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Would you consider them as high heel boots?


Good question, to which I don't have an immediate yes/no answer!  :huh:


Mindful I'm an EU41 (usually) 4 inches of heel makes a difference to how I walk, or at least how I feel I walk. In that regard, I would consider anything I wear with a 4 inch or higher heel, to be a high heel.


You would understand the relationship to foot length over heel height, which would likely give an angle-of-rise (AOR)? I have for some time been meaning to measure a 4 inch heel on Mrs Freddy's size EU 39 shoe, to produce an AOR for those shoes. I have in mind to then look at my foot/shoe length to find what height I would arrive at using the same angle with my slightly longer foot/shoe combination. I suspect I would need a 4¼" heel to get the same AOR, to enjoy the same challenge she might from a 4 inch heel? It maybe the angle produces less height, maybe 4⅛", I can't be sure until I've done the measuring.


A 4 inch heel would be considered 'high' by just about everyone. If the AOR for my size produced an equivalent rise of 3½" (against your 4"/EU44), I'm pretty sure most people would describe 3½" as a high heel on any of my EU41 shoes too.  



The heel on your boots (pictured above) look borderline passable, but the slimmer heel would likely get comments if seen at work over here. They have to feel like a high heel or you wouldn't wear them? So if they look and feel like a high heel, they must be described as such? B)   




Ooops. Typo.  :wacko:

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In my opinion they are definitely high heel boots, and they look extremely passable for everyday male wearing!

I am with you on the 4inch heel, it is my favourite height to wear, any higher and I can start to struggle. I really prefer a narrow heel, though IMO shoe choice becomes quite obvious!

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I also prefer the heels to be more narrow, but these boots were made for everyday use, therefore 1" hidden and solid block heels.. :)
My absolut favorite heel height is 5".
That give the foot the perfect shape...but also more pain and more difficult to wear

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I also prefer the heels to be more narrow, but these boots were made for everyday use, therefore 1" hidden and solid block heels.. :)

My absolut favorite heel height is 5".

That give the foot the perfect shape...but also more pain and more difficult to wear



I've some time to think about these comments, and I wonder ........



As wearer's of high heels, does it actually matter about the shape of the heel? I get 'the look', but surely this would matter if we looking at someone else wearing a heel? When I'm out in a heel, I seldom get to see the shape of the heel I'm wearing, because it's (intentionally) hidden by clothes. 



I too like a 5" heel, it being about as high as I can wear, and  I would agree about shape too. I like to 'walk well' in a heel which means my upper limit is 5", and it's surprising the difference several millimetres make around that height for me. 5 or 6mm under, and I can/have walked for miles. 5" and I have to walk carefully, and not very far. 130mm (+5 or 6mm) and I don't walk very well at all?  



"- more pain and more difficult to wear." At first I read  that as a "plus", but was it meant to be? Am I alone in feeling more difficult=better?

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The heel shape really matters. But to avoid getting to much attention, I prefer block heels.
Block heels are also a lot easier to wear compare to stilettos.
If I were living in a perfect world, I would wear slimmer heels but still not stilettos.


I also notice the big different in just a few mm. But the type of footwear and heelshape, also make a big different. So 5" on one pair is sure not the same as 5" on another pair.



If I walk out on the street, I prefer less pain, less difficult and therefore 4" heels.
But I sure also like the little extra pain and struggle to wear as high heels as possible. So if I wear going to a pub or cinema, I would prefer using my 5" boots.


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But the type of footwear and heelshape, also make a big different. So 5" on one pair is sure not the same as 5" on another pair.



So if I wear going to a pub or cinema, I would prefer using my 5" boots.




I have tried to discuss/demonstrate this before. Imagine a foot with total length 290mm with ball to heel 190mm. With a linear rise (straight line upward angle) to 125mm the rise in a shoe seems fairly comfortable. The toe and heel position offer very little distortion to the foot.


Take the same dimensions, but the rise is "S" shaped. This effectively compresses the length of the shoe, despite providing an identical overall length.


If these two shoe designs are matched, one will be significantly more difficult to walk in, experience tells me. The difference is subtle to the eye, but significantly noticeable to the foot.   :(



I've recently acquired some ankle boots with a 5" heel, that are most definitely NOT hiking boots (nor shopping boots either). They might get used on some social activity or special occasions, and that's about it. Lovely wearing them though.  :D

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Had a new business trip out of town yesterday wearing my new boots.
At the airport I took of the boots before walking trough the security and left the boot with by jacket in the basket.
Someone had taken the boots out of the basket before the x-ray machine so they came seperate from my jacket in the basket.

At the destination I was picked up by a female in a car and we drove to plant where we should work.
We changed clothes in the same office, by meaning we undressed only jacket and footwear and put on overall and safety shoes.

When the work was done, we return to the office, changed clothes, she drove me back to the airport, same procedure through the security and after 45 min waiting, I entered the plane and after a couple of hours I were home again.

I could not notice anyone looking, I got no comments...everything worked nice and smooth...



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Yesterday evening my wife and me had an appointment with a gay couple we know.
We should meet at a restaurant for dinner.

So my wife and me dressed up, she in boots with about 2,5" heels and me wearing my 4" block heels.
We walked to the train station and took the train to destination. Very crowded on the train so we had to stand among many others.
At the destination we walked through the big railway station and through the city for about 20 min before we reach the restaurant.

There we met our friends, had some beers, had a dinner and when done, we said goodbye and took the same route back home.


Again...no looks and no comments from anyone.
Not even our friends noticed anything...even thow I were 4" taller compare to last time we met.

So folks, just put on your heels and go out. Nobody really cares.... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

With my GoPro on a teleskopic rod, I tried to capture some clips from ground level to see how does it look like wearing heeled boots.

Here are a few print screen from the recording.











I will work more on this by adjusting the cam for better pictures... :)

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In my point of (brainwashed) view, style like this fits well on men.. :)


I agree. I'm sure if we lived in American around 1860, many other men would have been wearing a 'stacked heel' boot too.  ;)


The jeans and heeled boots look seems completely normal to me. Even better, it's starting to feel more normal to me too, meaning I'm getting less and less self-concious that I'm wearing a heel in public. The advantage of this is that few people experiencing paranoia, (however lightly) will seldom be getting the most from what would otherwise be a completely pleasurable experience. With that notion in mind ......


As I get older, as we will all getter older ..... Our energy levels will likely reduce as the years pass us by. I had not really appreciated this much, until I spent some months doing some fairly physical work recently. In the evenings, I was fit-for-nothing. Having an interest in wearing heels, had artificially raised my energy levels, as a necessity to getting out and about. Meaning, my enthusiasm for getting out in a heel, has stimulated me into doing some exercise (walking) instead of doing the easier alternative ~ being a couch potato.   ;)  This is a "healthy" hobby/interest.  :P  :D

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Yesterday I made my first fulltime day in 5" block heel boots.
I was driving most of the day, but I did go in to a restaurant for dinner on the road and I did grocery shopping.at the destination.

In the restaurant there were some truckdrivers, but I could not notice anyone paying any special attention to my footwear.
At the grocery store I had to ask one of the female workers where to find my stuff.

I learned something thow...when wearing 5" heels and standing up from sitting for a while, find the balance BEFORE start walking!

Important!.. :)


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