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a modest trying-on adventure


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I tried these boots on in 'Dotty Perks' (Oxford St.) last night.


I really liked them but they were a bit too tight at size 8 - the largest they do :P & also a bit pricy at

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  euchrid said:
I tried these boots on in 'Dotty Perks' (Oxford St.) last night.


I really liked them but they were a bit too tight at size 8 - the largest they do :P & also a bit pricy at

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Ah the Eddie Bauers. I too had a pair of those. Wore them so much, the leather finally split buy the ball of the right foot. Watch out for that. So comfy those boots and they really look the part too. I would really like to get another pair, but unlike mens styles, they move on far quickly. Oh well, had them and enjoyed wearing them.


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  HFMROK said:
Ah the Eddie Bauers. I too had a pair of those. Wore them so much, the leather finally split buy the ball of the right foot. Watch out for that. So comfy those boots and they really look the part too. I would really like to get another pair, but unlike mens styles, they move on far quickly. Oh well, had them and enjoyed wearing them.


Tell me about it, they a real pleasure to wear and so seriously comfortable and the noise they make is sweeeet, specially on polishes starbucks tiled floors..

Sainsbury's on the way home was fairly clunky too as they also have tiled floor in Battersea....

Pictures.... Dont have any at the moment, but I'm sure I can muster up a pic sometime soon. I'm more of a "Just get on with it" kinda heeler and enjoy my heeling, aint really into the whole "oh my god I'm wearing heels" anymore, got over that years ago... Now there just like any other clothing, only more fun to wear... :P

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Yup, they are the biz all right. The heel shape is perfect for a man, i.e. cuban, just slightly more slender and higher than is usual. Sure this is why both of us wear them without concerns. All this emphasis on stiletto styles and girly looking shoes is too much IMHO. Seems to me so many want to wear heels for the wrong reason.


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  HFMROK said:
Yup, they are the biz all right. The heel shape is perfect for a man, i.e. cuban, just slightly more slender and higher than is usual. Sure this is why both of us wear them without concerns. All this emphasis on stiletto styles and girly looking shoes is too much IMHO. Seems to me so many want to wear heels for the wrong reason.


Indeed, the heel shape and height is absolutely perfect, which I think makes them so much easier and more comfortable to walk in too :P:);)

I agree though, a lot of guys are "into" heels for the wrong reasons, mostly just for getting their rocks off, and never as a proper or serious fashion...

I was sooo dissapointed too that they dont make these anymore, I sooo wanted the knee high version too :grin:

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If there wefre but more talk/postings cincering this style of high heel, then I may well be able to take them seriously, but the general I went to the ATM at 2am in my 5" stiletto whatevers is just so much rubbish. If you won't wear a shoe at a normal time of day, then you shouldn't be wearing it at all.

I'm fed up with all this "gushing" about this and that stiletto heel. Time to get real and say what I feel, both here and in the other place. I'm all for heels for men, but I neither wish to feel nor look ridiculous. I'm going to tread on many toes, but the fetish needs to be seperated from the passion.

Hope I don't incur your wrath :P


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  HFMROK said:
If there wefre but more talk/postings cincering this style of high heel, then I may well be able to take them seriously, but the general I went to the ATM at 2am in my 5" stiletto whatevers is just so much rubbish. If you won't wear a shoe at a normal time of day, then you shouldn't be wearing it at all.

I'm fed up with all this "gushing" about this and that stiletto heel. Time to get real and say what I feel, both here and in the other place. I'm all for heels for men, but I neither wish to feel nor look ridiculous. I'm going to tread on many toes, but the fetish needs to be seperated from the passion.

Hope I don't incur your wrath :P


Ditto, I'm sick of all the "wanna-be" women who rave about strolling around in the neighbourhood at god knows what hour of the night. How weird is that, some guy wandering down the street in the dark, REALLY late at night and all you can hear are his stilettos.. I tread on many toes already, but I'm not bothered, I just tell it how it is and how I see it.

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  Admin said:
Ditto, I'm sick of all the "wanna-be" women who rave about strolling around in the neighbourhood at god knows what hour of the night. How weird is that, some guy wandering down the street in the dark, REALLY late at night and all you can hear are his stilettos.. I tread on many toes already, but I'm not bothered, I just tell it how it is and how I see it.

