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Hello from HFMROK


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Hi Guys,

Name is Simon, I have registered in this board, albeit that it is a a little quiet.

BTW, the handle stands for Heels For Men Rule OK. On HHP, I go under Thighboots2. I didn't use that handle here as it smacks of fetish and since HHP was instrumental in my change of attitude concerning the wearing of heels to one of fashion, I though it would no longer be appropriate to use that handle.

As this place is about men incorporating heels in a fashion sense there is a chance that the board entries being read by an outsider may not look upon the content as fetish or wierd and that we are genuinely interested in the incorporation of heels ino the masculine wardrobe.

Cheers for now.


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Thanks for the welcome JMC. I certainly do hope H4M revs up as it is the right place. HHP is wonderful and has a huge momentum, but to my mind there are just too many who are into heels for reasons that society believes men wear them for and it is difficult to look at HHP and not get that impression. Whilst I may not be a huge fan of stilletos on men, some to work it well and it really is an attitude coupled with the right outfit thing. It would be nice if those guys on HHP that do not look at heels as fetish items but a genuine fashion statement would crosspost.


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Welcome Simon 8)

Indeed, if more interest does happen here then I can also increase the budget a bit and carry out some upgrades that will help the website too.

Hope you find the web site useful and may you enjoy your time here.

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  HFMROK said:
. . . HHP is wonderful and has a huge momentum,. . .

I think that's the primary reason for the inactivity here -- HHplace is so big and casts such a huge shadow that this site kinda gets lost in the noise.

But I believe our desire to wear heels will win out in the end -- heel-wearing seems to be part of human nature and as such it cannot be ignored. Therefore, this site is bound to pick up eventually.

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