I spend most of my time crossdressed, usually drab.I spent christmas eve. in blouse, skirt and kh suede wedge boots, smart casual and comfy. About 9pm, I dug in the frezer for the lamb joint, shock, horror, it hadn't been replaced a few weeks back. Our lunch guests didn't the alternate joint[ turkey], so wife said " Quick, go see if anywhere is open, hurry, go as you are." I grabbed a jacket and purse and heady for the shops. Of course, the supermarkets had closed for the break, andthe corner shops don't tend to do meat joints. At 9.55 (21.55hrs.) I deviated to a small town near my home and Santa smilled down at me in the form of an open Tesco extra shop. It was almost empty, a few youths hanging out outside, only a couple of customers inside. The last leg of lamb sat in the chill cabinet, saved! The chap serving was polite, and if anyone noticed ,they niether smilled or comented, noy even the youths outside. More people had arrived and again, not a second glance.
rather a good hour spent out, and without the so's negativity.
ps. finished the lamb in a lunchtime sandwitch, very nice too.