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Everything posted by FXHH

  1. welcome welcome!! you are not alone!! very far from it!! there are many like you, and most of us have similar stories to tel of when it started, and the fear/confusion that exists inside our heads!! that is perfectly normal!! as for the average age, well despite what the average age on the forums are, most start at an early age, until we have a better understanding or find the support that we have here!! dont worry you are quiet normal, inn your way of being and thinking!! think of it this way,here you will find support and a better understanding of who you are!! welcome!!:-D
  2. well 1st off very welcome!!! great to see that you have accepted and support your man on what can be a sticky issue for couples!! sure he will appreciate your acceptance of him fully!! that is quiet normal, due to the way most people are brought up!! both men and woman!! for my self its an escape and a fetish, however that varies from person to person!! as for acceptance, from my point of view most woman accept it and understand it or understand as time goes on, a lot depends on how its done!! if its hidden and then comes out, then its an issue most times, find that the long easing in of the idea even over a period of months works best!! one of the best things besides it being out in the open and no longer having to worry what will the wife say if she finds out, is the shopping for heels together, and if one sees a nice pair of shoes, one can share it with ones life partner, if I see a nice pair on the net, can always send her a link or a pic!! from my side we have an added advantage, in the fact that we both wear the same size!! life is great!! as for the other presiding post, great post there guys!! again welcome
  3. welcome welcome!! wish I was at that stage, of public heeling that is!! as for wearing yep pretty much every ones story!! again welcome:D
  4. sounds great and promising!! have difficulties in choosing a place to do some heeling in public here, know people all over always a risk of running into someone I know!! however need to take that plunge, as you have already!!:cool: as you have already!! pls do remember to tell up about your next outing out that side!!
  5. well wife has not bought me any heels yet, not for not wanting to, just the opportunity has not arisen yet just this week when she got home, she told me that when she went to the mall, and she walked past the local shoe shop, she poped in just to see if there was anything that I would like, she wanted to surprise me!!! so its a matter of time!!!
  6. glad to see that there is some activity had a similar problem, and have read that someone else had, registration and activation did not go too smoothly not having a go at anyone, however there could be something or setting that needs tinkering!! most times if I struggle with a site, then I just move on!! there could be others like me out there!! potential members and contributors however in this case as this site is unique, I persisted!! sure this site wont die its up to us members to make something out of it!!
  7. agree, the more men wear heels in public the more it will become acceptable and normal, sadly where I come from have never seen it before!! need to make history!!8)
  8. well followed the link and have a comment dedicated men's shoes are boring!! ugly!! blah!! IMO, those are just an excuse for real heels!!
  9. well wife also ok with my heels still has a few questions, and some still unaswered, however minor ques!! we are the same size foot/shoe, and so when we out looking at shoes, she can fit them in the shop and tell me they fit, or no they hurth the foot, and we can share shoes!! yes am very lucky she does encorage me to one day wear heels in public and will, just need to get every thing sorted out!! need new pair of jeans, long ones to cover the heels, and need to get the right shoes to walk n heels for longer periods then just at home up and down the corridor and house!! 8):-P
  10. those are very nice boots, both!! those styles would make it a lot easer to walk in public, witch we have been looking at getting the right pair for such occasions, saw some today, we well on our way!! by we its wife and self!!
  11. well ony side only the wife knows, no one else, no family or friends know that most friends are open minded enough to be ok with it!! family, well, not sure, however think they should be ok, for the moment will stay as is!!
  12. hi every one!! well am new here, registered a while ago, was just having issues to post thamx very much Tech for fixing it look forward to posting here:D:D
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