well 1st off very welcome!!!
great to see that you have accepted and support your man on what can be a sticky issue for couples!!
sure he will appreciate your acceptance of him fully!!
that is quiet normal, due to the way most people are brought up!! both men and woman!!
for my self its an escape and a fetish, however that varies from person to person!!
as for acceptance, from my point of view most woman accept it and understand it or understand as time goes on, a lot depends on how its done!!
if its hidden and then comes out, then its an issue most times, find that the long easing in of the idea even over a period of months works best!!
one of the best things besides it being out in the open and no longer having to worry what will the wife say if she finds out, is the shopping for heels together, and if one sees a nice pair of shoes, one can share it with ones life partner, if I see a nice pair on the net, can always send her a link or a pic!!
from my side we have an added advantage, in the fact that we both wear the same size!!
life is great!!
as for the other presiding post, great post there guys!!
again welcome