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Tried sleeping in something very very similar.

The (flawed) thinking behind the idea, was that it would give me 6 hours of 'easy' muscle/ligament training in wearing a higher heel .......

Of around 3 times I tried, I think the best I managed was about 2 hours before cramp woke me. And I don't mean tingle, or itch grade cramp either. I mean full blown I'm-gonna-break-your-toes-off cramp. :o Oh yes ......

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It's been something I've thought about, but I'm sure it's not going to happen as my wife would never want to do something like it. As hh4evr1 said I'd like to be able to get them off when discomfort set in, I like heels but not at any cost.

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Tried sleeping in something very very similar.

The (flawed) thinking behind the idea, was that it would give me 6 hours of 'easy' muscle/ligament training in wearing a higher heel .......

Of around 3 times I tried, I think the best I managed was about 2 hours before cramp woke me. And I don't mean tingle, or itch grade cramp either. I mean full blown I'm-gonna-break-your-toes-off cramp. :o/> Oh yes ......

I think that plan was definitely flawed..... Going to bed in heels! How did you come up with the idea for that??

I bet it hurt like hell!

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I think that I would probably only wear heels like this to a fancy dress party or event, that I knew was not going to go on for longer than I could wear the heels.

If Mrs Heelman was not now so averse to me in heels, they might be fun at home but thats not going to happen!

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Going to bed in heels! How did you come up with the idea for that??

I bet it hurt like hell!

My second pair of heels I ever owned, had 6 inch heels (third and fourth third pair both had 5½" heels, as mentioned elsewhere). During the early days of our relationship, it wouldn't have been unusual for me to wear the 6 inch heels while doing my ironing. Me, ironing, heels, pretty much ensured I could give up ironing because Mrs Freddy always worried about her mum knocking at the door. [Lived next door at the time.]

Being in a steady relationship, helped me put on weight. Feet spread, the shoes stopped being wearable. BUT I could still get them on. I just couldn't stand in them for long, and I'd seldom been able to walk in them properly. Tiny little steps, with legs held as straight as I could get them.

I'd read about men and women wearing heels for extended periods, which included sleeping in them. [sometimes without a choice.] I decided to give it go, a couple/three times to see if I could too. The benefits were there if I could keep them on. Despite my serious attempts, I found it impossible. Maybe a better fitting shoe, or an open sandal would be better as my feet would not get so warm .....

Not that I could use any of the 4 pairs of uber high shoes I used own for a fourth try, as they all went last year. Shame I had to let 3 pairs of shoes go, I'd owned for nearly 30 years, but it was pointless keeping them. Always hidden (stored away), and my feet a half a size too large now with no prospect of them shrinking. Sadly.

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Now I see,

The reason I have reduced my collection if heels is so that I only have pairs that I can actually walk in. I also dont see the point in having pairs hidden away, that are not going to get worn because I either cant walk well in them or can't wear them for any length of time.

Also the fact that they have to remain out of someone's sight may have something to do with it!

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Also the fact that they have to remain out of someone's sight may have something to do with it!

A single benefit of living in a building site, is that there's a lot of stuff parked in boxes. And some rooms, just don't get used. I don't think Mrs Freddy has been into the garage since we moved here. The living room (lounge) get a visit once in a blue moon, and then only to look outside if a lift is expected. What is going to be the new kitchen, has a fridge in it at the moment. If it wasn't for that, it would be another room that didn't get used.

Hiding places .... I've got some so good, even I can't remember where they are! :D

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Well i thought that I had, in my empty suitcase out of reach on top of the wardrobe! But prying little eyes went snooping a found them!

The only place she cannot get to is the loft! And its a bit of a hassle getting them up and down, but luckily I have managed to stash some at Mum's for when I am down here!

Are you ever planning to actually finish your house? I am surprised you've been allowed to escape at all with so much diy left to do......

I am not a fan of diy myself, but if I have to do some work I have to crack on and get it done, because I can't let it not be finished! If on doing a project its not unknown for me to still be trying to work at 11pm

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Are you ever planning to actually finish your house? I am surprised you've been allowed to escape at all with so much diy left to do......

I am not a fan of diy myself, but if I have to do some work I have to crack on and get it done, because I can't let it not be finished! If on doing a project its not unknown for me to still be trying to work at 11pm

I can paint a room in 3 or 4 days, top to bottom. But I'm not doing "DIY". I'm repairing/remodelling the house. Watch for the DIY thread, I'm going to be doing a 'project' there, very very soon.

Working until 11pm? Part-timer. 2am would be a half decent stretch ..... In the past I've spent days rubbing down and filling holes making them look flat, before even touching them with paint.

By the time I'm finished, almost everything in the house will have changed. Completely new heating system, but for one or two pipe runs. (All new rads, replacement boiler, despite the one we have only being 3 years old). New bathroom, new downstairs cloakroom suite. Kitchen in a different part of the house, and completely new kitchen. Relocated airing cupboard. Completely replaced/re-engineered lagging system in the loft, much of it boarded for storage. All of the downstairs windows replaced, with French doors installed where a single door used to be. 6 trees removed from the garden. 2 tonnes of wood taken down that formed a Pergola, and then cut it up into 2ft pieces. 3 x 3ft sunken piles Kangoled up that supported the structure. Double dug the garden to get out all the vegetables that had been planted, and then sieved out all the mulch that had been put in, as it wasn't suitable for growing grass on ...... Etc. Etc.

