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Shoe Shopping With Mrs Heelman

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Oh had a nice surprise today, I was just coming hme from my morning run, when her indoors was about to go out into town, I'm looking for some new shoes or boots at New Look she says "Do you want to come with me?". I must have been changed and ready to go in record time!icon_smile.gif

We had a really good browse in both the sales and the new collection, she really likes a pair of high stiletto round toes courts


Problem is that I would quite like a pair for myself as well, I did mention this too her and got a laugh as a reply, so i'm not sure if I should take that as a yes lets get them or a you must be having a laugh!

It's her birthday on Saturday so I might go out and get her a pair tomorrow (and maybe for myself as well) we will have to see.

I had her trying on loads of different pairs (all with very high heels), there were a pair of nice lace style ankle boots that she also liked

http://www.newlook.com/shop/womens/b...boot_215423901 but she didn't want to pay that much for them!

I am waiting for the car erpair bill to come in to see how much surplus cash there is available this month before deciding what to buy......

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Sounds like progress! :D

And a nice day out. I hope you two had a good time together larking about? B)

I have mentioned this before ..... But when I go out in heels, my missus seldom does*. I do however remember walking to a local venue with us walking in step. It was very rewarding on a number of levels. We both had heels on, we both had a good night out. [i removed the heels while at the restaurant in case we met someone we knew, and I think I did. :( so..... lucky escape.]

But the walking in the street with two sets of heels going in step, was just --- wonderous. :) And because we were keeping in time, no-one we walked by thought to look down. :P

* A long time ago, I had a situation with a girlfriend, [who actually bought me my first high heels]. Not the right place to discuss the whole issue, but the bottom line was she felt some of the things I did made it seem that I could be more feminine than her. [So not true.] But, that was her impression.

What that situation did was indicate to me, that there might sometimes be something in the female psyche, that sees men wearing their usual attire as us trying to diminish the importance of their role [as THE female].

Putting that back into context ..... My missus possibly doesn't want to be wearing heels when I am, because it might put her in a position where she could feel there's some sort of competition going on. [Who can wear the higher heel, who can wear them for longer? etc etc.] I'm very careful around this issue, and I haven't indulged myself in any conversation about it, because I don't expect it <the conversation> to go well.

What am I suggesting? Let her wear the higher heels? :D


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Well I got out and about today and bought her shoes (Pic attached) and was also going to get a pair for myself, When I gave them to her she asked where mine were and have to admit that I had not bought any because of her potential reaction and them she was not bothered!!:D They really do look good on her indoors, so I might just go and get myself a pair :)

Edit due my poor spelling :(



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Well I got out and about today and bought her shoes (Pic attached) and was also going to get a pair for myself, When I gave them to her she asked where mine were and have to admit that I had not bought any because of her potential reaction and them she was not bothered!!:P They really do look good on her indoors, so I might just go and get myself a pair :D

You're a lucky man ..... on soooooo many levels. :)B)

Nice pictures ... Mr and Mrs next? :(


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Well I went out and got myself a pair of the same heels that she had, I know that she will not stop wearing hers just because I have got the same, In fact nowing her, she will probably wear them out to places knowin full well that I cannot wear mine :( She did wants this pair ready for her holiday in Tenerife, so I think in reality after a little bit of wearing in they will be going in the suitcase (which she has already packed! were not going until July) and will see much use on our holiday :)

FF2 i shall have to see about the Mr and Mrs shots! I'm not sure yet wht she might say, but I think that she might go along with it.. she's in a good mood at the moment........:D



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FF2 i shall have to see about the Mr and Mrs shots! I'm not sure yet wht she might say, but I think that she might go along with it.. she's in a good mood at the moment........:(

Talk about the holiday .... [keep her in good mood] then suggest the Mr and Mrs Photo ? :)

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Well we went to ASDA this morning and i needed some knee highs to make wearing the heels easier, when we got back I put on the new heels and showed her, nice she says and then goes and puts her pair on as well!:)

"Now we are a matching couple", and then comes out with "I hope you can drive in those because I need a lift to my mothers" and off we went. Both wearing the same heels (Though in different sizes) out down the street to the car! Unfortunately not enough time to take any pics...:( I wil have to see what mood she is in when she returns from the in-laws! and see if I can get some pics then, possibly not because without doubt her feet will probably be hurting by then.

