It was mine, for 27 happy years until 2000, but I now dislike going there unless to see my sons. Apart from the huge increase in property prices (a two-edged sword)*, traffic management has become draconian, parking is difficult and exorbitant and the whole area (including the more genteel parts of Hove since the anschluss) seems to be taking on a more soviet atmosphere under a rapacious pseudo-Green dictatorship. Yes, it has its good points but I no longer feel so comfortable there, any more than I would be in (say) Soho or Islington.
* I don't have precise inflation figures to hand, but the substantial four-bedroomed Victorian terraced house I bought in 1978 for £21,000 was sold in 2006 for almost £500,000 and would now be worth around £750,000+ - a compounded rate of 12% pa in the first period and 10% pa overall.