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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Acceptance is respecting others' opinions and choises. And in relationship respect is one of the fundamentals one should build up. You can argue and have different views of things, but as long as both have respect on each other, things will work out. My wife, well yes, she is something very special. She have never said a single word against my heel wearing. She is always very supportive, no matter where we are going or whom ever we are going to meet, she always encourages me to put heels on if I like. We love each other, we respect each other and we are honest to each other. We do have argues and we don't agree on every aspect of everything, but we still respect each others views. I told her day one when we met that I have thing for women shoes and I wear them as well, and that is something that I can't change or I can't hide, it is part of me and it won't go away even if I would like to (which I don't, also said that). And she didn't blink an eye, just said with a warm grin on her face, 'then show me you shoes man, impress me', and here we are

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