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Selling Shoes And Boots

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I tried to sell all mine a while back...but the responce is almost 0.

Now I plan to give them away or throw them away at the scrapyard.

Throwing them away would be a shame. they are too large for me, or I'd offer to take them off you.

I have struggled to sell a couple of pairs. I think offering to ship internationally, can help. I have resisted requests to ship abroad, but managed to get a couple of pairs delivered without hiccups.

These are shoes and boots bought over the years from different shops.

After I had some boots custom made, I no longer har any interest of the old, but almost not used, footwear.

I've had more interest for older shoes, than newer ones.

Myself I would not buy used male footwear thow.. :)

I have in the past bought 'used' shoes. Had some very good results, with a couple of pairs I cherish. None of these were available new, so I'm glad I bought.

The shoes I've bought this way have tended to be "worn once" or looked practically 'as new'. Worn out, or well worn shoes are of no interest.

The shoes I've offered for sale, are either new, or had very little use. Any pairs showing real wear, go to the charity shop. Those with little service life left, or damaged shoes, go to recycling.

Prices are not good though. Shoes originally bought for £50, probably worn for an hour, will sometimes struggle to make £10 on the auction site. A good price would be £20. The auction site take 10%, with the escrow payment system taking another 4% (as near makes no difference).


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It`s sad to trow them away, but that will be the final resoult.

I dont want to go through the struggle to sell pair by pair for a low amount of money. Then it cost me more to do the wrapping and drive to and from the postoffice.

In the collection its also one pair of pumps from The Little Shoebox with 6" heels.

I give it one more try...and then junkyard next...

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In the collection its also one pair of pumps from The Little Shoebox with 6" heels.

I give it one more try...and then junkyard next...

The Little Shoe Box shoes should get good money. I've sold one pair for £45, another for £50, a third pair for £36. Two pairs went abroad to 'Collectors'. They were all a smaller size than the ones you have, but I'm fairly confident they went to new male owners.

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If the customer is outside Norway, just the freight will cost more than buying a new pair in their home country as UK, US etc.

So the only option is to sell them in Norway.

My experience suggests otherwise?

I sent the £50 shoes to Canada at the cost of around £20. The £45 pair were sent very close to you, for a similar amount of money. Both buyers, happy and willing to pay these charges. Why?

While not being made from a last built around personal measurements, (not custom shoes then), LSB box shoes were still hand made in the UK. A similar, not so well made machine produced shoe from Ellie or Pleaser, will cost [here] around £40-£60. For someone with a desire to own a pair of LSB shoes, carriage is a means to an end. Owning and maybe getting to wear a pair of these shoes, that would otherwise not be possible.

As I mentioned before, I've bought previously owned very lightly used shoes, and have some I cherish. The first of these, I had seen, and have seen no-where else. They appear to 100% leather, and are the only boots I've ever bought slim enough to get close to my skinny legs. ;) If a second pair came up, I believe I might spend as much as their original cost to own them.

I have a pair of KG/Carvela ankle boots I bought new in a sale for £42. they will be the last pair I ever sell on. I have them here unused. I managed to get a second used pair, for similar money. I was happy to pay new money, for [very lightly] used shoes, because I wanted them. It's just not that unusual. If it were, auction sites could not exist? :)



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Got a tale of woe, that might keep you busy for a short while, so if you're in a rush, come back later. ;)

I haven't sold much that wasn't shoes, but I have sold one or two bits. One I advertised, got bid on before I concluded the description. In making sure I enjoyed free listings, several ads were placed with incomplete detailing. This is fine, as you can go back and complete the detail, even when the free listing period has passed. If you get a bid before you've edited/completed the listing, you can't then edit it. The listing is locked, though you can add detail on a new page if you choose.

The bag I offered, is/was I believed, leather. Big brand name, looked like leather. Came from a high street store, so not a fake. I listed it as leather. I had decided to amend the listing to 'believed to be' leather, but VERY quickly after the listing was created, there was a bid made on it. Odd this, because at the time, there was no size mentioned - at all. The bidder, quite literally bid without knowing what they had actually bid on.

Anyway, almost two weeks after getting the bag, the new owner decides they want to return it, "as it's obviously a plastic copy" [aka fake.] As I know it isn't a fake, but am not 100% sure it's leather, I say I want the maker to confirm either way before making a decision. I point out that if I have made a mistake, I'll apologise, and provide a full refund.

During the 20 or so PM's between us, I pointed out that a return would have been a lot simpler if she had complained about it on receipt. I would have been happy to agree a return then without involving a third party. But returning so late meant, she would have had the use of the bag for two weeks [minimum] which included two weekends with one of them being a bank holiday weekend. At the time I felt like she had used the bag for a day out [wedding say] and just wanted her money back. As I've read some fairly hairy-horror stories about auction site scammers, I was reluctant to just say "okay dear, send it back". I was keen to see if the makers would confirm it being leather which would entitle me to refuse.

