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Wearing Heels Out - The Publics Reaction

What (If any) reaction have you have from people noticing you wearing heels in public?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. What (If any) reaction have you have from people noticing you wearing heels in public? (please select the one nswer that most closely matches your personal experiences)

    • Only Good / Positive comments
    • Some Good / Positive comments
    • No comments but the occasional knowing smile
    • No reaction or not been seen
    • Some good/positive and some bad/Negative comments
    • Some light hearted banter / bit of laughter
    • Only Bad / Negative comments
  2. 2. Does your experiences from question 1 make you:

    • More likely to wear heels in public
    • Does not change my heel wearing in public
    • Less likely to wear heels in public
  3. 3. and finally..would being in a group of feloow "Heelers" make you:

    • More likely to attend events / trips out in heels
    • Would not make any difference to wether I wore heels
    • Less likely to attend trips / events in heels

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I thought that I would ask these questions because to date I have had absolutely NO negative reactions from me wearing heels out and about in public. This includes when I am out on my own or when I am meeting up with fellow heel enthusiasts.:( In fact on the last trip out with Fastfreddy2 I noticed that we received nothing but Positive comments if any were made at all. Yes there is a time and a place for heels, and the pub district at kicking out time on a Saturday when the local team has just lost is possibly not the best place to wear heels, however, in the main the busier the place the less problem / worry there seems to be.

I for one now do not worry at all about going out in my heels, as you will have read from some of my posts I have even been out and about in my local town, (Not ideal as it is my hobby/passion not anyone else's) and I really do not care what reaction I might get, but like I say I have never had any bad comments!

Thats enough spouting from me and hope to see you all out and about in heels soon.......:)

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Got a bit of a problem completeing the poll as I'd like to tick more than one answer on the first section?

For example, my replies might be ......

Section 1.

No comments but the occasional knowing smile

Some good/positive and some bad/Negative comments

Section 2.

Does not change my heel wearing in public

Section 3.

More likely to attend events / trips out in heels

Section 1.

I've been out in heels in a good number of places. Security personnel always notice, and either stare or smile.

Shoppers sometimes notice and either stare, smile, and once maybe laughed, [though they were a long way off by then so I might be mistaken about the subject matter].

Had one fairly bad experience at Camden with one little Yoof mob of about 5 bods. Didn't come to anything, but it was getting close. Bottom line to this was, we were in the wrong place at the right time. I don't ever expect it to happen again. [it was a "one off". :( ]

At The London Fetish Fair - the one time a group of us visited together - a couple of guys dressed in head to foot leather [a la Matrix stylie], 'giggled' when they saw us sitting close to them and wearing heels. The organisers subsequently confirmed this sort of behaviour isn't condoned, but to the rest of us it was a complete and utter waste of money and time attending. [Nothing much to look at. The cook was off sick with a sliced finger, so no lunches. A film crew was there. Only a couple of stalls, mostly corsetry and whips. :) ]

Section 2.

As long as the bulk of my travelling out in heels is pleasurable, it'll continue. I try to remain disinterested in negative responses, but they do happen, and as I'm human it can hurt.

Section 3.

I do a fair amount of heeling, even though I don't see much of 'the community' face to face. I'm keen to get involved and support all of our 'kindred spirits', so I always support any communial activity organised. It means I do get more trips out by doing this, but I'd like to be doing more. Our weather doesn't help, nor does the cost of travel. [Diesel costs £1.34 per litre at the time of writing.]

How should I answer Q.1 ??


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An interesting poll, more answers will be needed though than the current 4 or 5 who post regularly here.

For me, I haven't been noticed wearing heels or if I was I haven't had a reaction as such. As for how that affects my continued heel wearing it has made me more likely to wear heels more often knowing that it's not being noticed.

Finally would I be more inclined to wear heels out with a group of men all sporting heels? That's a no I'm afraid, I think it would make it more noticeable with a few men in heels than when I am out alone or with my wife. It wouldn't make me feel more comfortable anyway.

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Finally would I be more inclined to wear heels out with a group of men all sporting heels? That's a no I'm afraid, I think it would make it more noticeable with a few men in heels than when I am out alone or with my wife. It wouldn't make me feel more comfortable anyway.

I think on balance, a 'gaggle' of men wearing heels [badly] in broad daylight is likely to be more noticeable, than one fella with his wife/girlfriend/SO.

