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Members Stories :- What Got You Started Wearing Heels?


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No the company would be exceptionally displeased with me taking photos, a driver on another company got the sack for taking inappropriate pictures of women... Whilst on duty!

It's a thin line and one probably not worth crossing!

I get the problems, and I think we've talked about it F-2-F too, and I would not want to incite you to get fired. :o But you will not be 'on the job' for every second you are in a public place surely? And you have a phone I know you can take a good photo with, without announcing the picture is being taken. ;)

The extra ingredient of course, as I mentioned before, is that I'm a bit more wilful than most upstanding citizens. :D It's perfectly lawful to take photographs of anyone in public places. Permission is needed on private premises, of course. Phones allow for surreptitious images to be recorded, and I know these are taken far more often than folk realise. I'm pretty sure I got recorded by a chap in a London store just before Christmas 2012. I was in a queue (for Mrs Freddy) when I spotted a fella with two phones, or one phone and one camera. [been there, done that.] The second of the bits of kit was plainly pointing at me, in just the way I do my pointing. Most would not of noticed, but I'm on the look out for people looking, and I know what I would look like if I was photographing me.

If conformation were needed, I circled around him, to watch. He watched me doing the out-flanking, and left. He had been standing in a walkway, talking to no-one, waiting for no-one. He just turned on his heel and suddenly left.

Anyone reading this will be thinking 'you can't be sure', and you are right, I can't be. I can't be and I was watching for it, and I know what to look for, what to expect. And I can't be sure. So, taking photo's with a phone, while pretending to read a text ..... How could anyone know? ;)

Edited by FastFreddy2
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You are totally correct Freddy, that it is perfectly legal to take photo's and videos in a public place, for your own personal use.

The main problem I have is trying to be discreet whilst tsking them, I have managed to download an app for rhe iphone which is silent camera, and it does what it says on the tin!

The zoom on that particular app us not really great! But it is usuable and can provide some decent pictures. I have been out to Westfield White City this afternnon (more in another post) but there were very few things worth looking at or for sharing with you folks.

I shall have a try but the problem with work is that the phone MUST be turned off at all times in the cab (It really is instant sack if you get caught with one on)

Oh and Hugh Hefner is one Very Lucky man.....

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I shall have a try but the problem with work is that the phone MUST be turned off at all times in the cab (It really is instant sack if you get caught with one on)

Oh and Hugh Hefner is one Very Lucky man.....

I hadn't thought you'd be taking pictures while you were actually working/working .... :D

But you need to get to your place of work? And leave it? And experience suggests the owner of your role is usually the last person to arrive? ;):D I would imagine you have to walk past many, many interesting sights. ;)

My Nokia 2370 is a piece of pooh compared to your state-of-the-art all-singing-all-dancing phone. A number of times (if not most of them), I would wave/tilt my phone in the general direction, and hope I got lucky with the composition. Later, I would download it and rotate/edit it, and get to something that might look like the image I had intended to take. ;)

My motto with this has always been, a poor image, a poor composition, is better than nothing. I've done my share of deletions through lack of quality, but for the most part I have an increasingly wide library of images that will shock and amaze me in 10 or 15 years. [Assuming I get that old obviously.]

If that App has a timer, or multiple image option, set the timer to 3 seconds and 3 images. Press "go" and casually tilt you phone at your subject. The ONLY thing you have to do, is hold the thing still when the image is recorded. :) Jobs a good 'un.

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Your right about first and last to leave, but I am the nearest to the depit being literally a 3 min walk away! This is good for 0400 starts but pants for seeing anything.... And don't forget when everyone gets off I have to take the train to the sidings for fuelling and toilet service, and by the time I get back to the station all the lovely heels are gone!

I shall however, do my best to capture sone pics when on my break!

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Hopefully we'll be meeting soon. Perhaps I can demonstrate my technique? It's not perfect, but it does work - usually. :huh:

Given how often you have been out and about recently (this week) I had imagined you would have seen loads of heels about, though I suppose many girls/women will have been in snow shoes this week? ;):D

Edited by FastFreddy2
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Hopefully we'll be meeting soon. Perhaps I can demonstrate my technique? It's not perfect, but it does work - usually. :huh:/>

Given how often you have been out and about recently (this week) I had imagined you would have seen loads of heels about, though I suppose many girls/women will have been in snow shoes this week? ;)/> :D/>

There has been very slim pickings this week... Flats and uggs and flat boots are about it, it's a shame because weeks previously we were starting to fet some heels out and about...

Hopefully, we shall have plenty to look at when we meet up!

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Hopefully, we shall have plenty to look at when we meet up!

Not sure about plenty, but if I can find them in supermarkets, a large mall like Westfield ought to be easier.

That said, I've nearly always got some feminine camouflage to run 'interference' (distraction). :huh: Could be embarrassing ..... :D

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Apparently, toward the end of next month. Maybe. :rolleyes:/> :(/>

And when it does come, we'll be reading about people getting cooked, getting too much Sun too quickly. :wacko:/>

And then everyone will be moaning about the heat..... You know it's the National British pastime!!

I can't wait for the sun to come out and encourage lots of short skirts and high heels for our viewing pleasure!

The only problem I can see is that the shops are already loaded with flat sandally type things again! At least they are better than Uggs!

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The only problem I can see is that the shops are already loaded with flat sandally type things again! At least they are better than Uggs!

You have that right.

Last year, I noticed an unusually large amount of 'slipper' type flat shoes. The wet weather probably prevented them being overly popular. This year the fashion industry looks to be pushing even harder! Shoe stores are awash with them.

Who can blame them? The margins must be enormous. Saw a pair recently, marked down to £45. :o

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Uggh I really hate those slipper type flats that seem to again be making a reapperance in the shops, I dont mind so of the ballet flats that have been around in recent years (I even had a pair that I wore ALL the time until they wore out!)

But this latest style... Not very nice, lets hope it is a short lived fad!

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But this latest style... Not very nice, lets hope it is a short lived fad!

The pendulum had to swing eventually, from 6 inch heels and 2 inch platforms, to something else?

Summer might allow these casual styles, but our weather will stop them taking hold. (He says with his fingers crossed.)

I've also noticed, platforms are becoming less popular. More and more 'single sole' styles are about. I noticed an article recently, with pictures from a celebrity bash. Of about 12 photo's, only 2 had women with platforms. All the slightly older celeb's had classic stiletto's. B)

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I have noticed in stores too, that platforms seem to be disappearing and claasic courts are coming back.. Should make for a few interesting sight as a 5 inch classic court will be harder to walk in than a 5 inch single sole court!

I hope that we go towards more pointy toe courts rather than these rounded and almond toe styles we have been seeing for the last couple of years.

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Personal preference, I guess that being a teenager in the 80's influenced by image of what stilettos/ courts should be like!

I can remember all the girls dancing around their handbags in white pointy stilettos...

But as long as it's got a heel....

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