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Everything posted by Puffer

  1. Heels: Under the Distance Selling Regulations (which are in the law of all EU states), one is entitled not only to return a defective or incorrectly-supplied item for a full refund of the price paid but also to have all outward and return shipping costs refunded. The seller cannot contract out of this. So you should insist on a refund of your £6 return cost (and anything paid for the original shipping to you as well). Please update us on your claim. Early this year, I bought some Birkenstock sandals through Amazon Marketplace from a seller in Germany. Despite a clearly-placed and acknowledged order, I was sent sandals in the wrong size and colour and had to return them (which cost around £15). Their replacements were also the wrong size and colour! Another return was necessary. After a fair amount of argument, involving Amazon as well as its seller, I got all my outlay back. It should not have been necessary for me to have to demonstrate to Amazon its seller's obligations in order to secure my rights. (I was then told by the seller that it had no stock of my required size/colour, although it was still advertising them as available. At this point I found another seller on eBay, also in Germany, and got the correct item at a slightly lower price without any aggravation.) When I get time, I will post some further general notes on consumer rights when something is defective. Just bear in mind that it is the retailer who is resonsible for the remedy; any warranty (e.g. by the manufacturer) is in addition to one's statutory rights and may be of little or no extra value. A defect appearing within 6 months of purchase will be assumed to have been present at the time of purchase unless the seller can prove otherwise. After this 6 months, the onus is upon the buyer to demonstrate the fault was there at the start. But, that aside, the general rule is that something must last a 'reasonable' time, given its function and cost etc - so don't simply accept that no claim is possible after 6 months.
  2. The 'spur ridge' is just about visible in the eBay picture. The sides and back of the heel itself project a little (5-6mm I guess) outside the heel cup, instead of being flush. This allows a spur to sit on the ridge and be supported, as I understand it - of great value no doubt to a 'Midnight Cowboy' but of no interest to me - I'm not even a 'Cowboy Builder' and in any event like to be tucked-up if not snoring by 11pm. I thought the ridge spoiled the clean lines of the boots so got Miguel to remove them (i.e. by slimming the heel down a little).
  3. Until I can take a pic of my actual boots, this from eBay will have to do: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sharp-toe-ankle-boots-sixe-zipper-leather-soles-stacked-5-inch-high-heel-/311051164628 My boots were made-to-measure and I specified that the 'spur ridge' (the projecting ledge around and particularly behind the heel) should be minimised, which it was (as I'm not a cowboy wearing spurs so it would have looked odd!). For reasons not fully explained, the shaft height was a little less than that shown but still perfectly acceptable. I found Miguel to be very co-operative and helpful - he sent a pic of the finished boots and reduced the spur ridge further at my request. The manufacturing time was about 5 weeks and they only took a week to arrive from Mexico. I won the uncontested eBay auction and paid £85.75 plus almost £30 for shipping and I managed to avoid paying any extra for duty or VAT. The price has since increased for a buy-it-now but I think Miguel does special offers from time to time and other styles are available. I would certainly recommend his services - but suggest care is taken in providing measurements, as other people have sometimes found sizing an issue (generally running large if buying ready-made boots). These are 'man's boots', even though with a much higher heel than a man would normally wear (such as the 2.5" or so on a cuban heeled Beatle boot) but I think they could be worn (bravely) in public without concealment. [interestingly, the street-heeling doubts cast on these elsewhere came from men who wear skirts and stilettos in public, scarcely discreet conduct!] So far, my forays have been with straight-legged jeans that come down over the boots and show just a couple of inches of heel when standing, but rather more when walking (or of course sitting). The boots have some internal padding and are perfectly comfortable to wear; I am used to pointed toes although the longish points do need care. As previously mentioned, the main problem is a tendency for my legs to bow outwards - and of course walking down slopes! Any comments about wearability and clothing co-ordination would be welcome (but maybe this is not the right thread to be using - so I will leave the mods to move it if necessary).
  4. Having joined several months ago but not been confirmed, I was beginning to think this board was closed to new members - and am glad to find it isn't! I'm 65 and live in Kent (England) and a lifelong admirer of heels, with cautious public wearing myself, although not easy when one is tall with size 11(UK)/Eu45 feet. I have a few pairs of women's boots and shoes, some of which are not too good a fit, with heels 3" - 5" high, including some stilettos. I have recently bought a pair of Miguel Jones boots with pointed toes and 5" semi-cuban heels; they were made-to-measure, are good quality and fit very well - but are a little challenging to wear outside as my legs want to bow outwards, although I am persevering. I'll try to post some photos soon, if I can manage to take them of myself without assistance. I'm now a retired professional and spend most of my time renovating and improving property - my own and other in the family. There isn't any DIY task that I won't tackle if I have enough strength (and the right equipment), and will try to help members with advice if they have a DIY-related problem. Puffer
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