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A (not) funny thing happened ......


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If I were to list the situations I would have preferred to have avoided while wearing heels, they would be so few, they could be counted on one hand.

I'd had a few 'walk-bys' where generally speaking women have noticed my heels, and taken a downward glance just before we pass. [i always look back at them after they look down, to see if there's a reaction.] Had a couple of men spot my heels as I stood close by as they sat, with me having put my footwear almost in their line-of-sight. Had a good number of door men/women spot them too. Doormen at Primark in Oxford Street always notice, doormen at Zara in Oxford Street too. The first time I wore heels in public was possibly the most notable. A security lady at the O2 centre who noticed them while I queued next to her, looked and smiled.

I wasn't phased or irritated by any of these.

The first 'incident' that irritated me, was while I ate at a restaurant off Upper Street in London. As I sat eating, 3 rather unattractive people on an adjacent table noticed >> my footwear <<. Some whispering and nudging ensued, followed by some glaring from me. :o ;-)

The second was more weird-ish. While out at Lakeside, (I've just remembered) two black women walked past me, with one being not-at-all-discreet at looking at >> my footwear <<. When they were a few paces further along, one of them giggled loudly. I was still looking back, but they weren't. I don't know if it was >> my footwear << or not.

The third incident was in House of Fraser, Lakeside. When walking around the Karen Millen concession. One of the two girls on a break from the Clarins counter noticed my boots, nudged her friend and started giggling. Her friend was un-impressed and they both moved off. I was surprised anyone paid any attention to >> my Harleys <<. As these are so passable, and easy/quick to remove, I tend to wear these often.

This weekend was the most unusual, and had the potential to upset me the most.

At Lakeside again, and this time in Marks and Spencer. I was again searching the store looking for the illusive straight leg stretch jean by them, I'd been trying to find for a couple of months. I needed the loo, and while Mrs Freddy tried on some winter hats, I visited the toilet.

As I walked to entry/exit door, I passed a large boned 20 year old sitting on the base of a fashion stand, maybe waiting for his escort who was probably in the loos somewhere. I was a little wary walking past someone with their eye-level so close to >> my footwear << but I was less comfortable making any sort of detour. [i am an adult after all. :lol:]

Toilets and heels are a little scary to me. My heels make noise, and there is seldom anything in the 'little room' to dampen the sound of them. I'm always happy to leave..... :)

When I did leave, big-bone-guy was standing with his girlfriend, looking past me - I thought. I was tempted to look behind me to see what they might be looking at, or who they might be waiting for, but I noticed the girl looking at my boots. ;-) He didn't, but she did. Suddenly she started to giggle, and turned away to talk to big-bone-guy. It took me a minute to put together what was actually happening, and I maybe lost the opportunity to confront her - IF - I was going to.

I started to look for Mrs Freddy, and passed the rude couple a number of times. I probably spent more time staring at them, than they had at me, and I made it obvious. I took some consolation in big-bone-guy's girl being very short, but had hips that belonged on someone at least a foot taller. :lol::o Her general dress sense was poor, her baggy top and flat shoes emphasizing her shortness. Maybe that's why she found a man wearing cowboy boots so funny. ;-)

In the great scheme of things, I should expect more of this. Jeez, I'm surprised I don't get people pointing at me, and maybe even throwing rotten vegetables in my direction! ;)

Not sure how to explain my feelings really. Mostly disappointed, mixed with some frustration. Disappointed because this couple were so ignorant. Ignorant ~ rude, and ignorant to anything outside of their (obviously) low level of experience. Frustrated because I was a little offended, and wanted to respond in kind.

Hey-ho. No-one got hurt, and I managed to entertain an Essex girl for about 10 seconds. :(:lol: :lol: .


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in this case it appears that you have come across a few of the average narrow minded ''jo''

'Lakeside' is a >> large shopping mall << and is one of the biggest in the South of England. It's a very busy place, even on the quiet days. People travel for some distance to enjoy so many shops under one roof. :cool:

Unfortunately, it's sited in Essex. A county known for its blonde haired women, and their legendary lack of interlectual prowess. (aka bimbo's.)

I'm inclined to think I had contact with one recently ..... :roll:


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