Having spent some time over the bank holiday weekend searching for information on the bag [which I didn't find], I discovered a part of their range that included bags made of "leather look, eco-fabric"]. :o Practically put a full stop to any resistance I might be able to mount for a return. I told her to re-wrap the bag, as it looked like it was coming back. I sent her 2 links to the 'eco-fabric' bags and suggested I'd won her argument for her. Next day, I gave her an address to return the bag. :huh:

Once the bag was in the post, she then raised a case against me with the listing site owners. Saying I was unresponsive to her messages, and she wasn't able to arrange a return. :wacko:

The case procedure insists I respond to her allegations, which I did. I told her these two remarks were lies. Not only had I responded promptly and courteously to all her many messages, but I'd agreed to a return that had already been posted at the time she raised the case? :rolleyes:

In her defence, [?] I have to say I believe she thought she had been sold a fake, [and subsequently treated me like I was trying to rip her off]. But at no time did she entertain the idea, that any other situation could be true? I said when I mentioned I would be contacting the makers [which I did], if the bag proved to be plastic [it might well be] I would apologise [i did]. Didn't make any difference.... That's one angry individual.

I expect to get my first Red Card, early next week. :(


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Well, I got the red card I was expecting, and some rather nasty comments I was not.

I didn't know you could, but I've now made my feedback private, so it can't be read. She has told lies about me to Ebay, and now making stuff up on the feedback left. I am filing a deformation claim. It won't remove the negative feedback, but I'm hoping it will remove the lies she has told.

If the comments stay, I may have a look at taking her to court over her defamatory remarks. If I'm told I have a good case, I will pursue it. [i have to provide evidence of innocence, which is harder than providing evidence of guilt.] I'm hoping the many many many messages from her, and my helpful responses will prove I was as obliging as I could be.

I could always close the account, but that seems like a waste, although potentially cheaper than the court route.

Live and learn eh? :unsure:


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  • 2 weeks later...

That doesn't look like the Internationally Famous auction site? :huh:

There were at least two pairs there, that would sell well I think, in the UK. Maybe they all would, but they'd certainly get more money on that auction site, than you'd get from the skip. :D

Selling as a job lot, will be very difficult too. :blink: You'd get more interest if each were sold separately .....

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Well, I got the red card I was expecting, and some rather nasty comments I was not.

I didn't know you could, but I've now made my feedback private, so it can't be read. She has told lies about me to Ebay, and now making stuff up on the feedback left. I am filing a deformation claim. It won't remove the negative feedback, but I'm hoping it will remove the lies she has told.

3 sets of emails (one with several attachments), and a Live-Chat session later [that took 20 minutes to get stated], I've had confirmation the Defamatory remarks are going to be removed. B)

Shame it took so long, as I missed a free listing weekend, waiting for a response. Hey-ho. Back on track now. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

4 pairs now gone out in the post in total, from this weeks sale. B)

All 4 pairs bought using mens accounts, and 3 of the pairs to their work or their own business address.

I suspect one buyer is shipping clothes and shoes abroad. [based on quantity and range of purchases, and his usual 'habitation' address.] The other 3 pairs, along with the vast majority of the other footwear sold, bought with male accounts and sent to male addressees.

Without doubt, there are many more of us out there, staying well hidden in their closets. :(

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All finelly sold in "one go"... :)

Whoever bought those got some very attractive shoes. If they were a smaller size, I certainly would have chased you for them. ;)

Further details to follow, but I now know I have at least another 24 pairs to go. :huh:

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I have a pair of boots, handmade, that might be your size.

I will dig them out and take some measurments and pictures...

Any news?

My right foot (the slightly larger one) is 27cm long. "Technically" makes me a size larger than I can get into comfortably, but I've got very slim feet. Slimmer than many women in fact. ;)

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The footbed to heel rise looks good. ;):D

Not so sure about the platform though ..... :( I've yet to find a way of wearing platforms out in the real world. That said, I doubt many could wear that sort of heel and still walk ..... ;):D

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If there's only ever one thing I'm lucky with, it's my feet. I have several times had them bleeding, and not noticed until I find the cuts or tears in my skin. They are either less sensitive than other parts of my body, or I can ignore the discomfort more easily than I can on other parts of my body.

My knees and hips are getting a bit worn though? That or all the kneeling I'm doing, [decorating/building] is creating problems. :(

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The worst part of my body is from my knees and down.

I have chronic inflammation in my achilles and the heel bone on both feet.

Had it more or less since I were 15-16 years old.

So wearing heels lessen my feet and leg pain.

I remember being a kid, I wanted to cut of my both feet just under the knees...I hatet to see the feet, I hatet the pain and I felt they are not a part of me.

Wearing heels made a lot different... I wish I were honest to myself and had the currage to start wearing heels 30 years ago...

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