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nh heels

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Everything posted by nh heels

  1. Like everyone else here, I have the desire to wear highheels with my everyday mens clothes out and about as I choose. This is a place that we should be able to discuss this and support eachother in our efforts. I certainly hope that it will continue to grow and be a great resource for us all. We have already added another 20 or so members in the short time that I have been here, so there are definately many more of us out there(they just need to start posting). We all need to give this a chance and just start posting even if we think that we're asking silly questions or that no one will understand. I'm sure most of us are a little nervous and/or self conscious, but I'm sure the whole reason this forum was created was as a way to help us all get throught it.
  2. Thanks for the info. I never had any contact other than email and even that was probably six or seven years ago. If memory serves me well, the ones in my avatar were probably $350 US. Their prices have undoubtedly gone up since then. They were worth the money though.
  3. Let me know how it works out for you. I've been thinking about ordering another pair from them. I love their work.
  4. Their website is http://www.westernranchboots.net/. I am not sure wether or not they are still in business, but there is contact information on the site. .
  5. My wife and I go shopping together quite often. If she knows there is something I have my eye on she has gone back and "made" me get them. Just this weekend at the Nine West outlet she "made" me buy the most beautiful pair of brown leather stiletto knee boots that I was a little reluctant to.
  6. Iluvheels, very sorry to hear about you early experience. I'm sure that you'll find nothing but support here.
  7. My wife has known for years and completely supports and encourages me. I talked to my mother about it a few years back and it for the most part has been a non issue until I brought it up again recently. I have talked to my brother about it and while he doesn't have an issue with it I don't think he really understands (he didn't know what a stilleto was). I recently talked to a trusted friend who turned out to be completely supportive and understanding (she now sends me occasional affirmations). Other than that I try not to make too big a deal of it outside of my own mind.
  8. Hi! Haven't I seen you someplace before? :cool:
  9. The kicks in my avatar are my 4" Western Ranches. They are definately something I wear without giving it too much thought. I don't even bother to cover the heel, mostly because they look silly if I do. Never had any reactions one way or the other. I also have a few pairs of block heeled, square toed boots between 3" and 4" that I have worn, but tend to wear longer jeans with them. Yeah, I've been around HHP since '02 but haven't really been active until recently.
  10. Hi everbody, I haven't been on this forum in years and honestly thought it had dissapeared. Glad to have rediscovered it. I have been wearing heels of varying heights and styles off and on for at least 8 years(more off than on). I would love to feel more confident about doing it more often and it is something that I am working on. I have to full support of my wonerful wife which is a huge help. Anyway, I just thought I'd say a quick hello. Some of you may already have seen me on another forum. NH Heels
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