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Photo's ..... The Big Question.


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I quite looking at heeled shoes. Not for any other reason than it's pleasant to do. Rather like looking at an attractive painting, or attractive person. I see pictures as eye-candy.

I could and would do pictures of my wife wearing hers, but she would say she "has better thngs to do" with her time, and she is a bit shy. Maybe I need to do a number of short sessions, to get them all 'in the can'? Certainly it would help her remember what she has, and come to it, help remind me. Maybe when it's warmer and the house doesn't look like a building site?

Anyway, the reason for the thread, is a general query to everyone really.

Would pictures of heeled shoes be considered a useful thing to have, regardless of them being filled with feet? There is no way I plan to spend any time in front of a camera, and do self-timed piccies of me in heels, not least because no-one could see them under my legwear.[ie. Jeans or trousers.] If I had someone here interested in spending hours going 'click' with the camera, me wearing them might be a possibility, but Mrs Freddy would rather do anything else, so that isn't really a goer.

Pictures of my shoes, might be useful as a reference though. [As with everyone elses shoes if they were photographed too.] This pair <picture> bought from <where> at this <price> on this <date>.

As an aside, I would be adding information on sizing. X brands sizes come up small X brands come up large, with others doing the same. It would give us all guidance on what size shoes or boots we might be looking to buy.

I'm also wondering whether a candid 'street shots' thread might be of interest? I see plenty out, and sometimes take pictures for my own benefit [eye candy], would these be of interest? Certainly these kind of picture would be of interest to me. ;-) Again, this would be a reference guide, with a view to showing us what available, though rather obviously, not where. B)

I don't suppose it would hurt the traffic count either, if pictures were added from time to time.



Edited by FastFreddy2
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Very interesting idea, I too do like to have a look at some eye candy, there is nothing like a nice pair of heels walking down the street, a really nice pair of heels on a decent pair of legs are like a work of art. Whilst waiting for my train the other day at preston, I noticed a lady with an absolutely gorgeous pair of heels on, and I just sat down and casually observed those heels for a while., but I digress...

I think that the idea of a 'Street shots' thread is really good, and I would certainly have an interest in viewing those, though I dont know if I could take pictures of heels in the street without drawing attention to myself, its one of those things, I can walk around in heels quite happily but taking pictures of a strangers feet? I don't know I would probably have to ask first... strange isn't it.

On the other idea an "Encyclopedia" of shoes, I think has some merits but I am not sure if it would work out, you really need all the pictures in one gallery, but I suppose it could be done.

If we do go ahead with that idea, perhaps we should have a both on and off the foot shot, along with a standard descriptive format as you suggest.

I think that a photoshoot is a good idea, its easier than using the self timer, the pictures will be much better composed, and it wil be far more interesting.

Well lets see what happens......

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It may liven the forums up a little to see some pictures of what people here have and are wearing.

For me personally street shots just seem wrong, kind of an invasion of privacy unless they have given permission to be photographed and put on a website.

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For me personally street shots just seem wrong, kind of an invasion of privacy unless they have given permission to be photographed and put on a website.

I've got a lot of time for the 'invasion' argument/point-of-view. If me and the people who might find their knees and feet posted somewhere in the ether weren't going to be walking, shopping or driving in front of 200 cameras every day, I'd say there was a need to respect the privacy of those who might object.

However, the reality is that unless the camera person is a nuisance or pest, there's little to fear from a camera. Nearly everyone with a mobile phone has one, and most younger people use them for much worse than taking photo's of feet. [Even I was shocked at what I've found on laptops I've been asked to fix or recover.]

I'd not advocating me or anyone else becoming an unpaid paparazzi. I'm talking about discreet photo's of people standing or moving around in full public view. A great place for this sort of photo, is a wedding. Who the heck is gonna complain about someone taking photo's at a wedding?

The "For" argument, rests it case. B) ;-)


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Its true I suppose, the amount of CCTV cameras that us Brits walk past every day , it makes not a lot of difference to one or two shots on the street being taken and yep most people have a camera on their phone nowadays, as long as you are discreet I cant see a major problem with some street shots.