However, I would hope most of us here would be discreet with our heel wearing. [No shiny patent stillies hanging out of the bottoms of scuffy jeans that were too short to start with. :( ] In better circumstances, moderate heels disguised under longer 'tidy' clothing, with a friend or two, might enthuse a fellow heel wearer where being alone in an adventure might be too stressful?

I'm fortunate, in that almost all of my heel wearing comes with semi-willing :) female company, as does much of yours. Heelman is turning his situation around, Highheeler has in the past enjoyed the company of his wife too. But I can think of at least as many men heel wearers, who don't have that consensual support of anyone else at all. If it hadn't been for me attending the W.H.M. of 2008, I'm not sure I'd be as confident as I now feel? Prior to that day, not only did I feel I was an oddity, I certainly never expected to wear ANY kind of heel in public - much less in daylight among other 'regular' people.

I still own rubber heeled wedge boots from Nine West, that are practically silent in use. At night, [or in darkness] it would be impossible to know I was wearing 4" high heels. I did wear them in daylight on the Underground once, forgetting that sitting would expose the heel. Two burly football supporters sat opposite for some of the journey, one elbowing his pal to look at my footwear. No sniggers, no comments. I might have gone scarlet, but I lived to heel another day. :D

In my mind at least, encouraging others who do not have the support we enjoy and who want to wear heels out, might lead to a change in their circumstances. I'm not at all suggesting a group meet [with or without heels] is an optimal solution, but it might provide opportunity and support that "going it alone" doesn't and can't provide.

But to re-confirm ......

I think on balance, a 'gaggle' of men wearing heels [badly] in broad daylight is likely to be more noticeable, than one fella with his wife/girlfriend/SO. And if this situation is managed badly, could become counter-productive. And in some ways, the gig at Camden did just that. :P 'Gobby yoofs' drew attention to the reality of men wearing heels, in that it's possible to become a target if you look like you're trying to make a statement, rather than just having a nice afternoon out. :D A couple of us did learn lessons that day. B)


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In the small Austrian town i'm living at, strolling on heels on the cobblestoned pavements arises some attention, the clacking sound and my size - being 6'4, with further 4" added by the heels, quite a few heads turn, as i walk by. Comments - none, a smile now and then and mustering looks, as i'm wearing skirts, tights, leggings, tight jeans and other items generally worn by women to my high heeled boots.

Greetings, wave

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  • 6 months later...

Although its been running for 6 months there are still only 11 voters? Slightly disappointing, because it suggests only 11 members have been outside in heels? sad.gif Given how many members here really like wearing heels, it would have been more reassuring we had made some progress in our style choice if more of us had experience to report.....

It is an interesting poll that continues to get votes cast. cool.gif With a trend that so far shows mostly a positive response. smile.gif


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Although its been running for 6 months there are still only 11 voters? Slightly disappointing, because it suggests only 11 members have been outside in heels? sad.gif Given how many members here really like wearing heels, it would have been more reassuring we had made some progress in our style choice if more of us had experience to report.....

It is an interesting poll that continues to get votes cast. cool.gif With a trend that so far shows mostly a positive response. smile.gif


It's a pretty quiet forum, the most active member is you FastFreddy2. At least from what I can see from the time I've been here. I cannot say I've been out in public. I've tried heels in a few stores (Aldo, Globo Shoes, Yellow) and in adult shops. Otherwise, the most public I've been is wearing my wife sandals to take out the trash :)

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It's a pretty quiet forum, the most active member is you FastFreddy2.

Sadly you are correct. There have been times when it might not be the case, but I seem to be fairly consistent with my input, week on week.

My mother has described me as something of a free spirit. I think translated means, I do what I want, when I want. [Finances allowing.] It helps that I'm easily pleased. Don't do expensive holidays, expensive cars, nor expensive lifestyle. Consequently I have few constraints.

I enjoy wearing heels that have me up on my toes. Not bedroom slipper height [5+ inches], but wearable for most social situations, though usually by women of course. wink.gif I have loads, possibly 50 pairs ..... At the moment, wearing them is my only pleasure. I can't live long enough to wear them all, so I'm looking to thin down the 'Collection'. huh.gif Well, that's the intention. Think I've bought 7 pairs in the last week. rolleyes.gif With only the one [expensive] pair certain to go back to the seller.

At my age, there is a decreasing range of opportunities for social activity in regular shoes. Wearing heels reduces that to almost none, so shopping or days out, are my usual venues for wearing heels. Seems like I mange to find more of these, than most other chaps here? Or is it they are just more important for me than most? I think not, I've just managed to find a way to include them .....


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