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    minding my own business

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  1. When I first met my wife 7 years ago I was honest and open with her,she asked me if I wore mens things,I told her I do at times,Lowa combat boots I wear when I'm out jeeping in the mountains. She seems okay with it,never says anything about my choice of footwear,usually after a day in heels,it's some comfortable flats. She has 2 children from a previous marriage,and they don't know,she keeps it from them because they wouldn't understand.
  2. I would push the red button as soon as they turned their backs.:wink:
  3. when heel height causes nosebleeds? LOL
  4. I found this forum entirely by accident,I had no idea there was a forum for men who prefered to wear high heels,it's nice to see I'm not the only straight married male who enjoys high heels. I visited another forum,for crossdressers,I don't consider myself a crossdresser,I never wear makeup,never shave my legs or body,don't wear breast forms or a bra,I just like womens low rise jeans and heels. I also visited a crossdresser support chatroom,and it's far from a crossdresser support chatroom,it's more of a gay porn pickup chat it has a lot of explicit pics of private parts,and is web cam friendly,unfortunately sometimes when you look at a cam to see who you are chatting with,there is Mr. Winky staring at you,needless to say I did not enjoy what I experienced there,and will never return. You have a nice forum here,give it time it will grow,as long as it stays sane.
  5. I know this forum is for men who enjoy wearing high heels,but I'd like to share my favorite source for low rise jeans,for those who like wearing their heels with jeans. I have several pair of these,the only drawback is the pockets are too shallow,a wallet falls out if you aren't careful,I replaced the pockets with some I bought at a fabric store,other than that I really like these jeans. http://www.softsurroundings.com/P/Petite_Lower-Rise_Perfect_Stretch_Jean/
  6. Your boots look fine,if you watch any of the old westerns,Gene Autry is one of them,you will see the heels on cowboy boots back then were higher than what they are today. I wear cowboy boots daily,womens,and you can't tell the difference.
  7. I tried your link and it would not open,has it been deleted?
  8. Normal is what suits the individual. A government psychologist once told me that.
  9. One of my favorites is,"judge not lest thee be judged".
  10. well if there was a photo of them I would tell you.
  11. Nice heels,but I can't wear heels that high they are rough on the balls of the feet and cause leg cramps. 4 inch is as high as I go,but 3 1/2 inch are just fine.
  12. My entire family knows,thanks to my step moms big mouth when I was a child. When I was 9 years old my parents had me committed to a state mental hospital on a psychaitrists advice,he assured them I was perverted and he could cure me,I liked wearing high heels back then,he did electro shock therapy on my once a week for 90 days. I no longer have any contact with that family after being treated like a thing for so long.
  13. I'm new here too,but I have been wearing heels for most of my life,I just like heels,like other kinds of womens shoes too,but mostly heels. The nasty looks I get go with where I live,a state run by a powerful church,I really don't care what they think,I do what I want as long as it's legal,and so far I haven't found a law that states a man can't wear what he choses.
  14. Thats why I married a woman with small hands;-)
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