And when you watch those "Docusoaps" on the police, they always say when anyone objects.. "He is filming in a public place, he can film what he wants", I'm not sure that the average Joe would get away with filming in certain places but there must be some validity to it.B)

I think that it is definitel worth a go to see what pictures the forum membes can come up with, and it would defo increase traffic on here, I assume that there would not be a major bandwidth problem, not knowing a great deal about web hosting to be honest.

And a Wedding, perfect place because you will always have plenty of very nice heels on display.... on the downside the only wedding I'm going to this year so far is in October ;-)

Well thats my twopenneth on the debate :-(

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I'm not ok with the "we walk past so many CCTV cameras so it doesn't hurt to post the pics" argument as my counter would be that because someone else is doing it does that make it right? Also are all those images from CCTV being posted on the web for posterity?

I guess it's just me but it makes it all seem a bit seedy when you take secret pics of shoes to post on a website.

I guess I'm in a minority and it will probably start to happen anyway but those are my views on the subject.

A shame that we can't be happy with pics we can get from our own collections and just display consenting adults pics here B)

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I guess it's just me but it makes it all seem a bit seedy when you take secret pics of shoes to post on a website.

I would agree it doesn't seem completely forthright and honest, but it's not like anyone is in a position to be offended? I'm not suggesting anyone be recognisable, nor there be anything other than positive comment.

Just for the record, none of us have 'copyright' on our faces. The law of the (UK) land says as long as we don't disclose something that could infer, or suggest a damaging situation, we have freedom to do as we wish. An example of what's not deemed permissable, would be a photo of a girl with a low cut top with a comment that would suggest she was of easy virtue.

If a person isn't recognisable in an image, no defamatory situation can exist.

My point about the CCTV has nothing (or little) to do with the publishing aspect. We all do by consent, walk in front of cameras. We all accept being photographed and video'd as part of everyday life.

As an aside, who's to know what these images are used for? Point is, most of us don't care or aren't interested. But you are right, if you consider these an infingement on your personal liberty, then it's likely having your photograph taken - even of your feet - will likely make you unhappy about this. Obviously some care needs to be taken.

I don't expect the need to annoy or upset someone because, I like their footwear. B)


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I think the arguments are made, and I really don't feel it makes much difference in the end people will post what they feel is acceptable and it will be down to the site owners to take the final say on that. Time to move on and work out where the pics are to be posted to keep it tidy in here.

My suggestion is in the shoe critique forums. I'll try to get my new boots posted there sometime today B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Regardless to whether I expect them to be published, I take 'street pictures' all the time. Currently my mobile has an unremarkable camera, but it produces a recognisable image, if only just. My fast-power-up camera is better, but has a slower than optimal focussing system. I spent 20 minutes only yesterday, in a Jessops discussing the Samsung NX11 as a possible solution.

I'd grown bored with seeing the same images at Forum startup, and there seemed little prospect of this changing given just how few piccies are posted in the members galleries. Most of my linked photo's are held in my own library where any guest can see them and still make sense of my posts.

The street shots I take seldom have detail that could identify wearers, and if they do I remove this. Car registration details, and faces are removed, as would be any street names (unless I missed them). As a further layer of security, I've also made them 'member only' visible, so while being 'published' as such, this isn't indiscriminate publishing. Placing these images in the Gallery section may also help to rotate the startup set, so regular visitors will not get so tired of seeing the same ones over and over.

I think it an unlikely situation, but should any member develop the opinion a particular image isn't attractive or might be unsuitable, please send me a PM and I'm sure I can do something to amend the issue. Should anyone want further details of any image, again I'll be happy to oblige via PM.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am struggling to get 'instant' images .....

Digital technology demands a focussing sequence, followed by a brightness control sequence. [Or vice versa.] While these might only take milliseconds, Cartier Bresson was never handicapped in the way I seem to be! tongue.gifbiggrin.gif

I'm looking to resolve this, but it might take £500 and a leap of faith in an alternate bit of kit. [Never experienced these problems when using film..... rolleyes.gif]

Some of the images I've included in the gallery are in black and white, as these would not have been attainable had I tried the image in colour. sad.gif


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Get an iPhone.