I would have to say that I think this is exactly what the H4M forum is all about, guys being guys in heels.

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  Admin said:
... I'm sick of all the "wanna-be" women who rave about strolling around in the neighbourhood at god knows what hour of the night. How weird is that, some guy wandering down the street in the dark, REALLY late at night and all you can hear are his stilettos..

I'm not sure you've got that quite right.

The reason many of us H4M & HHP members (myself included) go for darkened-evening excursions in our heels is because it's the only time we can do it. Going street-heeling openly & in the daylight poses a variety of risks (some most likely imagined or exaggerated in our own heads, but many of them quite genuine).

Few of us have ever 'raved' about those late night outings - quite the opposite - it really isn't what we actually want to be doing at all.

What has been reported is the enjoyable experience of actually getting to wear our heels outdoors along with the exhilaration /relief /satisfaction or whatever of finally getting up the courage to do so.

OK - we're miles away from your level of wearing, but this is one of the first steps for us to get to where you are. Another step could well be a move away from 'girlier' shoe styles towards more recognised male heels such as the cuban & the cowboy boot.

Those "wanna-be" women you mention, presumably dress up completely as women - underwear, skirt, wig, make-up, etc. and go out in the daylight - shopping, to TV venues, to public libraries, etc. and are not particularly bothered in the slightest about being seen.

There are plenty on HHP - though far less since the recent policy change - but I would expect few of them will be visiting this site.

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  euchrid said:
I'm not sure you've got that quite right.

The reason many of us H4M & HHP members (myself included) go for darkened-evening excursions in our heels is because it's the only time we can do it. Going street-heeling openly & in the daylight poses a variety of risks (some most likely imagined or exaggerated in our own heads, but many of them quite genuine).

Few of us have ever 'raved' about those late night outings - quite the opposite - it really isn't what we actually want to be doing at all.

What has been reported is the enjoyable experience of actually getting to wear our heels outdoors along with the exhilaration /relief /satisfaction or whatever of finally getting up the courage to do so.

OK - we're miles away from your level of wearing, but this is one of the first steps for us to get to where you are. Another step could well be a move away from 'girlier' shoe styles towards more recognised male heels such as the cuban & the cowboy boot.

Those "wanna-be" women you mention, presumably dress up completely as women - underwear, skirt, wig, make-up, etc. and go out in the daylight - shopping, to TV venues, to public libraries, etc. and are not particularly bothered in the slightest about being seen.

There are plenty on HHP - though far less since the recent policy change - but I would expect few of them will be visiting this site.

Thank you for striking the right note here and understanding that there are those with a fetish and those that are not so confident to go out in the daylight hours.

I guess whatever you like doing in the dark, this is the right time of the year with long nights.

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Well put Euchrid. I started by going out only at night, but have had a few daylight excursions. I do agree with the part about stilettos, they don't look right on a larger framed guy. I only wear block heels outside, but do enjoy skinnier heels sometimes at home.

And yes most of the fears are in our own heads, but they are there nagging that we may get "outed" and it's not socially acceptable to be different etc. in my case it would upset my wife if the neighbours were aware.

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The problem with going out late at night is the fact that you are almost the only one around. This increases your nervousness especially as you have effectively hobbled yourself by wearing high heels. There is safety in numbers. The more there are around, the safer you are and feel. The safer you feel the more relaxed you become and so the heel wearing become less of an issue in your mind and you can enjoy yourself. As an experiment a couple of years ago I went Christmas shopping in Regents and Oxford Street, London wearing 10cm stiletto shoeboots. With all those people around I was quite at ease all day. Would I repeat the exercise, probably not as carring all the purchases and wearing high heels is not a good combination especially when the heels give no stability, however what it did make clear to me was that more supportive heels such as block and cuban would be better for me, so that is what I wear almost all of the time now.

Good to read that you're there already. That you already do the daytime excursions is testament to you being comfortable with block heels. Good job. It also saves you worring about being "outed", because you are already doing it.

Sadly stiletto heels will have to remain a private pleasure for the foreseeable future, but that doesn't mean you can't wear a nice pair of cuban heels, if you can find them that is.


