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  1. Definitely sandals!!!!!! I have many different styles from flats to wedges and I plan to wear them all this summer.
  2. docs41

    Karo Wedges

    Bob, Did you get your shoes from Shoes USA? I've bought a couple of pairs from them and they are fantastic, but expensive.
  3. Welcome. I nkow how you feel living in a conservative area. It tends to cramp one's style but try to get past it. Good luck.
  4. I'm sure most of my friends know as well as my family because they have seen me wearing "different" footwear. No one has ever said anything about it. The only one that I have had a conversation with about the subject was my wife when I told her about it while we were dating and that was 35 years ago. She doesn't even think about it now except for the space that my collection has devoured in the bedroom.
  5. Great story. It was good that your sisters were cool with it. They sould be commended for that.
  6. Here is one that was attributed to Marilyn Monroe. We can all appreciate what she did for high heels! "Isn't it funny how often the choice, 'Oh, what the hell!' turns out to be the right one?"
  7. What I find strange is that in the early 70's (that would be pre-disco) we could wear boots with stacked heels with no problem. Go to any concert during that era and all the rock stars wore them. Just watch the DVD of "Woodstock" and you will see what I mean. I had boots with 2" heels and a pair with 3" and a small platform. Today boots that are very similar to those are sold as women's footwear. We could even wear platform shoes and sandals then as well. Look at the Kork-Ease brand today. They sold a platform sandal for women AND men in the '70s that is exactly like a style that they sell today for women. I wore them then and I even bought a pair last year. Go figure!!
  8. Hello all. I'm one of the members who trickled in from hhplace. I hope to enjoy this forum as well too.
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