 other pairs passed on. [Mentioned before.] Apart from one pair of over the knee boots, most of hers are shoes, so they'll go back for re-listing as soon as I get a free one.

I don't see how anyone can do this for a living. True my stuff gets 'super-wrapped', which takes [too much] time .... But, most of the shoes, even the new unworn stuff, goes for pennies. Time taken with; photographs, listing, replying to questions, wrapping, posting ..... It almost isn't worth it. I hate waste, so throwing the shoes away was never an option. Charity shops were a possibility, but what shop in what town would be big enough to take 40 pairs of size 7 or size 8 shoes? Plus, I had to get this far [gain the experience] to understand what was worth while, and what not.

On the upside ....... wink.gif A couple of bits I bought from charity shops, trebled in price when I sold them on. As did a skirt I bought in a sale, from one of the large clothing chains. I guess it's a case of knowing what the market wants, and what it will pay for? mellow.gif Well, I'm getting there. tongue.gif

But making money selling shoes? Can't see how. sad.gif


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Maybe slip in a note with the shoes pointing here to these forums :P

I think I have at least one person who ought to know about the forums, so I've finally asked someone. [Awaiting answer.] There's a second, but I'm still not sure if I should ask. Neither based in the UK.


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You could try Gumtree??

Or a local Facebook selling page there are loads of them around..

Yep, I may do that.

I'm not looking to do this for much longer though. I've got some more boots to go that might wait until Autumn, and some shoes that I don't expect to get much money for.

As before, I'm loathe to give stuff away that I've paid fairly serious money for, and just about all the boots that are too small for me have gone. I like to think I'm getting a bit better at creating ads for what I'm selling, and responses are getting more and more favourable. To the point where I may have started at least two relationships with people who have bought off me. Men that is, having bought womens shoes. One fella in particular, would be of interest to us all.

There's maybe a third fella, but he's the one I said I'm not sure if I will ask.

More updates when they happen.


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I might have another free listing weekend [it says on the auction site] but had no confirmation email. Will try to find out for sure later.

Had hoped to be travelling into London this Sunday, to watch some of the Jubilee Celebrations, and specifically the 1000 boat armada along the Thames. As is typical of British Summer/Bank Holiday weather .... It's going to rain, so I doubt we'll be going. I'll probably spend the day doing new listings instead. Not a great second choice. :unsure:

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I tried to sell all mine a while back...but the responce is almost 0.

Now I plan to give them away or throw them away at the scrapyard..

These are shoes and boots bought over the years from different shops.

After I had some boots custom made, I no longer har any interest of the old, but almost not used, footwear.

Myself I would not buy used male footwear thow.. :)

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