I didn't suggest, Freddy, that you 'repudiated' anything (or used that term yourself); it was my belief that the insurer, in rejecting your claim, would likely have 'repudiated' it, in such terms. You apparently 'refuted' an assertion made by the insurer in relation to your renewal application with which you disagreed; fine by me!
Yes, maybe we should have an 'English language' thread in which definitions, objectionable words and the like could be discussed. I will only say here that, whilst the English language undoubtedly develops and becomes richer over time, it should not be allowed or encouraged to do so in a totally unstructured and often ignorant manner. Embracing willy-nilly the latest Americanisms, slang or solecisms (however widely (mis)used by Joe Public) may seem clever and trendy but does nothing to improve our culture or literacy. 'Make haste slowly' (or festina lente for those of a old fogey persuasion) is not a bad maxim.