Think I underestimated the advice? Saw some video on the internet yesterday, taken with an iPhone 4s and directly compared to a DSLR used in video mode. Them iPhones are really good! cool.gif

Still can't bring myself to spend that sort of money on a phone though .... sad.gif

However, budget now gone up a bit ..... Lumix G3 [no longer got the G2 in the frame.] While doing some research [making sure I'm making the right decision] I discovered the best digital camera on the planet for what I want, is the Nikon D3s. "Nikon’s acclaimed 51-point AF system offers high sensitivity in low-light and superb performance when tracking fast moving subjects." At UK£3,000/US$5200 for body only ohmy.gif..... It's not a camera I'll be getting my hands on any time soon. sad.gif

Not this side of a lottery win anyway. wink.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not been out much recently .... Building work has taken priority, as has my 'proper' business, so no photo's for the past couple of weeks.

Leading up to Christmas is also the time when there are promotions on cameras and video equipment. Currently there is a kit package for the G3 that includes two of the three lenses I expect to use, and Panasonic are doing Cashback on some systems and their lenses. My current shopping list looks like around £1000 long, so any discount would be welcome.

That figure is probably less than half what my shoe collection has cost me in the last 4 years .... huh.gif If only I knew then ......tongue.gif

I would say 95% of the shoes and boots I own may never get worn by me. There are a small number of styles I will take to my grave with me (so to speak) but there are few I either need, or now want. Having a bit of a reality check I suppose .... Photographing people dressed well, seems more attractive than owning a room full of shoes to high or too obvious to wear out. [Okay, half a room. biggrin.gif]

Guess I need to invest some time on that well known internet market place, recapitalising in order to indulge a different hobby? biggrin.gif


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Hi Freddy...

I think that the advice to obtain an i-phone is good, I ,ve got one and they are ideal for sureptitious photography of heels! It is a LOT less obvious if you use a phone rather than getting your camera out ;)

And you can also get instant access to this forum :)

Amyway Christmas is coming and all the girls will be out for party time in their heels.... droool!:D

I shall see what heels I can picture and upload them.......fingers crossed

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Hi Freddy...

I think that the advice to obtain an i-phone is good, I ,ve got one and they are ideal for sureptitious photography of heels! It is a LOT less obvious if you use a phone rather than getting your camera out ;)

That is of course a major consideration ..... cool.gif

Perhaps there's a less expensive 'snapper' digital camera around that looks like a phone? biggrin.gif I did get a Fuji something or other a couple of years ago, that's an 'instant on' camera, and it's supposed to work in very low light. [iSO 12800] But the digital noise and focussing system doesn't match the chips light sensitivity. [Duh!]

Really, I do want a camera that's going to do more than just take pictures of heels in supermarkets. I need a fairly good camera to do the product stills I email prospective customers. iPhone may well do that, but the G3 will do more. [Mrs Freddy gave me a bit of a hard time about the price today ..... But I choose not to have an annual holiday she takes with friends, so I'm still about 3k in front as far as personal spend is concerned .... wink.gif]

Here is a link [i hope] to something the G3 with 20mm f1.7 lens can do ..... >> Click <<

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Many of the newer Android phones are really good for this sort of thing. ;-)

I currently have a SIM only contract [ie no phone] with about a year to run. It's a good deal, £10 per month for £180's worth of air time.... Not a price plan I think I should give up. wink.gif

I could 'upgrade', though this will mean converting to a new 24 month contract and trebling my monthly cost for a similar amount of airtime. [My additional cost for the period: circa £480.] Not attractive.

Phone only, I can have a Nokia N8 at around £340, or a Samsung Galaxy S II at £400. That's a lot of money for a camera, though I'm very impressed with the N8 in video mode. cool.gif Time for a ponder ..... huh.gif

The G3 can come in a kit with two zoom lenses, with the fast 20mm topping the price up to £1000. With some discounts and cashback, that could look more like £800. But I can't make calls with it. biggrin.gif


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