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Log out settings

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Is there any way of stopping the site logging out automatically after a few minutes? It's rather annoying when I have the site open, have to do something else for a while (like work!) and then go back to the site and find it's logged me out, particularly if I want to reply to a post. I've been through the settings but can't find anything.

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I only use MS Win7 on a computer, so that's all I can test here. I don't recall ever being logged out, but then I don't leave anything open when I walk away from the computer, and it'll shut itself down after 20-30 minutes anyway. I don't recall having to log back in at any time though.

To see if I get 'logged out' automatically, I'll leave this window open while I get on with some packing work. I'll play some music in the background to stop the computer shutting itself down.

My browser is set to remember my logon details. Once I click an icon, I'm in. 

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2 hours ago, Russ in boots said:

Obviously a kick-him-out setting by the mod... XP, 7, Android - all the same. I get disconnected after about 5 minutes of inactivity.

If that was true, wouldn't we all have the same problem?

Are there any other applications on your phone or computer that do the same thing? Does your computer browser do it when you leave a Chrome or IE session left open while browsing Daily Mail Online for example?

Does your HHP account also get logged off? 


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23 hours ago, Russ in boots said:

A couple sign themselves out after several hours but the rest stay connected, on any operating system. This site signs out after a few minutes on any operating system.

20 years ago, pretty much everyone used the same operating system, same type of network protocol, same browser, problem solving like this wasn't that hard.

"These days", that isn't the case. Windows isn't the product it used to be since Win7. Apple is more prevalent than it ever used to be, and then there's multiple version of Android. (I have experience of 5 and 6, and a glimpse at 4. They don't 'work' the same way, especially 6 vs 4.)

So problem solving is more difficult unless you specialise in that particular aspect. Being told you get 'kicked off' after a few minutes is reminiscent of the old dial-up days, where being connected (potentially paying by the minute) had software (browser) settings that disconnected after a pre-set period if there was no data traffic either way.  Chrome doesn't work that way, as far as I can tell.

I've not found anything in the H4M settings that should log you out after a fixed period (say 5 minutes) either. Without a lot more detail, (or someone with a similar experience that knows how to resolve it) putting more hands on the keyboard to help, won't get far. :( 

Edited by FastFreddy2
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5 hours ago, Russ in boots said:

Ah well, I'll just have to resign myself to logging in every time. Are there different settings for transvestite and crossdresser? ;) Perhaps that's the problem... :D

Dunno, we couldn't find anyone who could tell the difference. ;) :P :D

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  • 4 months later...

This problem is typically caused by your browsers cookie settings, or your computers security software preventing anything being stored on your computer.

It might be possible that you are using the same security software on both desktop and laptop, and thus this could be refusing to store any cookies or login info, or your browser is not set to store login credentials, and thus the same browser on multiple computers is doing the same thing, especially as a lot of people have now twigged that they can sync browser stuff across multiple devices.

As of today too, the website is now 100% https:// using SSL for everything.

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