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Another Milestone


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The last 6-8 months or so I have been using my 4" heels boots on an everyday basis, more or less everywhere I go as to and from work, shopping for grocceries, any other store or shopping center etc etc.

This morning on my way to work I had to stop at a machineshop to check some equipment being made for us.

So I walk in to the office, sat down with my contact person, we had a long talk, we took a walk in the workshop, back in the office...and after about 30 min I continue to my own working place.

And this was done without being any nervouse or feeling uncomfortable.

so another milestone is reached.. :)

Pic of the boots..(and me)


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so another milestone is reached.. :)

It certainly has! ;)

Congratulations on your achievement. B)

I'm sure many like me, would wish to be in a similar situation; confident enough to wear heels full-time without feeling conspicuous or self-conscious. :)

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  • 7 months later...

I have a few times used the same 4" boots in the cantine of my work.

Becouse we have to use plast "socks" to cover the shoes, this has worked fine.

There are some noice from the kitchen and from the fans, so the heel noice on the floor is not so noticeable as I was afraid of.

But when I put on the socks and take them off again, it is easy to be spottet....

I will take some pics at home and show how this look like...

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I have noticed the sound of a heel, can make an enormous difference to whether unwanted attention is received. As a general rule-of-thumb, men's heels don't make any noise, but a lady's shoe does.

That said, in John Lewis Oxford Street this Sunday just past, I walked up to an assistant to ask the whereabouts of a concession for Mrs Freddy. The upper sales floors there are 'suspended', making them bellow under-foot like the taught skin on a drum when gently tapped. I thought my 4½" heels would announce my arrival, but she must have been deep in thought. When I said; "Excuse me," I could see I scared the bejeezus out of her. :D We both laughed, but I'd clearly surprised her. ;)

I will take some pics at home and show how this look like...

Always glad to see pictures. B)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I have change my working place for a short periode so I had to move.

I`m renting a small appartment in the city and I take the bus to work.

So a few times now I walk from my appartment to the bus stop, wait for the bus, enter the bus, ride the bus, leave the bus with a bunch of people and walk to my work.

Then I enter the building, walk the stairs up to fifth floor to my desk....wearing my 4" heeled boots.

Then after a while I change my footwear to clogs.

When going home, I again change my footwear and walk through the building, down the stairs, to the bus and going home.

There are 950 people working in this building, male and females. This is a big city so there are people everywhere

So far I have not got any commments or noticed anyone looking.

I`m improving big time.. :) :)

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Applause! B)

It really takes a steady nerve as FF said. You have taken a huge leap of faith in self confidence and I believe it shows. I mean, when you are confident and not afraid, your heels are natural part of your outfit and people are not noticing anything unusual because you act normal, so people around act normal too. Very well done! :)

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There are 950 people working in this building, male and females. This is a big city so there are people everywhere

So far I have not got any commments or noticed anyone looking.

I`m improving big time.. :) :)

So, not only do we get to be jealous about where you live and your life in general ..... We get to be jealous of your beautiful/encouraging wife. Great wheels ...... Great heels ...... AND NOW ..... Going to/from workplace in a huge facility .... in heels. :P:D You're a hard man to like. ;):D

Very well done! B) "He who dares" eh? ;)

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Self confidence is, as Jinx mentioned, the key factor.

I have been wearing my 4" boots for so long now that I feel they are a natural part of my outfit, yesterday I even had to run to reach the bus,

I was surpriced I could run in heels without looking like a duck....

Maybe it`s time to move up to 5" heels now.. :)

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Yesterday I had to make a business trip out of town by plane.

Always when I`m out flying I wish I used my heeled boots, but never had the currage.

Yesterday when I packed my handluggage, I also included a pair of clogs.

I got dressed, inclusive my 4" boots and walked to the railwaystation. This was early morning so not many people around in town.

I bought my ticket and entered the train with several other people.

Beside me a young girl sat down..she only used boring flats. But she was good looking thow...

At the airport we all left the train, at this time several hundreds, and walked to the depature hall. Up escalators and stairs...

I walked to the automatic ticket machine, punched in my reservation code and got my ticket.

Then I walked to the men CR. There I changed to clogs...and walked through the security with my boots in the handluggage.

After security check I walked to the nearest men CR and again changed to boots.

Then I walked though the airport and sat down at my gate waiting for the depature.

Many people walking around and after a while a woman in her 40 sat down just uposite of me. She were wearing some ugly 3" shoes...

So far I can notice not anyone had looking at my boots, at least noone had been laughing or made any comments.

Time to enter the plane and I found my seat. We took off and landet about 1 hr later.

I left the plane and the airport, and entered the bus.

Then we drove off and I left the bus 45 min later at an appartment I rent.

