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Website upgrade

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Hi folks

So I've just upgraded the website to the latest release, let me know if you find any problems here in this thread...

Lots and lots of new features that you will come across on your travels around the website, too many to list.

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The emoticons work better too. No first line full of 'null' options. B)

A line of pictures which were used as the forum 'header', that showed recent additions to the members gallery is no longer shown? I thought it was useful (PR) in providing an immediate identity for the forum. ie images of high heeled shoes. The changing summary line, drawing visitors - if not members.

Edited by FastFreddy2
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At first look/use, I'd say things were improved. Meaning movement around the site seem 'slicker' and that emoticon thing was a real PITA for anyone that used them.

If there's a simple/easy (checkbox) option to return the avatars back to squares, that would be better since none were originally conceived to be presented in port-holes. Plus, they seem a bit smaller? At this point the avatars are all but pointless, meaning they provide no functionality at all? It's not a life threatening issue ... ;)

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Still getting used to 'new look' but I notice dates in the 'images' banner across the top (and maybe elsewhere?) are shown as month/day/year.   Can we please revert to proper British dates, my dear fellow, i.e. day/month/year.   Thanks awfully.

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Let me ask this just 1 more time..... At the moment, if its showing a date, its working...

Not worried about "Nice to have" right now. Please only point ot anything that is actually broken.

I'm still also getting to grips with the software myself, so will be making tweaks to the website here and there over the next few weeks to things like those already mentioned.

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Your comments understood, Tech - thanks.   I just wanted you to keep the 'date presentation' in mind for a tweak.

I do notice that there now seems to be no mechanism for seeing/checking a posting in draft before clicking 'Submit Reply'.   Is that no longer possible, please?

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I do notice that there now seems to be no mechanism for seeing/checking a posting in draft before clicking 'Submit Reply'.   Is that no longer possible.

Thats because its not needed. You know what you have written, you can see it right in front of you and see how it looks, so the only thing left is to submit it. That "Preview post" thing has always been a waste of time and 100% pointless. Why would anybody need to preview what they can already see and read when you are already viewing it? lol..

The mechanism to see and check what you are posting is to use "Eyeballs v1.0", combined with the plugin "Spelling and grammer v6.9" if not already pre-installed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have noticed as I sometimes use another computer and I don't log on that non members can now see all photos that are put up on here. I don't think that right. I feel if you not a member of this forum and not going to add to these threads then you shouldn't be able to see photos

Edited by Heels
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  • 4 weeks later...

Dates were corrected a while back, but as for pictures, you will always be able to see whatever people don't set as "private" or "Members only"..

There isnt currently any setting that prevents non-members from seeing the gallery, as the shift has now been towards members controlling their own privacy.

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8 hours ago, Tech said:

There isnt currently any setting that prevents non-members from seeing the gallery, as the shift has now been towards members controlling their own privacy.

When we posted picture pre-upgrade, ALL pictures were by default, accessible by (logged on) membership only.

Now, ALL pictures that used to be membership only, are available to everyone including Google and every other search 'bot. If there is a way to stop that, some concise guidance on where to look and what button to press would be welcome. While it's too late to stop Google sucking up the image, or indeed the link to them, returning to the status quo seems desirable.  



I wasn't referring to the Gallery when I wrote this, I meant the picture attachments:rolleyes: They used to be (logged on) membership only. Now available to anyone/everyone. Our Galleries have always been 'public'.

Edited by FastFreddy2
A penny dropped.
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