She is definitely mellowing to my heel wearing that is for sure :D

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She is definitely mellowing to my heel wearing that is for sure :D

Gotta be easier when the activity is inclusive? :(

Mind you, it still needs a partner flexible enough [personality wise] to accomodate the new lifestyle. :)

As I was saying, "lucky" on sooooooo many levels. :P


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As requested a couple of pics of both of us wearing our identical (Apart from size) New Look heels, we have both been out in these today :(

Yep, I guess I am VERY lucky that she is 1. acepting of my heel wearing and 2. sees to be starting to join in :)



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Another day, another adventure, this time with Her indoors!:) She has been to the Doctors this afternon and been told that she has Bronchitis and needed some antibiotics to clear it up.

Well after Dinner we decided to pop down to ASDA to fill her prescription, and were told that there was about a 20 minute wait.. no problem she says lets have a browse around the clothes section.:P

We were having a good look around and came to the shoes section, when we came to the sale bit and saw these boots http://direct.asda.com/george/shoes/ladies-shoes/boots/heeled-saddle-boots/GEM60667,default,pd.html so she says "look they have size 9, why don't you try them on" so I did there in the middle of ASDA (Though with her keeping a lookout for anyone we might know :( ) unfortunately whilst i could get them on, there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to walk in them :D so back on the shelf they went. She then had me try on these ankle boots as i would be able to wear them out and about with hardly anyone realising http://direct.asda.com/george/shoes/ladies-shoes/boots/round-toe-boots/GEM54245,default,pd.html they do not have a heel, so that was a no to them (As well as the fact I couldn't get my foot into them as the top was very small with virtually no give!) I then tried these on http://direct.asda.com/george/shoes/ladies-shoes/boots/stitch-detail-round-toe-shoes/GEM58004,default,pd.html but they were deemed "Not very nice in that colour" by her ladyship, so that was that.

In the end I got a pair of flats http://direct.asda.com/george/shoes/ladies-shoes/flats/black-canvas-shoes/GEM61489,default,pd.html as I do like to wear flats around the house when I am giving my feet a rest from heels! In fact it was her that suggested these as she also has a pair and they are very comfy.

Well it killed 20 minutes or so in ASDA, we collected her medicine and off home we went... all the happier for a surprise shoe shopping outing B)



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Well .......

I think the two of you have things about worked out ...... :(:D

Trouble is, someone is gonna need a second job soon to keep the shoe investment budget going and [ii] you'll soon need a larger house for shoe storage. :)B)

On a technical note ...... I have some boots pretty much like the ones with the heel. I didn't wear them out much because the heel made so much noise! I guess they are hollow (on mine I mean) and the hard tip just made the heel resonate. I had quieter stiletto's.

When I got my Harley Davidson boots reheeled, the noise reduction was amazing. Consequently I got the [New Look] boots done too. Transformed them. Still not silent, but much much quieter than before. On the down side, I think the new heels cost me about £7 which was £2 more than I paid for the boots [in a sale - of course! :P ]


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OK so now I'm jealous, you got a S/O who not only lets you wear heels but actually suggested them and that you try them in the store.

I like that you also bought some flats for indoor wear, shame the boots were all wrong in some way or another as the prices look excellent. Keep the pics and tales coming but try not to make the rest of us too jealous :(

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Now chaps, jealousy will get you nowhere, and don't forget she does have her moments......

We went to Preston Thursday and had a look round, but I sometimes despair of her sense of style.... she would have me in a pair of awful, plastic red low heels courts from Primark :rolleyes: I shall not even grace the pages with a picture! though walking through the shopping centre we walked past Dorothy Perkins and she was looking at the shoes on the rack and found a pair, I thought they were for her but she was checking to see if they were a size 9 or not..... the only downside to this event was that her indoors got a lot of new clothes.... though she did mention something about buying me a pair of shoes when we go to London. I asked "What means shoes?2 and she replied "Since when have you been buying mens shoes recently... no I meant girly shoes :D "

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Keep the pics and tales coming but try not to make the rest of us too jealous :rolleyes:

...... though she did mention something about buying me a pair of shoes when we go to London. I asked "What means shoes?2 and she replied "Since when have you been buying mens shoes recently... no I meant girly shoes :D "

"Someone" is obviously not understanding the request! B)


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