Then I changed to my motorcycle gear, jumped on my BMW and drove to my office...wearing uncomfortable motorcycle boots.

This trip really work great, I had no looks that I noticed and no comments or laugh.. :)


Edited by Love4heels
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This trip really work great, I had no looks that I noticed and no comments or laugh.. :)

Good report! You obviously walk in a heel very well, as to not draw attention. B)

I've mentioned it before, but I (once) rather foolishly perhaps, tried to get through the security checks in a tall heeled boot. It hadn't occurred to me, I might be picked out to remove them, so they could go through the x-ray machine alone with my phone and car keys ...... In front of several hundred queueing people, I had to remove my boots and put them in a tray. Collect them, and put them back on..... I was scarlet faced at the time, but I don't remember a single person being interested in my boots.

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  • 1 month later...

Another flight in heels.

Took the bus from home to the airport, checked in by the selfserv machine and dropped the luggage at the luggage claim.

Stopped by the restroom to change to clogs before security check.

After security check, again stopped by the restroom to change to boots.


Had a unexpected long walk to the flight..I did not even know about this part of the airport.

Found my gate...but I did not sit down becouse it was to may people there waiting for an earlier flight and when I sit, the pants does not cover the heels.
so I was standing for 10 min...and then it was announced a gate change, so I had to walk again.

Many people sitting along the path where I had to walk, many must have noticed my heels, but no comments.


Nobody at the new gate, I sat down and covered my heels with my small backsack.

Then a surprice..I thought I would go directly onto the flight when bording, but first we had to go down some stairs to the ground level and then up the stairs to the flight.
No way I could cover my heels from behind...but no comments from any behind.

We took of, we landed at destination and I walked to the luggage area to claim my luggage.
They were doing some floor work there and I could notice the guy at the floor level were looking at my boots for more than "just a glimt".
But I could not see any special reaction...


I grabed my luggage, walked up some stairs with a woman behind me, and left the airport in my car.

I feel very comfortable most of the time... :)


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That surely is a great accomplishment!  Walking through the airport is almost like being on parade, because of all the folks sitting along the side of the halls just watching people go by!  Great job, especially climbing up and down the steps to the plane!

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I`m not so comfortable walking up stairs, or being on a parade.
But a lot of practice have made me quite good walking in heels so I walk fairly normal.
If I had been walking "like a duck", it sure would be a hole lot different... :)

Also when crossing predestrian crossings and there are cars waiting on both sides, that make me a little uncomfortable.

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I`m not so comfortable walking up stairs, or being on a parade.

But a lot of practice have made me quite good walking in heels so I walk fairly normal.

If I had been walking "like a duck", it sure would be a hole lot different... :)

Also when crossing predestrian crossings and there are cars waiting on both sides, that make me a little uncomfortable.


I fully understand those situations, and I would add walking past seated people too.  <_<



Walking fairly normally, (not like a duck :D) along with longer trouser lengths have got to be two of the best 'disguises' to a man wearing a heel. A third might be a female companion. :ph34r:   


You are very brave to be wearing heels where you do, and I hope your success continues.  B)  These ventures ought to provide us all with encouragement to wear what we want, when and where we want.  :) Please, keep up the good work and keep up the reporting.  B)

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  • 2 months later...

Last year I had a pair of boots made with 2" visuable heel

and 2" hidden heel so I would reach my favorite heel height 4".

But those boots never made me comfortable.

So on my last vacation I brought the back to the Philippines to have them modified to 3" visuable heel and 1" hidden heel.

Today is the first day wearing them and the first trip is to work.

I wear them right now and in my point of view, 3" block heels look fairly normal on size 44 boots...

Will take some picks later...

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I'm pleased to hear your adventures continue.


Is there never any comments on your footwear though? 


I once dared to walk into a bar I worked in, wearing some heels, and nothing was mentioned so I know it can happen. I had thought that since you are walking around in a heel regularly, there were plenty more chances to be spotted?

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But keep in mind I dont wear stiletto heels..only block heels.. :)


These days I tend to wear the same type of heel, as the pavements in London are generally, not really suitable for a slim heel. The boot I wore the one time I went to a workplace in a heel, had block heels and the boot had something of a 'cowboy' style going on.


My footwear might have more easily been noticed that night, if Mrs Freddy wasn't with me. My suspicion at the time was that seeing me with someone from the opposite sex, had those who knew me there, staring at the poor woman wondering what was wrong with her? (I sometimes wonder the same thing.  ;)   :D )


It wasn't a place that saw many of the fairer sex visiting, so if one did, they were practically given celebrity status. B) 


Worked for me.  :)




Back on thread ....


As you have been wearing heels to work for a while, if there was going to be an 'issue' of any sort, I think you would be aware by now. Sounds like you are doing very nicely in heels.  B)  

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