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Posts posted by Shyheels

  1. Yes, there is a big emotional difference between doing something for pleasure and doing it to earn a living, no matter how much you might enjoy it to start with.

    That said, I do enjoy shooting professionally - although enjoyment in the field doesn’t begin until I have at least a few useable images in the can. It is a high stress job. If somebody has sprung for business class airfares, ground transport, hotels, per diems and your daily rate, they don’t want to hear how the light was crap, the weather bad, the story not really there. You really are under the gym to create your luck and come home with something cool, worth the money, no matter what the conditions. They can be very challenging sometimes, and very stressful. 



  2. The photo club would indeed be full of older men talking equipment all the time. A good thing to avoid. One of the nice things about writing is that there are no clubs full of would-be writers who talk of nothing but their laptops and word processing software! 

    I see your point about the portraiture - perhaps a new field? Or new style? Editorial? Seek magazine assignments? If you had kept up with your early start 30 years ago you would be totally established, with license to continue and not be considered a dirty old man. restarting though is tricky.

  3. One of many nice things about the Canon 5D3 is that you can shoot in ISO3200 and still get totally useable images - useable professionally. I seldom shoot at 3200 unless maybe the inside of cathedrals (discretely) but 800 I use quite often. No noise or grain at all. Lovely. It took getting used to the idea that 800 is the new ISO100, but with a high-end full-frame camera that is pretty much the case.

    A pity Mrs Freddy didn't appreciate your artistic endeavours - although it sounds as though your family and friends did. 

    And yes, I'm sure you didn't give her three hands or three legs. You have to be Annie Leibovitz or Vanity Fair to do that!

  4. As you say, leggings and stockings might hold some interest for some people, and while that might, in theory, suggest a more mixed membership the sheer number - percentage-wise - of likely male members, and their particular interest in stockings and leggings would create its own dynamic and demography and probably scare off quite a few potential female members. I would imagine it would veer even closer to being a CD site than HHP does on occasion. 

  5. I would not imagine over-the-knee boots would be considered anything other than boots.

    And I wouldn't imagine that a forum on jeans would 'have legs' as it were - although I suppose it could be a worthwhile topic for those of us who wear boots.  

    I suspect the interest factor would be the other two categories you mention - leggings/jeggings and tights/stockings neither of which appeal to me in the least.  

  6. I agree with you on platforms - I never cared for them in the 60s or 70s and I still don't care for them today. I never really was that interested in heels to be honest, but I did like taller boots - knee and otk boots - and knowing what I know now I would certainly have adopted the style and made it my own, regardless of fashion. The sorts of otk boots I favour - low-heeled suede pull-on style - are fairly neutral in terms of gender (other than their height, which is unusual for men these days) - and really don't cause any notice or comment. I was thinking of that the other night when I wore them to pick up a take-away curry on a busy high street. Not a soul noticed, a far as I am aware.





  7. An interesting hypothetical!

    If I could go back in time, come autumn I would certainly be wearing my OTK boots out and about and around campus. Without question.

    And I would certainly have experimented with stilettos - although I doubt I would have worn them out and about.

    But my low-heeled suede OTK boots, most certainly...

    I regret not having done so earlier - it was silly to have been scared off

  8. I have the subscription based Lightroom and resent it. I do not like the whole concept at all, and on many fronts. Unfortunately, in my circumstances, I need it - I will happily drop it when something as good comes along. Adobe has made no friends with me with its move to the subscription based marketing platform.

    Gla to hear you found your files!

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  9. I'm not sure what sort of image quality you are after but as far as resolution goes, 16MB should be ample. Other characteristics - eg: shadow details, noise - will depend upon sensor technology, quality and size - both of the pixels and of the sensor itself. RAW simply gives you an opportunity to, essentially, retake the shot since it stores all of the data collected at the instant of shutter release and gives it to you to manipulate at your leisure. And no, your 15 year old software will most certainly not recognise RAW files from modern cameras. RAW files vary not only from camera maker to camera maker but between models as well which is why there are constant updates to Lightroom so it can recognise the latest RAW files from the latest model cameras. 

    Taking pictures in RAW is just sensible. Why discard all that lovely usable data just to save space on your card? Gigabytes are cheap. Keep the data and use it if you need to 'retake' the shot to get light, shadow, white balance correct. 

    Your Nikkor 1.4 portrait lens should do the job nicely.



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