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  1. Took your advice Freddie. My girlfriend and i have been out together more frequently ...both in heels (she's only 5'3" and needs them) She thinks it's fun and even helps me pick out shoes. Still however, I am nervous for that first few minutes in public..every time. It's amazing that few people even notice and the ones who do don't really care? Go figure ...at any rate. I am lovin it. Thx for the words of support SAPOA
  2. Just did a "Walk a mile in her shoes" in York, PA it was a blast in my red patent leather pumps. check their website ..they have walks all over for charity
  3. Yeah ...NYC for a high heels gathering ...I'll be there ,,, have heels, will travel...lets do it this summer , can't think of a better place.
  4. It might not be dead but dying..... looks like mostly heel guys in the UK and very few in the states and it seems like nothing is going on in the US, If nothing else its a place talk about the taboo of men in heels .... not that it should be a taboo
  5. I've read about some gatherings for guys in heels in the UK on this site. I just wondered if there are ever casual events like that here in the Northeastern USA ??? NYC would be a great place for one.
  6. I wish I had your nerve Roni ...I'd love to wear heels in public more often but I usually get cold feet ...My girlfriend thinks its ok and even fun but I'm still a chicken
  7. i'm new here but i recently found an org that promotes men in heels ..it's a fund raiser called "Walk a mile in her shoes " and it's designed to combat violence agianst women.. A great cause but it gives us guys an an opportunity to walk in public in heels to raise money for a good cause. I did it recently and found that most people don' even notice that you are in heels. I'm 6' in bare feet and I was walking in 4" patent leather pumps.. initially I was nervouse but after a while it was fine. My girlfriend is totally supportive of my desire to wear heels. She thinks it's fun and finds shoes for me. She sees it as harmless and even though quirky she is OK with the whole idea. I know I'm lucky to have her support me in this way.
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