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  shyguy said:
Well put Euchrid. I started by going out only at night, but have had a few daylight excursions. I do agree with the part about stilettos, they don't look right on a larger framed guy. I only wear block heels outside, but do enjoy skinnier heels sometimes at home.

And yes most of the fears are in our own heads, but they are there nagging that we may get "outed" and it's not socially acceptable to be different etc. in my case it would upset my wife if the neighbours were aware.

Out of curiosity, are your neighbours a part of your lives? Like best friends would be or something? As for the "Going out late at night", I think it all boils down to being appropriate. Many guys want to wear and dress in a way thats in-appropriate, or just bad taste/bad fashion or whatever you want to call it, and so if they actually made the effort and dressed properly, dressed according to the occassion, and in keeping with "a time and place for everything" then there truly shouldnt be a problem.

What you do however find is that some guys look like they just crawled out of a skip, with their brightest, shiniest stilleto pumps on, as if to say "I care about shoes more than i care about myself".

Even when you see some of the pictures guys post of their shoes, you look at the background behind them to see a filthy home thats clearly neglected, yet they are sporting a brand new shiny pair of stilettoes that even most women would never dream of wearing for fear of being picked up by the police for being a hooker.

Then they want to tell the whole world how they went for a walk in them at 2am (Probably looking like a tramp), well, I'm sorry but not only is that highly inappropriate, but imagine the noice it makes at that time of night!

Its as if some guys really do need a lesson in how to dress themselves, how to shave/wash/walk etc and how to actually not be a slob.

Anyway, sorry for ranting on, its just boils my blood when some guys make all of us look like fetish perv's just by doing things really badly.

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  • 1 year later...

Blimey, lot of criticism being thrown around there .... No wonder the site is dead. Who would want to visit? :smile:

I think/believe I've done just about the whole journey. As a young man, I found a way to wear high heels in public. It involved getting dressed as a girl, which was no different to going out anywhere else except it involved a bit of makeup. I'm not so precious I'd put anyone else down for doing it. For me, like maybe some others, it was a means to an end. And at that age, I didn't have the wider experience I now have. Nor courage - if that's the right word.

Today .... I will wear heels in public. I'm discreet, because like some, I don't want to upset the families and friends I have regular contact with, nor more importantly, the friends and family my wife has.

I'm happier in block type heels, (ii) because they last longer (ii) they're more suitable for walking any sort of distance. If the heel isn't 4" or a tad higher, I won't use them. Getting block heels with that height isn't easy, and often isn't cheap.

Buying a cheap pair of (stiletto) heels gets me wearing heels, not staring at them in magazines, nor on the Internet. They're an inexpensive enabler. Walking around at night alone, allowed me to practice, and maybe build up my confidence. I remember all too well, coming up against my first 'pedestrian' in the same street. I just wanted the ground to swollow me. :smile:

The enablers, and the practice got me the experience and the skill to walk just about anywhere I want in heels.

While effectively becoming Style Police, I think the otherwise well meaning members posting here are effectively pushing the lurkers (aka prospective members) further and further away. I've no doubt it's why the place is dead. It's gotten so not only has the welcome mat been thrown, but there's a great big hairy arsed bouncer on the door reading the riot act to any readers about their behaviour.

I can read a black and white interpretation into any situation, as many here have. But this just doesn't seem to be an appropriate attitude when trying to support others in what very definitely isn't a mainstream interest.

Me personally, I'd prefer to give positive guidance to those who maybe haven't understood the mistakes in their overall look. I've worn stiletto's out, and intend to again. Soon. But they'll be discreet, and I hope they'll help to give me a leaner and more elegant look. I won't be wearing a skirt. The boots won't be black patent, and they won't be thigh high either.

Of course I'd prefer them to be 4 1/2" block heels, but I don't know a style available for the £30-£45 I might spend on my leather walking shoes. Stiletto heels are just more popular with the makers at the moment, and I'd rather being heeling that not heeling, having missed out on so many years already.

Not a rant, just a suggestion that we all ought to be a little more tolerant by way of showing the way forward. If we are intolerant, surely we invite intolerance toward us of our particular (if very smart) non-mainstream interest?

And maybe it's time to find where that "Welcome" mat was thrown? :smile:


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