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Everything posted by Shyheels

  1. Ha ha ha No chance. Not my kind of thing at all. I like a touch of daring, a bit of boho raffishness but nothing more than that. I'm not being judgemental; it just doesn't flip any switches with me. But you're quite right about the jumper. I often wear a long loose jumper with my PVCs and a pair of bright converse sneakers - as I say, boho casual. Indeed that was my office wear today.
  2. I'd look at the others, but what I especially like about the Jamie jeans is their comfortable jeans quality - just regular jeans that happen to be in shiny black PVC. And they really fit and wear like nice skinny jeans, too. They feel actually quite normal to wear. I really like them. Pleasingly boho.
  3. The black vinyl Jamie jeans have been hugely popular - and are largely credited with 'bringing back' PVC into the fashion world. They still have a fair few sizes and lengths available on line, but they do seem to be going quickly. I might pick up a second pair while I can... I'll regret it if I don't!
  4. I think her hand has been too badly weakened for her to continue in the role. This election was all about strengthening her hand, giving her a strong public mandate. Didn't happen. Instead she's been given a stinging rebuke by the very public who were supposed to be supporting and have her back. At the very least she would need a strong vote of confidence from her party right now, to be a credible negotiator (after all the EU mandarins read newspapers too - they can see weakness), and I doubt very much she could achieve any rousing endorsement. And attempting to do so (and failing, or achieving only half-hearted success) would only weaken her further. What they need right now is a fresh face, newly voted in and with a strong mandate from within the party, or at least a show of unity, to front up at the negotiating table and carry this forward. May as been too badly humiliated and weakened to sit in on the game.
  5. The ones I have, and like very much, are the second pair - the MOTO black vinyl Jamie jeans. Lovely thick and slightly stretchy fabric and very nicely made. Worth the fairly high price. I have seen the other pair on a rack, but much preferred the Jamie jeans.
  6. The thing is, it was completely unnecessary. No poll was required. Apparently David Davis was egging her on - and yes, it did appear at first to be well timed and that a landslide would result. But one still needs to run a sharp and dynamic campaign and Theresa May's was anything but. Ducking the debates, her robotic "strong and stable" mantra, and amateurish manifesto totally backfired and a series of polls conducted throughout the campaign showed a steadily diminishing Tory lead. Yet they did nothing to try to turn it around, ramp things up, try to capture the mood of the country, sell themselves in a meaningful and exciting way. They seemed more like deer caught in the headlamps on an oncoming car. While the exit poll and subsequent result came as a shock, a poorer than expected performance at the polls was certainly on the cards. Theresa May and David Davis own this one. They must go.
  7. Theresa May ran a lacklustre and amateurish campaign, and ducked out on debates etc. It was a non campaign, based on her assumption that she would simply increase her power by popular acclaim. Such arrogance. Such hubris. And this is the result. It has certainly put Brexit in jeopardy. A one time only opportunity squandered.
  8. In lighter news, I see it is National Seersucker Day in the US - something that is well observed in the US Senate where the gentlemen dust off their old blue-and-white seersucker suits and put on a bit of a fashion parade. Nice to see. I doubt Comey will front up in seersucker though - pity.
  9. He's also far too preoccupied with shouting at the TV and Tweeting
  10. Trump isn't likely to be facing impeachment proceedings in the immediate future but he's certainly sailing into some pretty rocky waters and there doesn't appear to be anyone at the helm...
  11. Not sad at all. I used to cover politics etc for some very big publications, long ago, and I can't get it out of my system. I shall be following the election results, as well as the testimony today of former FBI director James Comey in Washington
  12. It will be interesting to see the result, given Theresa May's incredibly uninspiring and lacklustre campaign. By all rights this should have been a Tory landslide of epic proportions
  13. She's 5'3" tall. Not tiny, but not statuesque either. Average height for a British woman is said to be around 5'4" She certainly walks very fluidly in heels. I saw a few minutes of the concert. It struck a good note of defiance, even if it did seem a bit like a group hug at times.
  14. Mine is quite non-judgemental on the matter of heels - or rather she would be if I was actually into wearing heels; she doesn't mind my otk boots, and as far as one pair goes - chocolate brown suede - I think she's even a bit envious. I daresay though, she wishes at times I had more highly developed DIY skills.
  15. From what I am reading here, DIY does not sound like the road to happiness. I shall continue to leave plumbing and aggregate and wiring and all that other business to the experts.
  16. Back to the more wholesome and relevant subject if heels - my, weren't hers high? And doesn't she walk beautifully in them?
  17. My legal knowledge is just fine, thanks. As I say, anyone who tries using "hey, she's passed puberty" as a defence for a charge of having sex with a minor on the grounds that it is technically not paedophilia is on their way to a well deserved jail sentence. The girl in the photo is dressed in an extremely provocative way and at the same time doing her very best to look like a school girl and pandering to unwholesome tastes. This is not a case of some innocent waif who simply does not look her age.
  18. But Abbey Clancy does not look remotely childlike, the other girl does. And in legal terms paedophilia involves sex with under age partners. Puberty has nothing to do with it and if you tried to raise that as your defence your lawyer would be laughed out of court and you'd be on your way to a long stretch of porridge
  19. Well, it sounds like you are making concrete plans, with a vision in mind. That's a big plus right there.
  20. Sell up? Buy a flat? Put the DIY tools on EBay?
  21. I too had never heard of her until the terrorist attack at her concert - nor indeed had I ever seen any of the acts that joined her on sage last night, although their names were vaguely familiar. I certainly noticed her very, very high heeled boots and her ability to cavort on stage as carefree and easy as though she were in sneakers. Clearly she has had much practice and must be very fit and supple.
  22. Sounds rather depressing. As you say, none of us is getting any younger and one does reach a stage - forks in the road - where one has to make some wrenching and potentially life-changing decisions. I hope you find a clear path for yours.
  23. Actually I think in some ways has opened doors for outsiders - the thinking being that if that clown can get elected, surely anybody can. To be sure, a huge tranche of Trump supporters are going to end up feeling as though they've been sold a bill of goods, and become embittered. Others will come along though - outsiders and free-thinkers, emboldened by Trump's success. The major political parties and their elites have had a wake-up call with this, and will probably start to do something for - or at least start paying lip service to - the rank and file mugs whose votes can help keep them at the trough
  24. Yes, he's got one-termer written all over him, if he's not actually impeached during his first.
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