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I didn't realise you had undertaken that big a project, at least you and Mrs Freddy will have the house you want when it's all finished!

You should put up a thread on the construction status.

I take my hat off to you, you've undertaken a massive project, plus work, plus visits and trips, I'm guessing there is not much sleep in the FastFreddy schedule! Just a question, do you ever do diy in any sort of heel? I only ask because I did a lot of my decorating in a pair of new look ballet flats! Don't ask me why but I did!

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You should put up a thread on the construction status.

I take my hat off to you, you've undertaken a massive project, plus work, plus visits and trips,

Just a question, do you ever do diy in any sort of heel?

That thread would be very long ...... (and very boring :D ).

The renovation/remodel was supposed to take 3 months, 6 tops. So far we are 28 months in. Honestly, you wouldn't believe a house could be built so badly....... When I do an update on the DIY thread, you'll get some (photographic) evidence of what I mean.

As for heeling while DIY'ing ...... I did for a period while doing some work that would have had me on my toes for hours. Generally, I don't, for safety reasons. But I think I was painting, which I don't like to do on a ladder, as it's too easy (for me) to spill paint going up and down the steps. I find it easier standing on a stool. One step up, one down, nothing to tip paint tins on either journey.

Mrs Freddy thought I'd found a way to entertain myself, but it was easier in a heel. (And cheaper than buying a higher stool. ;):D ) The one I use is so old, it's almost a family heirloom. B)

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I just about managed Mum's kitchen ceiling last year with a long(ish) handled roller...

Don't like 'em. I use a paint pad. Not to everyone's taste, and a roller can put denser coats on (though not as smooth). I just can't use a roller without producing paint spatter. :blink:

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Wish I had great legs like yours, then I would love to be locked in those heels

Someone here has great legs? :huh:

The shoes in question .......


I had an a pair of ankle straps, with pre-tied cords that passed under the heel, that kept them on whilst being worn. [No chance of kicking them off while asleep.]

This is pair #4 of the hand made in England shoes that I owned. Also from LSB (who made the shoes branded as "Covergirl") and ones I purchased at WHM 2008. They fitted very well at the time, but I got older/heavier .... they then became too tight for comfort .... so were sold. :(



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The more I look at the pic of the second pair, the more I am liking them!

They will be impossible to replace (in theory at least).

Little Shoe Box was run/owned by a couple of fella's from a gaff in Hollowway Road, now long gone. I believe they both still independently make footwear, though it's been some time since I've seen anything from them directly. [They may have sold the lasts, or leased them out?] In times gone by, getting that shoe in a UK9 would have been easy, and not very expensive at all.

I do still see boots that look like their products on an auction site. Not sold by either of them though, an outfit up in Scotland if I remember. Next time I see a listing, I'll mention it here. ;)

Having written that, I thought I would check one of the two newer trading names, that arrived after the demise of LSB. Both of the two shoe makers lived close to the old shop, one I remember being in Southgate. I don't remember the name of the brand at that address, but I do remember one of the newer trading names: Burlesque Blue.

I've just done a search, and found it's now (also) in Scotland. I don't know if it's a son or daughter of one of the original LSB owners, but the styles are theirs. They also do underwear, which makes me think it could be a daughter?

Anyway, link here for UK size 9: >> Clicky <<

As a reference, the black shoes I mentioned above, I bought for £20, and sold for just a little more. New. they are now circa £100. If they are still made in the UK and hand made, that's not a bad price considering ..... Considering a crappy quality, made abroad by machine Dune shoe, will go for more..... :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the link Freddy,

I have just had a look on the Burlesque Blue website and found loads of styles that I would certainly covet. They also do size 10/11/12 so that would suggest them being made to order, here in the UK.

Yes £100 is steep but I agree, for a handmade, really nice shoe in a size that fits, well worth the money, but I shan't be buying loads of them!

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Having written that, I thought I would check one of the two newer trading names, that arrived after the demise of LSB. Both of the two shoe makers lived close to the old shop, one I remember being in Southgate. I don't remember the name of the brand at that address, but I do remember one of the newer trading names: Burlesque Blue.

Right ........

Due to the fact I don't sleep much, my memory isn't as shot as I sometimes claim, and I fancy myself as a bit of a Sherlock Holmes ......

I have the answer to the 'mystery'. :)

Little Shoe Box begat .....

Burleque Blue and

Leatherworks UK

Burlesque Blue (retail) as has already been mentioned, has moved to Scotland, and a link is provided above.

Leatherworks, died but rose again as ........

Fabulously Fetish (London). And if there was any doubt about that, their contact address details include "Southgate" as mentioned before. B)

The new price range suggests a fundamental change in marketing though. Around 30 years ago, the shoes in the link were typically sold for something like £30 a pair. At the time, I might have been earning around £120 per week. [To give the ratio some perspective.] For a similar ratio today, I would need to be on £720 a week or a little over circa £3000 per month. :o

£180 for a pair of courts too high to wear out? Not in this life. :(


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  • 2 weeks later...

Strange but true ..... Leatherworks could be addressing two segments of the market ......


During my early auction site buying days, I got a pair of ankle boots from this mob. Lovely boots, but smelled like they'd been used as an ashtray. :o Really unpleasant, and too bad to risk the smell dissipating. :(

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