This could be a long story for me but I'll try to keep it short as possible.
Ex wife and I are still very good friends after over 20 yrs of divorce. Her and my youngest daughter were shopping for Xmas a few years ago and ex let my daughter in on a little secret. YEP! My love for heels. Daughter got a kick out of it (early 20's) and got me a big high heel jewelry box for Xmas. I was a little embarrassed at the time but went along with it. Of course her mother explained it all to her and she was very understanding. Needless to say, cat out of the bag, whole family knows. Oldest grandson 13, bought me a high heel ornament for Xmas last year. Seems everybody in the family has figured out what to get Johnieheel for Xmas now. It's pretty cool.
Older brother, who I hadn't seen for a few years stopped by in his semi a couple years ago for a little brother, brother reunion. Looked around the house and ask about all the high heel stuff. :-D Then asked if I had a shoe fetish. Once again, caught! Yes big brother, I have a shoe fetish. Didn't change anything. I'm still his little brother.
As for friends, well my daughter helped me with that one as she couldn't keep her trap shut, but it was a good thing. Now every time I'm at a store or out and run into someone we know, and that's quite often, they don't say a word. Just seem so normal now.